1,945 research outputs found

    Cathodic bacterial community structure applying the different co-substrates for reductive decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R

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    Selective enrichment of cathodic bacterial community was investigated during reductive decolorization of AYR fedding with glucose or acetate as co-substrates in biocathode. A clear distinction of phylotype structures were observed between glucose-fed and acetate-fed biocathodes. In glucose-fed biocathode, Citrobacter (29.2%), Enterococcus (14.7%) and Alkaliflexus (9.2%) were predominant, and while, in acetate-fed biocathode, Acinetobacter (17.8%) and Achromobacter (6.4%) were dominant. Some electroactive or reductive decolorization genera, like Pseudomonas, Delftia and Dechloromonas were commonly enriched. Both of the higher AYR decolorization rate (k(AYR) = 0.46) and p-phenylenediamine (PPD) generation rate (k(PPD) = 0.38) were obtained fed with glucose than acetate (k(AYR) = 0.18; k(PPD) = 0.16). The electrochemical behavior analysis represented a total resistance in glucose-fed condition was about 73.2% lower than acetate-fed condition. The different co-substrate types, resulted in alteration of structure, richness and composition of bacterial communities, which significantly impacted the performances and electrochemical behaviors during reductive decolorization of azo dyes in biocathode. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.11116Ysciescopu

    Statistical modelling of growth using a mixed model with orthogonal polynomials

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    In statistical modelling, the effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are often regarded as time-independent. However, for traits recorded repeatedly, it is very interesting to investigate the behaviour of gene effects over time. In the analysis, simulated data from the 13th QTL-MAS Workshop (Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 2009) was used and the major goal was the modelling of genetic effects as time-dependent. For this purpose, a mixed model which describes each effect using the third-order Legendre orthogonal polynomials, in order to account for the correlation between consecutive measurements, is fitted. In this model, SNPs are modelled as fixed, while the environment is modelled as random effects. The maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters are obtained by the expectation–maximisation (EM) algorithm and the significance of the additive SNP effects is based on the likelihood ratio test, with p-values corrected for multiple testing. For each significant SNP, the percentage of the total variance contributed by this SNP is calculated. Moreover, by using a model which simultaneously incorporates effects of all of the SNPs, the prediction of future yields is conducted. As a result, 179 from the total of 453 SNPs covering 16 out of 18 true quantitative trait loci (QTL) were selected. The correlation between predicted and true breeding values was 0.73 for the data set with all SNPs and 0.84 for the data set with selected SNPs. In conclusion, we showed that a longitudinal approach allows for estimating changes of the variance contributed by each SNP over time and demonstrated that, for prediction, the pre-selection of SNPs plays an important role

    Eliminación de DBP en aceite de onagra mediante arcilla activada modificada por chitosán y CTAB

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    The pollution of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in edible oils is a serious problem. In the current study, we attempt to remove dibutyl phthalate ester (DBP) from evening primrose oil (EPO) with modified activated clay. The activated clay, commonly used for de-coloration in the oil refining process, was modified by chitosan and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). The modifications were characterized by SEM, XRD, and FT-IR. We further tested the DBP adsorption capacity of CTAB/chitosan-clay and found that the removal rate was 27.56% which was 3.24 times higher than with pristine activated clay. In addition, the CTAB/chitosan-clay composite treatment had no significant effect on the quality of evening primrose oil. In summary, the CTAB/chitosan-clay composite has a stronger DBP adsorption capacity and can be used as a new adsorbent for removing DBP during the de-coloration process of evening primrose oil.La contaminación por ésteres de ácido ftálico (PAEs) en los aceites comestibles es un problema grave. En el presente estudio, intentamos eliminar el éster de ftalato de dibutilo (DBP) del aceite de onagra (EPO) con arcilla activada modificada. La arcilla activada, comúnmente utilizada en la decoloración en el proceso de refinación de los aceites, fue modificada con chitosán y bromuro de hexadecil trimetil amonio (CTAB). Las modificaciones se caracterizaron mediante SEM, XRD y FT-IR. Además, probamos la capacidad de adsorción de DBP de CTAB / chitosán-arcilla y descubrimos que la tasa de eliminación era del 27,56%, que era 3,24 veces mayor que la arcilla activada pura. Además, el tratamiento compuesto de CTAB/chitosán-arcilla no tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la calidad del aceite de onagra. En resumen, el compuesto CTAB/chitosán-arcilla tiene una capacidad de adsorción de DBP más fuerte y se puede utilizar como un nuevo adsorbente para eliminar DBP durante el proceso de decoloración del aceite de onagra

    Enhanced Dielectric Constant for Efficient Electromagnetic Shielding Based on Carbon-Nanotube-Added Styrene Acrylic Emulsion Based Composite

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    An efficient electromagnetic shielding composite based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)-filled styrene acrylic emulsion-based polymer has been prepared in a water-based system. The MWCNTs were demonstrated to have an effect on the dielectric constants, which effectively enhance electromagnetic shielding efficiency (SE) of the composites. A low conductivity threshold of 0.23 wt% can be obtained. An EMI SE of ~28 dB was achieved for 20 wt% MWCNTs. The AC conductivity (σac) of the composites, deduced from imaginary permittivity, was used to estimate the SE of the composites in X band (8.2–12.4 GHz), showing a good agreement with the measured results

    Novel Exon of Mammalian ADAR2 Extends Open Reading Frame

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    Background: The post-transcriptional processing of pre-mRNAs by RNA editing contributes significantly to the complexity of the mammalian transcriptome. RNA editing by site-selective A-to-I modification also regulates protein function through recoding of genomically specified sequences. The adenosine deaminase ADAR2 is the main enzyme responsible for recoding editing and loss of ADAR2 function in mice leads to a phenotype of epilepsy and premature death. Although A-to-I RNA editing is known to be subject to developmental and cell-type specific regulation, there is little knowledge regarding the mechanisms that regulate RNA editing in vivo. Therefore, the characterization of ADAR expression and identification of alternative ADAR variants is an important prerequisite for understanding the mechanisms for regulation of RNA editing and the causes for deregulation in disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we present evidence for a new ADAR2 splice variant that extends the open reading frame of ADAR2 by 49 amino acids through the utilization of an exon located 18 kilobases upstream of the previously annotated first coding exon and driven by a candidate alternative promoter. Interestingly, the 49 amino acid extension harbors a sequence motif that is closely related to the R-domain of ADAR3 where it has been shown to function as a basic, single-stranded RNA binding domain. Quantitative expression analysis shows that expression of the novel ADAR2 splice variant is tissue specific being highest in the cerebellum

    Interactions between marine microorganisms and their phages

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China [41006087, 91028001, 41076063]; MEL Young Scientist Visiting Fellowship [MELRS0931]; Key Science and Technology Project of Fujian Province, China [2009Y0044]Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in marine ecosystems. Most of them are phages that infect bacteria and archaea. Phages play important roles in causing the mortality of prokaryotic cells, structuring microbial communities, mediating horizontal gene transfer between different microbes, influencing the microbial food web process, and promoting biogeochemical cycles (such as C, N, etc.) in the ocean. Here we provided an overview of recent advances in research on the interactions between marine microorganisms and their phages, and suggest future research directions based on our understanding of the literature and our own work

    p150 ADAR1 isoform involved in maintenance of HeLa cell proliferation

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    BACKGROUND: RNA-specific adenosine deaminase ADAR1 is ubiquitously expressed in a variety of mammalian cells and tissues. Although its physiological importance in non-nervous tissues has been confirmed by analysis of null mutation phenotypes, few endogenous editing substrates have been identified in numerous peripheral tissues and biological function of ADAR1 has not been fully understood. METHODS: A conditional site-specific, ribozyme-based gene knock-down strategy was utilized to study the function of full-length isoform of ADAR1 (p150 protein) in HeLa cell. Double-stable HeLa cell lines were developed by transfecting HeLa Tet-On cells with a pTRE-derived plasmid that can express a hammerhead ribozyme against mRNA of p150 ADAR1 isoform under induction condition. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and Western blotting were performed to measure the expression of p150 in selected cell clones. Cell proliferation was evaluated by means of MTT assay and growth curve analysis. Cellular morphological changes were observed under light microscope. Flow Cytometry was used for cell cycle analysis. Growth rate of cell transplants in BALB/c nude mice was also investigated. RESULTS: Both HeLa cell proliferation in vitro and the growth rate of transplanted HeLa cell-derived tumors in nude mice in vivo were significantly inhibited due to reduced expression of ADAR1 p150. Additionally, cell cycle analysis showed that cell progression from G1 phase to S phase was retarded in the ADAR1 p150 suppressed cells. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that normal expression and functioning of p150 ADAR1 is essential for the maintenance of proper cell growth. The mechanisms underlying ADAR1's action might include both editing of currently unknown double-stranded RNAs and interacting with other cellular dsRNA-related processes

    5-Formylcytosine can be a stable DNA modification in mammals.

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    5-Formylcytosine (5fC) is a rare base found in mammalian DNA and thought to be involved in active DNA demethylation. Here, we show that developmental dynamics of 5fC levels in mouse DNA differ from those of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), and using stable isotope labeling in vivo, we show that 5fC can be a stable DNA modification. These results suggest that 5fC has functional roles in DNA that go beyond being a demethylation intermediate.This work was supported by the Cancer Research UK (C14303/A17197, S.B.), The Wellcome Trust (WT099232, S.B.; WT095645/Z/11/Z, W.R.) and the BBSRC (BB/K010867/1, W.R.).This is the accepted manuscript. It is currently embargoed pending publication

    Multi-susceptibility genes associated with the risk of the development stages of esophageal squamous cell cancer in Feicheng County

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of multi-genotype polymorphisms with the stepwise progression of esophageal squamous cell cancer (ESCC) and the possibility of predicting those at higher risk.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 1,004 subjects were recruited from Feicheng County, China, between Jan. 2004 and Dec. 2007 and examined by endoscopy for esophageal lesions. These subjects included 270 patients with basal cell hyperplasia (BCH), 262 patients with esophageal squamous cell dysplasia (ESCD), 226 patients with ESCC, and 246 controls with Lugol-voiding area but diagnosed as having normal esophageal squamous epithelial cells by histopathology. The genotypes for <it>CYP2E1 </it>G1259C, <it>hOGG1 </it>C326G, <it>MTHFR </it>C677T, <it>MPO </it>G463A, and <it>ALDH2 </it>allele genes were identified in blood samples collected from all participants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The alleles <it>ALDH2 </it>and <it>MTHFR </it>C677T were critical for determining individual susceptibility to esophageal cancer. Compared to the <it>ALDH </it>1*1 genotype, the <it>ALDH </it>2*2 genotype was significantly associated with increased risks of BCH, ESCD, and ESCC. However, the TT genotype of <it>MTHFR </it>C677T only increased the risk of ESCC. Further analysis revealed that the combination of the high-risk genotypes 2*2/1*2 of <it>ALDH </it>2 and TT/TC of <it>MTHFR </it>C677T increased the risk of BCH by 4.0 fold, of ESCD by 3.7 fold, and ESSC by 8.72 fold. The generalized odds ratio (OR<sub>G</sub>) of the two combined genotypes was 1.83 (95%CI: 1.55-2.16), indicating a strong genetic association with the risk of carcinogenic progression in the esophagus.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study demonstrated that the genotypes <it>ALDH2*2 </it>and <it>MTHFR </it>677TT conferred elevated risk for developing esophageal carcinoma and that the two susceptibility genotypes combined to synergistically increase the risk.</p