117,829 research outputs found

    Generalized rotating-wave approximation to biased qubit-oscillator systems

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    The generalized rotating-wave approximation with counter-rotating interactions has been applied to a biased qubit-oscillator system. Analytical expressions are explicitly given for all eigenvalues and eigenstates. For a flux qubit coupled to superconducting oscillators, spectra calculated by our approach are in excellent agreement with experiment. Calculated energy levels for a variety of biases also agree well with those obtained via exact diagonalization for a wide range of coupling strengths. Dynamics of the qubit has also been examined, and results lend further support to the validity of the analytical approximation employed here. Our approach can be readily implemented and applied to superconducting qubit-oscillator experiments conducted currently and in the near future with a biased qubit and for all accessible coupling strengths

    Incorporating prior financial domain knowledge into neural networks for implied volatility surface prediction

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    In this paper we develop a novel neural network model for predicting implied volatility surface. Prior financial domain knowledge is taken into account. A new activation function that incorporates volatility smile is proposed, which is used for the hidden nodes that process the underlying asset price. In addition, financial conditions, such as the absence of arbitrage, the boundaries and the asymptotic slope, are embedded into the loss function. This is one of the very first studies which discuss a methodological framework that incorporates prior financial domain knowledge into neural network architecture design and model training. The proposed model outperforms the benchmarked models with the option data on the S&P 500 index over 20 years. More importantly, the domain knowledge is satisfied empirically, showing the model is consistent with the existing financial theories and conditions related to implied volatility surface.Comment: 8 pages, SIGKDD 202

    Revisiting the problem of audio-based hit song prediction using convolutional neural networks

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    Being able to predict whether a song can be a hit has impor- tant applications in the music industry. Although it is true that the popularity of a song can be greatly affected by exter- nal factors such as social and commercial influences, to which degree audio features computed from musical signals (whom we regard as internal factors) can predict song popularity is an interesting research question on its own. Motivated by the recent success of deep learning techniques, we attempt to ex- tend previous work on hit song prediction by jointly learning the audio features and prediction models using deep learning. Specifically, we experiment with a convolutional neural net- work model that takes the primitive mel-spectrogram as the input for feature learning, a more advanced JYnet model that uses an external song dataset for supervised pre-training and auto-tagging, and the combination of these two models. We also consider the inception model to characterize audio infor- mation in different scales. Our experiments suggest that deep structures are indeed more accurate than shallow structures in predicting the popularity of either Chinese or Western Pop songs in Taiwan. We also use the tags predicted by JYnet to gain insights into the result of different models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP

    XL-NBT: A Cross-lingual Neural Belief Tracking Framework

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    Task-oriented dialog systems are becoming pervasive, and many companies heavily rely on them to complement human agents for customer service in call centers. With globalization, the need for providing cross-lingual customer support becomes more urgent than ever. However, cross-lingual support poses great challenges---it requires a large amount of additional annotated data from native speakers. In order to bypass the expensive human annotation and achieve the first step towards the ultimate goal of building a universal dialog system, we set out to build a cross-lingual state tracking framework. Specifically, we assume that there exists a source language with dialog belief tracking annotations while the target languages have no annotated dialog data of any form. Then, we pre-train a state tracker for the source language as a teacher, which is able to exploit easy-to-access parallel data. We then distill and transfer its own knowledge to the student state tracker in target languages. We specifically discuss two types of common parallel resources: bilingual corpus and bilingual dictionary, and design different transfer learning strategies accordingly. Experimentally, we successfully use English state tracker as the teacher to transfer its knowledge to both Italian and German trackers and achieve promising results.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted to EMNLP 2018 conferenc

    Kinematic Basis of Emergent Energetics of Complex Dynamics

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    Stochastic kinematic description of a complex dynamics is shown to dictate an energetic and thermodynamic structure. An energy function φ(x)\varphi(x) emerges as the limit of the generalized, nonequilibrium free energy of a Markovian dynamics with vanishing fluctuations. In terms of the ∇φ\nabla\varphi and its orthogonal field γ(x)⊥∇φ\gamma(x)\perp\nabla\varphi, a general vector field b(x)b(x) can be decomposed into −D(x)∇φ+γ-D(x)\nabla\varphi+\gamma, where ∇⋅(ω(x)γ(x))=\nabla\cdot\big(\omega(x)\gamma(x)\big)= −∇ωD(x)∇φ-\nabla\omega D(x)\nabla\varphi. The matrix D(x)D(x) and scalar ω(x)\omega(x), two additional characteristics to the b(x)b(x) alone, represent the local geometry and density of states intrinsic to the statistical motion in the state space at xx. φ(x)\varphi(x) and ω(x)\omega(x) are interpreted as the emergent energy and degeneracy of the motion, with an energy balance equation dφ(x(t))/dt=γD−1γ−bD−1bd\varphi(x(t))/dt=\gamma D^{-1}\gamma-bD^{-1}b, reflecting the geometrical ∥D∇φ∥2+∥γ∥2=∥b∥2\|D\nabla\varphi\|^2+\|\gamma\|^2=\|b\|^2. The partition function employed in statistical mechanics and J. W. Gibbs' method of ensemble change naturally arise; a fluctuation-dissipation theorem is established via the two leading-order asymptotics of entropy production as ϵ→0\epsilon\to 0. The present theory provides a mathematical basis for P. W. Anderson's emergent behavior in the hierarchical structure of complexity science.Comment: 7 page
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