36 research outputs found

    Theoretical analysis of mode-competition noise in modulated laser diodes and its influence on the noise performance of fibre links

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    We analyse mode-competition (MC) noise in sinusoidally modulated laser diodes and assess its contribution to the noise performance of directly modulated fibre links. The noise figure (NF) is used to evaluate the noise performance of the link. The present analyses are based on a multimode rate equation model that takes into account both symmetric and asymmetric suppressions of the cross-modal gain. Variations of the MC relative intensity noise of both the total output and the oscillating modes with modulation conditions are investigated. The obtained results show that regardless of the fact that the non-modulated laser oscillates nearly in single-mode or in two-mode hopping, the modulated laser oscillates in single mode when the signal is continuous, and converts into multimode when the signal is pulsing. The contribution of MC noise to the NF of the link increases with an increase in the modulation depth and with a decrease in the modulation frequency, except when the signal has period doubling. This contribution is negligible under high modulation frequencies when the laser signal is continuous and uniform, and is most enhanced (53dB) under low modulation frequencies when the signal is pulsing and superposed with non-uniform relaxation oscillations. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Hybrid Interfaces in Molecular Spintronics

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    Molecular/inorganic multilayer heterostructures are gaining attention in molecular electronics and more recently in new generation spintronic devices. The intrinsic properties of molecular materials as low cost, tuneability, or long spin lifetimes were the original reasons behind their implementation. However, the non-innocent role played by these hybrid interfaces is a determinant factor in the device performance. In this account we will give an overview about different types of hybrid molecular system/ferromagnet interfaces, which can be of direct application in molecular spintronics. This includes the insertion of a 2D material in between the molecular system and the ferromagnet. As perspective, new hybrid interfaces able to tune the spin properties under an external stimulus, are proposed. These smart interfaces, based on switchable magnetic molecules or flexible MOFs, can open the way to new multifunctional spintronic devices able to couple the spin with a second property