304 research outputs found

    Recent medical studies on radon therapy in Europe

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    本総説は,本邦で実施している三朝ラドン温泉の適応症に関する機構解明に資するために調査した欧州におけるラドン療法の医学的研究に関する最近の動向の概要についてまとめたものである。すなわち,ラドンを用いた温泉や坑道での療法の適応症には,脊椎の非細菌性炎症(べヒテレフ病),慢性多発性関節炎,気管支喘息などが含まれる。臨床医学的研究として,以前,客観的方法で検討されたものはほとんどなかったが,最近,無作為化二重盲検臨床試験などにより,ラドン療法がベヒテレフ病,慢性多発性関節炎などの患者の痛みを緩和させる効能があることが実証されつつある。また,基礎医学的研究として,抗酸化機能や免疫機能などの指標に着目した動物実験により,ラドン療法の機構を解明する上で合理的根拠が得られつつあることもわかった。さらに,これらの知見と本邦での研究動向を踏まえ,今後,期待されるラドン療法の機構解明を行うための研究課題を提案した。To elucidate the mechanism of radon therapy in Misasa radon spa, the author researched these recent studies in Europe. Parts of the results were as follows. In spas and galleries with a slightly elevated radon activity, the empirical medicine showed the same indications in the world. It mainly includes the more painful rheumatic diseases such as deformation or degeneration of the joints and non bacterial inflammation of muscles, tendons or joints ; Morbus Bechterew and other diseases of the vertebral column like spondylarthrosis or osteochondrosis. While these effects were seldom documented in an objecive manner formly, in recent years several prospective randomized double-blind studies proved the pain reducing efficacy of radon therapy in patients with cervical pain syndromes, with chronic polyarthritis or with Morbus Bechterew. Studies in experimental animal models have accumulated remarkable data in cultured cells, organs and tissue that provide a rationale to explain the observed effects of radon therapy in patients


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    1. Some of the bacterial isolates are capable of growing in a defined medium containing FA or FAA as a sole source of carbon and are indeed able to defluorinate these pesticide ingredients. 2. The defluorination activity roughly parallels to the growth rate in the medium. 3. The apparent disturbance of the adaptation process by the nutrients carried over from the inoculum suggests that the bacterial adaptation to defluorination could hardly be expected in the ordinary field soil

    トウニヨウビヨウセイ マンセイ ガツペイシヨウ ノ ケンキユウ

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    糖尿病性慢性合併症の成因を一元的に説明することは困難である。しかしながら、近年、糖尿病性慢性合併症の発病機序にポリオール経路が深く関与しているという証拠が蓄積しつつある(1~6)。 (1)ポリオールとポリオール経路, 多くの組織では、グルコースをエネルギー源としている。 ...筑波大学博士 (医学) 学位論文・平成4年3月25日授与 (甲第1020号)標題紙、目次 -- 第1章 緒言 -- 第2章 バキュロウィルス : 昆虫細胞系を用いて発現させたhARの精製とその特性 -- 第3章 部位特異的変異誘発法を用いたhARの構造活性相関の解析 -- 第4章 hARcDAを導入したトランスジェニックマウスの作成 -- 第5章 全体的な考按 -- 第6章 総

    Molecular cloning and tissue-specific expression of a new member of the regenerating protein family, islet neogenesis-associated protein-related protein1The sequence data reported in this paper have been deposited to DDBJ/EMBL/Genbank databases under the accession no. AB028625.1

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    AbstractIslet neogenesis-associated protein (INGAP) is a protein expressed during islet neogenesis. We have cloned a novel cDNA having a similar sequence to INGAP cDNA. The cDNA encodes 175 amino acids designated INGAP-related protein (INGAPrP). INGAP is expressed in cellophane-wrapped pancreas, but not in normal pancreas, whereas INGAPrP was abundantly expressed in normal pancreas

    Temperature Dependence of X-Ray Emission Behavior from Stacked Pyroelectric Single Crystals

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    積層させた薄片状タンタル酸リチウムまたはニオブ酸リチウム単結晶とセラミックヒーターを用いた小型高電場発生デバイスを製作し,これまでの検討より高温領域である室温から 650 K までの間でX 線発生実験を行った.473 K から650 K まで10–4 Pa 下で加熱すると最高28 keV のX 線が発生した.積層させた焦電結晶の側面では温度変化に伴い局所的な放電が繰り返し起こった.焦電結晶の形状と放電発生について議論した. A high temperature-type compact device for pyroelectric high electric field generation was assembled with 8 pieces of thin-type LiTaO3 or LiNbO3 single crystals (10 × 10 × 0.5 mm) stacked and a ceramic heater. Pyroelectricity-induced X-ray emission behavior from the crystals was investigated as a function of ambient temperature in the range 300 through 650 K. End-point energy of continuous X-ray was 28 keV upon heating of stacked thin LiTaO3 crystals from 473 to 650 K. Discharge behaviors at the side of stacked pyroelectric crystals accompanied with X-ray emission were also discussed

    Evidence of Two Way X-Ray Emission from Pyroelectric Crystal

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     タンタル酸リチウム単結晶の加熱/ 冷却に伴うX 線発生現象について,真空度および昇温温度を制御した実験を行い,その発生機構について検討した.X 線発生は既往の報告より三桁高い真空度10-4 Pa でも起こり,X線発生終了までの全積分強度は1 Paまで一定であった.タンタル酸リチウム単結晶の焦電性を利用したX線発生は,結晶表面近傍で起こる放電に伴って残留ガスより生じる高密度の荷電粒子の衝突を起源とする数分以内で終了する現象と,もともと残留ガス中に存在する荷電粒子を起源として10分以上継続するものとの二元機構であると結論された.焦電結晶の昇温する速度を一定にすることでX線発生強度が一定となる時間を延長することができた.X-ray emission behavior from a LiTaO3 pyroelectric single crystal during heating and cooling procedure was investigated by controlling the degree of vacuum in the range of 10-4 through 20 Pa, and the heating procedure. X-ray emission was confirmed at the vacuum degree of 10-4 Pa, which was higher than those for previous reports by three orders of magnitude. The total emission intensity was almost constant in the vacuum range among 10-4 Pa and 1 Pa. X-ray emission with the use of pyroelectricity was caused by individual two processes: One is accompanied by electric discharge around z-plane of LiTaO3 single crystal within a few minutes, and is sensitive to the degree of vacuum; the other is caused by collision of floating charged particles onto the plane. X-ray emission related to the floating particles continues more than 10 minutes and is less sensitive to the vacuum. The emission intensity could be kept constant for 10 min by controlling heating rate of LiTaO3

    Pilot Study of Devises for Chemical Reactions with High Electric Field of Pyroelectric Crystal

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    タンタル酸リチウム単結晶の温度変化に伴って形成する高電場を電場触媒反応に応用することを目標とし,反応基質を導入可能な密封系小型高電場発生ユニットを製作した.z軸長に対するz面の面積が異なる二種類の単結晶を用いてX線発生実験を行ったところ,単位z軸長あたりの生成した電場は薄片型結晶の方が大きかった.単結晶表面に白金箔を添加した状態でも,白金箔の特性X 線が最高エネルギー22 keV の白色X 線に重なって観測された.製作した密封空間のガス放出挙動を質量分析計で測定した.Compact devices for high electric field generator using a different aspect ratio of pyroelectric LiTaO3 single crystal and a Peltier device were assembled. Measurement of X-ray emitted upon the thermal changing was carried out to evaluate the induced electric field onto surface of the z-plane of LiTaO3. The formed electric field per length of the z-axis for thin-type (10 × 10 × 2 mm) was twice larger than that of pillar-type (3 × 3 × 10 mm). The attachment of Pt foil onto the surface of z-plane little affected on X-ray emission behavior. The flange-type generator with thin-type LiTaO3 single crystal was also assembled to construct a reactor for chemical reactions with induced high electric field of a pyroelectric crystal. The outgassing behavior from a reaction vessel was examined

    Acute inflammation at a mandibular solitary horizontal incompletely impacted molar

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    Acute inflammation is frequently seen in the elderly around incompletely impacted molars located apart from molars or premolars. To identify the factors causing acute inflammation in the solitary molars without second molars or without second and first molars, ages of patients and rates of acute inflammation in 75 horizontal incompletely impacted mandibular molars in contact or not in contact with molars in subjects 41 years old or older were studied using orthopantomographs. Acute inflammation was seen in nine third molars out of 48 third molars in contact with second molars (18.8%), whereas acute inflammation was seen in 11 molars out of 19 solitary molars without second molars or without first and second molars (57.9%) (p < 0.01). The mean age of 48 subjects with third molars in contact with the second molar was 50.42 ± 7.62 years, and the mean age of 19 subjects with isolated molars was 65.16 ± 10.41 years (p < 0.0001). These indicate that a solitary horizontal incompletely impacted molar leads more frequently to acute inflammation along with aging due to possible bone resorption resulting from teeth loss

    Circulating interleukin-18: A specific biomarker for atherosclerosis-prone patients with metabolic syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with an increased risk of the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD). Interleukin-18 (IL-18), which is a pleiotropic proinflammatory cytokine with important regulatory functions in the innate immune response system, plays a crucial role in vascular pathologies. IL-18 is also a predictor of cardiovascular death in patients with CVD and is involved in atherosclerotic plaque destabilization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to determine if circulating levels of IL-18 can serve as a specific biomarker for distinguishing MetS patients from pre-MetS subjects, we studied 78 patients with visceral fat deposition and 14 age-matched control subjects. Increased levels of IL-18 were observed more frequently in patients with MetS than in pre-MetS subjects and were positively associated with waist circumference. Serum levels of IL-18 were significantly reduced by a change in weight caused by lifestyle modifications. There was a significant interaction between waist circumference and serum IL-18 concentration. Weight loss of at least 5% of the body weight caused by lifestyle modification decreased IL-18 circulating levels relative to the reduction in waist circumference and blood pressure, suggesting that this degree of weight loss benefits the cardiovascular system.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IL-18 may be a useful biomarker of the clinical manifestations of MetS and for the management of the risk factors of CVD.</p