2 research outputs found

    On Some Ve-Degree and Harmonic Molecular Topological Properties of Carborundum

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    Carborundum, also known as silicon carbide which containing carbon and silicon, is a semiconductor. Molecular topological properties of physical substances are important tools to investigate the underlying topology of these substances. Ev-degree and ve-degree based on the molecular topological indices have been defined as parallel to their corresponding classical degree based topological indices in chemical graph theory. Classical degree based topological properties of carborundum have been investigated recently. As a continuation of these studies, in this study, we compute novel ve-degree harmonic, ve-degree sum-connectivity, ve-degree geometric-arithmetic, and ve-degree atom-bond connectivity, the first and the fifth harmonic molecular topological indices of two carborundum structures.

    On R, S and Van entropies of beta graphene

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    Topological indices are graph-theoretically based characteristics that allow for the characterization of a molecular structure's underlying connectivity. Degree-based topological indices have been the subject of substantial research and have been connected to numerous chemical characteristics. Gaining relevance is the study of graph entropy indices as a tool for characterizing structural features and as a gauge of the complexity of the connectivity underneath them. The focus of current research is on substructures like beta graphene (β-GN), that are generated from hexagonal honeycomb graphite lattices. In this study, we investigate R, S and Van topological indices of beta graphene structures by using Shannon's entropy model, we generated the graph-based entropies of these structures