4 research outputs found

    Exome sequences and multi-environment field trials elucidate the genetic basis of adaptation in barley

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    Broadening the genetic base of crops is crucial for developing varieties to respond to global agricultural challenges such as climate change. Here, we analysed a diverse panel of 371 domesticated lines of the model crop of barley to explore the genetics of crop adaptation. We first collected exome sequence data and phenotypes of key life history traits from contrasting multi-environment common garden trials. Then we applied refined statistical methods, including based on exomic haplotype states, for genotype-by-environment (G 7E) modelling. Sub-populations defined from exomic profiles were coincident with barley's biology, geography and history, and explained a high proportion of trial phenotypic variance. Clear G 7E interactions indicated adaptation profiles that varied for landraces and cultivars. Exploration of circadian clock-related genes, associated with the environmentally-adaptive days to heading trait (crucial for the crop's spread from the Fertile Crescent), illustrated complexities in G 7E effect directions, and the importance of latitudinally-based genic context in the expression of large effect alleles. Our analysis supports a gene-level scientific understanding of crop adaption and leads to practical opportunities for crop improvement, allowing the prioritisation of genomic regions and particular sets of lines for breeding efforts seeking to cope with climate change and other stresses

    Relationships between some spectral traits and grain yield in bread wheat under rainfed conditions

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    Developing varieties adapted to dry conditions is one of the biggest targets for breeders. It is important to use inexpensive spectral sensing methods saving time in variety development. The aim of this study was to select bread wheat genotypes having high grain yield by using spectral sensing methods. Twenty-five bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated under rainfed condition at three locations in Central Anatolia Region. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. Grain yield (GY), Canopy Temperature (CT), Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values were recorded. GY, CT, SPAD and NDVI were found to be statistically significant in terms of both genotype and environment. The relationship between grain yield and NDVI (R2=0.321**) values was linear. The positive correlation of GY (0.5671**) and SPAD (0.1729*) with NDVI suggest that NDVI can be used as efficient and precise selection criteria for identifying high effiency wheat varieties under rainfed conditions

    İleri kademe bazı ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotiplerinin yağışa dayalı şartlarda tane verimi ve bazı kalite parametreleri yönünden değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu araştırma, 2013-2014 yetiştirme döneminde ileri kademe bazı ekmeklik buğday genotiplerinin taneverimi ve bazı kalite parametrelerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma materyali; Bahri DağdaşUluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsünce yürütülen ıslah çalışmaları kapsamında bölge verimkademesinde yer alan 14 hat ve 6 standart çeşitten oluşmaktadır. Çalışma 9 çevrede (Konya, İçeriçumra,Gözlü, Koçaş, Karaman, İkizce, Malya, Eskişehir, Hamidiye) Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Deseninde 4 tekerrürlüolarak yürütülmüş, kalite parametreleri Konya ve İçeriçumra çevrelerinde 2 tekerrürlü olarak elde edilmiştir.Çalışmada tane verimi (kg/da), bintane ağırlığı (g), protein (%) ve Zeleny sedimentasyon (ml) özellikleriincelenmiştir. Çevre ortalamaları değerlendirildiğinde tane verimi bakımından en yüksek değer 383 kg/da ileMalya'dan, en düşük değer 114 kg/da ile Hamidiye'den elde edilmiştir. Çalışmadaki tüm genotipler 9 çevredetane verimi bakımından değerlendirildiğinde en yüksek değer 269 kg/da ile hat15'den elde edilirken en düşükdeğer 171 kg/da ile hat17'den elde edilmiştir. Denemede ele alınan kalite parametrelerinden bin dane ağırlığı27.4-38.2 g arasında, protein oranı %12.26-14.80 arasında ve Zeleny sedimentasyon 34.7-57.2 ml arasındadeğişim göstermiştir. İncelenen özellikler bakımından kontrol çeşitler ve diğer hatlardan daha üstün özellikgösteren 1 adet hat, aday çeşit olarak Tohumluk Tescil ve Sertifikasyon Merkez Müdürlüğüne başvurusuyapılmış ve tescil denemelerine aktarılmıştır.Research materials are consist of the scope of breeding studies by Bahri Dağdaş International AgriculturalResearch Institute's 14 lines and 6 varieties from Regional yield trial. Study carried out at 9 environment(Konya, İçericumra, Gözlü, Koçaş, Karaman, İkizce, Malya, Eskişehir & Hamidiye) with randomized blockpattern in 4 replications, quality parameters recieved from Konya & İçeriçumra environment with 2 replication.The study grain yield (kg/ha), thousand kernel weight (g), protein (%) and Zeleny sedimentation (mL)properties were investigated. The highest average grain yield in terms of environmental value as assessed383 kg / ha with the Malya; were the lowest, 114 kg / ha were obtained by the Hamidiye. With regard to grainyield in all 9 genotypes at the study highest value around 269 kg / ha from the line 15 while the lowest value171 kg / ha were obtained from the 17 line. The quality parameters of the experiment discussed in thousandgrain weight between 27.4-38.2 g, 12.26-14.80% protein content ranged between and Zeleny sedimentationbetween 34.7-57.2 mL. When the control varieties and the other lines one line showed superior characteristicsand we applied this line as a candidate to Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center and wastransferred to registration trials