239 research outputs found

    Application of Absorbing Boundary Condition to Nuclear Breakup Reactions

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    Absorbing boundary condition approach to nuclear breakup reactions is investigated. A key ingredient of the method is an absorbing potential outside the physical area, which simulates the outgoing boundary condition for scattered waves. After discretizing the radial variables, the problem results in a linear algebraic equation with a sparse coefficient matrix, to which efficient iterative methods can be applicable. No virtual state such as discretized continuum channel needs to be introduced in the method. Basic aspects of the method are discussed by considering a nuclear two-body scattering problem described with an optical potential. We then apply the method to the breakup reactions of deuterons described in a three-body direct reaction model. Results employing the absorbing boundary condition are found to accurately coincide with those of the existing method which utilizes discretized continuum channels.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX

    Localization of Gravity on Brane Embedded in AdS5AdS_5 and dS5dS_5

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    We address the localization of gravity on the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker type brane embedded in either AdS5AdS_{5} or dS5dS_{5} bulk space,and derive two definite limits between which the value of the bulk cosmological constant has to lie in order to localize the graviton on the brane.The lower limit implies that the brane should be either dS4dS_{4} or 4d Minkowski in the AdS5AdS_{5} bulk.The positive upper limit indicates that the gravity can be trapped also on curved brane in the dS5dS_{5} bulk space.Some implications to recent cosmological scenarios are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Latex fil

    Equation of state in the PNJL model with the entanglement interaction

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    The equation of state and the phase diagram in two-flavor QCD are investigated by the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model with an entanglement vertex between the chiral condensate and the Polyakov-loop. The entanglement-PNJL (EPNJL) model reproduces LQCD data at zero and finite chemical potential better than the PNJL model. Hadronic degrees of freedom are taken into account by the free-hadron-gas (FHG) model with the volume-exclusion effect due to the hadron generation. The EPNJL+FHG model improves agreement of the EPNJL model with LQCD data particularly at small temperature. The quarkyonic phase survives, even if the correlation between the chiral condensate and the Polyakov loop is strong and hadron degrees of freedom are taken into account. However, the location of the quarkyonic phase is sensitive to the strength of the volume exclusion.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Observational Constraints on Accelerating Brane Cosmology with Exchange between the Bulk and Brane

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    We explore observational constraints on a cosmological brane-world scenario in which the bulk is not empty. Rather, exchange of mass-energy between the bulk and the bane is allowed. The evolution of matter fields to an observer on the brane is then modified due to new terms in the energy momentum tensor describing this exchange. We investigate the constraints from various cosmological observations on the flow of matter from the bulk into the brane. Interestingly, we show that it is possible to have a Λ=0\Lambda = 0 cosmology to an observer in the brane which satisfies standard cosmological constraints including the CMB temperature fluctuations, Type Ia supernovae at high redshift, and the matter power spectrum. This model even accounts for the observed suppression of the CMB power spectrum at low multipoles. In this cosmology, the observed cosmic acceleration is attributable to the flow of matter from the bulk to the brane. A peculiar aspect of this cosmology is that the present dark-matter content of the universe may be significantly larger than that of a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. Its influence, however, is offset by the dark-radiation term. Possible additional observational tests of this new cosmological paradigm are suggested.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Coulomb and nuclear breakup of 8^8B

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    The cross sections for the (8^8B,7^7Be-pp) breakup reaction on 58^{58}Ni and 208^{208}Pb targets at the beam energies of 25.8 MeV and 415 MeV have been calculated within a one-step prior-form distorted-wave Born approximation. The relative contributions of Coulomb and nuclear breakup of dipole and quadrupole multipolarities as well as their interference have been determined. The nuclear breakup contributions are found to be substantial in the angular distributions of the 7^7Be fragment for angles in the range of 30^\circ - 80^\circ at 25.8 MeV beam energy. The Coulomb-nuclear interference terms make the dipole cross section larger than that of quadrupole even at this low beam energy. However, at the incident energy of 415 MeV, these effects are almost negligible in the angular distributions of the (7^7Be-p) coincidence cross sections at angles below 4^\circ.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spontaneous parity and charge-conjugation violations at real isospin and imaginary baryon chemical potentials

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    The phase structure of two-flavor QCD is investigated at real isospin and imaginary quark chemical potentials by using the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. In the region, parity symmetry is spontaneously broken by the pion superfluidity phase transition, whereas charge-conjugation symmetry is spontaneously violated by the Roberge-Weiss transition. The chiral (deconfinement) crossover at zero isospin and quark chemical potentials is a remnant of the parity (charge-conjugation) violation. The interplay between the parity and charge-conjugation violations are analyzed, and it is investigated how the interplay is related to the correlation between the chiral and deconfinement crossovers at zero isospin and quark chemical potentials.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures. Typos were revised. Symbols /P and /C were added in Figures 8a and 8b. Colors of the figures were changed. Some sentences were added and revise

    Disappearing Dark Matter in Brane World Cosmology: New Limits on Noncompact Extra Dimensions

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    We explore cosmological implications of dark matter as massive particles trapped on a brane embedded in a Randall-Sundrum noncompact higher dimension AdS5AdS_5 space. It is an unavoidable consequence of this cosmology that massive particles are metastable and can disappear into the bulk dimension. Here, we show that a massive dark matter particle (e.g. the lightest supersymmetric particle) is likely to have the shortest lifetime for disappearing into the bulk. We examine cosmological constraints on this new paradigm and show that disappearing dark matter is consistent (at the 95% confidence level) with all cosmological constraints, i.e. present observations of Type Ia supernovae at the highest redshift, trends in the mass-to-light ratios of galaxy clusters with redshift, the fraction of X-ray emitting gas in rich clusters, and the spectrum of power fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. A best 2σ2 \sigma concordance region is identified corresponding to a mean lifetime for dark matter disappearance of 15Γ18015 \le \Gamma^{-1} \le 80 Gyr. The implication of these results for brane-world physics is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, new cosmological constraints added, accepted for publication in PR

    Scalar kinks and fermion localisation in warped spacetimes

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    Scalar kinks propagating along the bulk in warped spacetimes provide a thick brane realisation of the braneworld. We consider here, a class of such exact solutions of the full Einstein-scalar system with a sine-Gordon potential and a negative cosmological constant. In the background of the kink and the corresponding warped geometry, we discuss the issue of localisation of spin half fermions (with emphasis on massive ones) on the brane in the presence of different types of kink-fermion Yukawa couplings. We analyse the possibility of quasi-bound states for large values of the Yukawa coupling parameter γF\gamma_F (with ν\nu, the warp factor parameter kept fixed) using appropriate, recently developed, approximation methods. In particular, the spectrum of the low--lying states and their lifetimes are obtained, with the latter being exponentially enhanced for large νγF\nu \gamma_F. Our results indicate quantitatively, within this model, that it is possible to tune the nature of warping and the strength and form of the Yukawa interaction to obtain trapped massive fermion states on the brane, which, however, do have a finite (but very small) probability of escaping into the bulk.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Chaotic scalar fields as models for dark energy

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    We consider stochastically quantized self-interacting scalar fields as suitable models to generate dark energy in the universe. Second quantization effects lead to new and unexpected phenomena is the self interaction strength is strong. The stochastically quantized dynamics can degenerate to a chaotic dynamics conjugated to a Bernoulli shift in fictitious time, and the right amount of vacuum energy density can be generated without fine tuning. It is numerically observed that the scalar field dynamics distinguishes fundamental parameters such as the electroweak and strong coupling constants as corresponding to local minima in the dark energy landscape. Chaotic fields can offer possible solutions to the cosmological coincidence problem, as well as to the problem of uniqueness of vacua.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. Replaced by final version accepted by Phys. Rev.