12 research outputs found

    Fungsi Sosial Cerita Rakyat Batu Bujang Lengong Di Nagari Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti Kabupaten Solok

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    The purpose for describe function social strori people stone bachelor lengong di Nagari Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti Kabupaten Solok hasil researeh in is function social ditemukan faef function social yaitu (1),Studi theory which be usea in research, (2) nature folklore nature, (3) function social strory people. Type researeh is researeh qualilative data dianalisis with step measuresDescribe result recording in language writler translate result interesting conclusior and write report.of destination in is function social strory people bachelor lengong foun Nagari Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti Kabupaten Solok, (1) Function social entertain, (2) Function social educate, (3) Function social begueath, (4) Function social tradition, (5) Function social identity

    The changes in quantum yield (F<sub>v</sub>/F<sub>m</sub>) of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>The changes in quantum yield of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (A: 60 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>; B: 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for 25–36 generations under dark or dim light (10 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>). Values are means ± SD, n = 3.</p

    Pigmentation of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>Chl α (A), Carotenoids (B) and Chl <i>c</i> (C) of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for 25–36 generations. Values are means ± SD, n = 3. The short-lines above the histogram bars indicate significant difference between LC and HC, and the different letters indicate significant differences among the light treatments within the HC- or LC-grown cells at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Ratios between carotenoids, Chl <i>c</i> and Chl <i>a</i> concentrations of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>The ratio between carotenoids, Chl <i>c</i> and Chl <i>a</i> concentrations of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for 25–36 generations. Values are means ± SD, n = 3. Different superscript letters indicate significant differences among different treatments within the ratio between carotenoids or Chl <i>c</i> and Chl <i>a</i> at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Non-photochemical quenching of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>The changes in non-photochemical quenching of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for 25–36 generations under high actinic light (1228 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>). Values are means ± SD, n = 3. The short-lines above the histogram bars indicate significant difference between LC and HC, and the different letters indicate significant differences among the light treatments within the HC- or LC-grown cells at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Mean specific growth rates of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>Mean specific growth rates of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under LC and HC conditions and both acclimated (for 25–36 generations) to the constant growth light levels in the present study compared to that observed in the previous study under fluctuating sunlight (acclimated for 21–25 generations) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0096173#pone.0096173-Gao3" target="_blank">[12]</a>. The data in parentheses represent the percentage change between the LC and HC conditions. Note, the µ values are much smaller under fluctuating than under the constant light regimes.</p

    The effective photochemical yield (F<sub>v</sub>

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    <p>′<b>/F<sub>m</sub></b>′<b>) of </b><b><i>P. tricornutum</i></b><b>.</b> The effective photochemical yield (F<sub>v</sub>′/F<sub>m</sub>′) of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for different generations (from 0 to 36). Values are means ± SD, n = 3.</p

    Half-saturation constants (K<sub>1/2</sub>) for DIC (A) and CO<sub>2</sub> (B) of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>Half-saturation constants (K<sub>1/2</sub>) for DIC (A) and CO<sub>2</sub> (B) of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for 25–36 generations under middle actinic light (830 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>). Values are means ± SD, n = 3. The short-lines above the histogram bars indicate significant difference between LC and HC, and the different letters indicate significant differences among the light treatments within the HC- or LC-grown cells at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    The fitted parameters derived from the rapid light curves of <i>P. tricornutum</i>.

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    <p>The fitted parameters derived from the rapid light curves of <i>P. tricornutum</i> cells grown under the LC (390 ppmv, pH 8.18) and HC (1000 ppmv, pH 7.82) and then both acclimated to different light levels (60, 200 and 460 µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) for different generations (from 1 to 36 generations): E<sub>k</sub>, the initial light saturation point (µmol m<sup>−2 </sup>s<sup>−1</sup>); rETR<sub>max</sub>, the maximal rate of relative electron transport; α, the apparent light use efficiency. Values are means ± SD, n = 3 (triplicate cultures). Different superscript letters represent significant among the different generations within the LC or HC-grown cells and the asterisks indicate significant difference between LC and HC at <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    The relative abundances of transcripts for non-photosynthetic relevant genes.

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    <p>The time series of the relative abundances of transcripts for mitochondrial ATP synthase (mATP; A), peroxisomal membrane protein (PMP; B), nitrite reductase (NiR; C) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (Ndh2; D) determined by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) of <i>P</i>. <i>tricornutum</i> cells grown at ambient (390 μatm; LC) and elevated CO<sub>2</sub> (1000 μatm; HC) levels. Data are presented as means ± SD, n = 3 (triplicate cultures). Two asterisks indicate significant difference between HC and LC grown cells at <i>p</i> < 0.01, and one asterisk represents a difference at <i>p</i> < 0.05</p