35 research outputs found

    Development of legal mind in the era of high uncertainty: The approach of systematic connection of social studies between elementary school and junior high school

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    This study aims to enable students to consider the significance and role of legal education in social life and problems concerning intellectual property right (trademark right), relating them to consumers' rights and duty, and company's social responsibility through lesson practice in elementary and junior high school, and acquire the basic way of thinking such as procedural justice. This experience is considered valuable from the perspective of legal literacy. As the achievement of this study is that considering the actual cases enabled the students to organize their own opinions by comprehending the facts, compare their own opinion with the others and understand the importance of creating a more desirable civil society

    Social studies in elementary and junior high consistency type to foster international qualities (2): The point of view of legal literacy

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    本研究を実践することで,他者の異なる意見に耳を傾け,具体的な根拠を挙げて議論できるようになり,同時に自由や平等,公正といった基本的価値に留意しつつ,関連する法制度や具体的な問題を理解・評価できるようになると考える。本研究は,小中それぞれの授業実践を通して,社会生活の中で生じる様々な考え方の違いをどのように調整することで,よりよい社会を形成することができるのか,事実に基づき,憲法や法律も参考にしつつ,効率・公正の視点から考えさせるものである。この経験は,グローバル社会の中でも希望を持って生き抜くことのできる国際的な資質を育成する上で求められるリーガルリテラシーの視点から見ても,意義あることだと考える。成果としては,具体的な事象を通して考えることで,事実をつかみ,他の意見も考慮に入れながら思考・判断することで,自分の考えを構築し,より望ましい市民社会を形成していくことの重要性を理解することができた。今後は,実践の更なる積み重ねを通じて,児童・生徒がより効果的にリーガルマインドを育てることのできるカリキュラム開発を行っていきたい。Through this research, we can listen to different opinion of others and discuss them with specific grounds to discuss basic values such as freedom, equality, fairness and related legal systems and specific problems it will be able to understand and evaluate. This research, through the practice of elementary and junior high school classes, by adjusting the differences in various ways of thinking arising in social life, it is possible to create a better society by referring to the Constitution and the law, It makes us think from a fair perspective. This experience is also significant from the viewpoint of legal literacy required for nurturing international qualities. As a result, the importance of forming a more desirable civil society by grasping facts by thinking through concrete events, building thoughts while considering and judging while considering the opinions of others, I was able to understand

    A Comparative Analysis of Changes of Student’s Attitude Before and After an International Virtual Learning Class

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of international virtual learning classes. For the purpose, the class implemented using multipoint communication system which was constructed high quality video transfer systems on a cross-border infrastructure (gigabit bandwidth) between Japan to South Korea. In order to reveal the effects of the class, a questionnaire was composed of five categories; Consciousness to Foreign Countries, Nationality, Acquisition of View Point, Motivation, Recognition to the partner country. The results of 2x2 mixed two-way ANOVA showed differences of characteristics of two countries and changes of student’s attitude. The results revealed that an international virtual learning class has a possibility to develop and enhance student\u27s awareness of humanity and the world. Future implementation will depend on growth and sustenance of the international relationship for a prolonged period

    Development of unit for elective subject from fifth to ninth grade to improve cooperative creation (3)

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    本研究は, 「21世紀型の教科学力」の新たな観点としての「協同的創造力」の育成をめざして, 自分たちで新たな文化を創造する子どもを育てる協同的創造学習のあり方について実証的に研究を進め, 単元モデルと評価方法を開発することを目的としている。そこで, 教科学習を「協同的創造学習」としてとらえ直すとともに, 中学校での従来の選択教科の時間に加えて, 小学校第5・6学年合同の選択教科の時間を新設して「協同的創造力」を特化して育むことにし, 本年度は, 選択教科の単元モデルの充実・改善と評価方法の確立に取り組んだ。その結果, 選択教科において, これまで開発した単元モデルをより充実させたり, 新たな単元モデルを開発したりすることができた。また, 評価の観点を整理し, 子どもの意識調査やカリキュラム評価に継続して取り組むことによって, 子どもの思いを汲み取り単元を見直していくことができた。今後も必修教科と選択教科のつながりや関連性, 各学年の系統性を整理するとともに, 協同的創造力育成の手だてを整理し, 来年度に向けて, これまで培ったものを生かす新たな学習開発を模索していきたいと考えている

    Social studies learning to develop students' international quality of legal thinking (1)

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    本研究を実践することで,他者の異なる意見に耳を傾け,具体的な根拠を挙げて議論できるようになり,同時に自由や平等,公正さといった基本的価値に留意しつつ,関連する法制度や具体的な問題を理解・評価できるようになると考える。具体的には,昨今の正規社員の減少と非正規社員の増加にともなう社会保障や貧困に関する問題,並びに苛酷な労働環境がもたらす社会問題などについて状況をつかみ,その問題の所在を理解し,労働法を活用しながら,どのようにして社会問題を解決していけばよいのか考えようとすることは,リーガルリテラシーの育成に裏打ちされたリーガルマインドの視点から,国際的資質を育成する上で意義あることだと考える。成果としては,解雇に関する事例から,事実をつかみ,何が問題(労働法違反)なのかを理解できた。また,使用者の解雇に対して,法的にどのように対抗していけばよいのか,労働基準法,労働契約を通して考えることができた。今後は,実践の更なる積み重ねを通じて,生徒がより効果的にリーガルマインドを育てることのできるカリキュラム開発を行っていきたい。This study seeks to enable students to listen to others and debate effectively by providing specific reasons for their positions through in-class practice. Additionally, they should develop an understanding of the legal system and a capacity to evaluate legal issues in accordance with fundamental values such as freedom, equality, and justice. Current social problems, such as social security and poverty related to a decrease in the number of regular employees and an increase in non-regular employees, and harsh work environment, were illustrated in class. After students understood the circumstances of these problems, they pondered solutions to them. Employing perspectives with legal thinking to analyze the problems is considered a significant process to foster students' international quality. Results demonstrate that students can understand facts and violations of the Labor Standards Act by analyzing cases about dismissal. Additionally, students can evaluate strategies that laid-off workers should use to counter such dismissals legally via the Act and employment contracts. The results' implications are discussed to propose curriculum development that will foster students' legal thought processes effectively

    Analysis of rotationally symmetrical antenna with wider beamwidth

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    An oblate spheroidal antenna (OSA) has been proposed to widen the beamwidth of microstrip antennas (MSA). OSA consists of a linearly polarized circular patch MSA inserted between oblate spheroidal conductors. The electromagnetic fields within the MSA are expressed as the summation of modal functions in the cylindrical coordinate system. Their unknown coefficients and the equivalent electric and magnetic currents on antenna surface are determined by the magnetic field integral equation on the aperture of the substrate and the electric field integral equation on the conductor surface. The antenna beamwidth becomes wider and the resonant frequency decreases as the conductor height increases.IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1998, Atlanta, Georgia June 21-26, 199

    不確実性の高い時代における意思決定力のある国際市民の育成をめざす社会科授業の開発研究 : 法や政治制度とのかかわりに着目して

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    The purpose of this study is to develop social studies lessons that aim to cultivate global citizens and to verify their effectiveness. Taking advantage of the integrated education system between elementary and junior high schools, we developed lessons that aim to cultivate global citizenship in each school type. The systematic nature of the practice was investigated