102 research outputs found

    Foodoceuticals Ensuring Improved Well Being Beyond basic Nutrition

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    Adequate nutrition is very essential for Armed Forces in terms of maintaining the nutritional status. In the present review it was complied about dietary habit and required diet for Service personnel to become fit and control the life style disease such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension and cardiovascular disease etc. It also focuses on functional foods rather than normal diet which are recommended as ration pack for armed forces. Functional foods enrich and improve the quality of dietary intake. It also represents promising avenues of nutritional in recent days of global dietetics. Functional ingredients such as essential fatty acids, antioxidants, dietary fibre, isoflavones, β-carotene etc are included in ration pack. It also provide large varieties of functional foods are made available to the consumers with the intension to provide dietary management of life style diseases while enhancing our overall well being conversely. It must be understood that these foods and ingredients are not instant medicine or ultimate remedies for imbalance dietary habits as proper diet management. It also provides comprehensive approach for good physical and mental health.   &nbsp

    Optimisation of Processing Parameters for the Preparation of Vegetable Curd from Decorticated Sesame Seeds (Sesamum indicum)

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    Current study aims to develop and optimise the processing parameters for the preparation of imitated curd by using vegetable milk extracted from decorticated sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum). Experiments were planned to optimise curdling process for sesame milk with respect to inoculum (1-5%), lactose (1-5%), added proteins (1-3%). It was established that total solid content in a range of 9-10%, dispersion stability with 30-45% scored well (7.8±0.2) on preferential sensory test i.e. nine-point hedonic scale. Sesame milk supplemented with 5% lactose, 1% electrolyte salt mix, 1% sucrose was subjected to fermentation (10±1.0) hrs at 35±2°C) with 5% inoculum (lactic acid bacteria culture) resulted into a vegetable curd with desired consistency (855.6±47.5 g.sec), acidity (0.57±0.02% lactic acid equivalent; LAE), flavor and overall acceptability (OAA). The Solid Not Fat (SNF) content of optimised vegetable curd was found to be 22.20±0.40%, with protein, fat and ash content as 6.70±0.06%, 6.91±0.06% and 0.92±0.01% respectively. The characteristics of vegetable milk (non-dairy) and toned milk (dairy) were well comparable on various aesthetic parameters (fluidity, color, flavor and taste). Proportional characterisation of vegetable (non-dairy) curd with dairy curd relating to its nutritional profile, color analysis, textural and rheological parameters established its similarity. Such dairy analogues may be considered as substitute to various dairy products where milk-based products are scanty or non-available

    Changes in the Quality Attributes of Edible Vegetable Oils During Deep Frying Concerning Defence Ration

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    Deep fat frying is a popular cooking method that can significantly alter the physico-chemical properties of edible oils. This unit operation is very common both in civil as well as institutional level training, recreational and feeding centres owing to the high liking of fried products among all age groups. Frying is a high-temperature process where food material is normally exposed to longer periods depending upon its moisture content and results in the desirable colour, aroma and taste that is most acceptable to the consumers. But the quality of oil changes each after the frying cycle and leads to the onset of various physicochemical changes resulting in the accumulation of toxic compounds that may pose potential health risks. Various edible oils from plant sources have varied stability against high-temperature exposure, hence, the selection of appropriate edible vegetable oils for deep frying is critical to ensure its safety during repeated use. The current article summarizes the available literature on the changes in quality attributes of edible vegetable oils during deep frying along with the mechanisms of oil degradation, including oxidation and hydrolysis, formation of trans fats, and major concerns during deep frying. This also covers various methods of assessing the quality of frying oils, inclusive of measurement of free fatty acids, peroxide value, polar compounds, and oxidative stability. The impact of deep frying on the nutritional value of edible vegetable oils, such as changes in fatty acid composition, effects of different frying conditions, such as temperature and time, on the quality of the frying oil and the loss of antioxidant compounds is also discussed rationally The facts and finding covered under present manuscript will be useful to food manufacturers and consumers in selecting appropriate edible vegetable oils for deep frying, maintaining the desired food quality, and ensuring the safety of various edible oils and their blends concerning both civil and the Defence supplies

    Design and Development of Modular Customised Ration Storage System Silo for Service Specific Applications during Peak Winters at High Altitude Area

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    Conceptualisation of design and development of modular and customised ration storage system for Army rations sustainable up to -40°C was carried out. The Indian Armed Forces operate under various climatic conditions, which are inhospitable for cooking, storing fresh/perishable food products and carrying rations for their survival during an emergency. Hence, there was an ever-existent demand for a customised, user-friendly ration storage system. Considering a number of user-friendly features, a system has been designed comprising modular unit structures with insulated wall panels containing Polyurethane foam (PUF) sandwiched between metallic and composite material claddings. An insulated structure is required to maintain the temperature at high altitudes during extreme low-temperature conditions. The temperature and humidity are regulated and maintained using solar panels and humidly modulators. The modular structure with individual temperature and humidity control is suitable for the safe storage and preservation of fresh produce, fruits and vegetables, and milk and animal products. In case of perishable commodities of Defense supplies inclusive of leafy and tender vegetables, juicy fresh fruits, egg, chocolates, meat carcasses stored in silo are safe as its insulated structure ensures no freezing even upto -25° Celsius hence protects them from quality damage due to subzero temperature exposure and abuse. Therefore, the normal convention of the expected shelf life for each such commodity was extended approximately double the normal shelf life expected. An extensive design process involving CAD modelling followed by mechanical load simulation and analysis resulted in a robust and capable system. Each compartmentalised segment caters for an average one-ton material depending on the nature of the material. The system is suitable to store 3 tons of ration at a time to address the requirement of 100 individuals for 60 days in monsoon cut off and peak winter cut-off posts. Total energy consumption under fully load condition is approx. 2KW to maintain peak temperature gradient of 45-50°C.The outer surface of the structure can be camouflaged. The well-insulated structure ensures zero leakage and is sturdy to withstand a wind velocity of 60 km per hour and a standing snow load of 2 meters above it

    Nutritional Intervention during Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Environments A Dietary Perspective

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    The future war scenario is based on use and applications of various conventional and non-convectional agents which includes weaponised or non-weaponised chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), toxic industrial materials, direct energy devices/ weapons, and or high yield explosives. These include nerve agents, blood agents, vesicants or skin blistering agents, lung irritants, asphyxiants or choking agents. Biological weapons are basically disease causing microorganisms and other replicating entities including viruses, infectious nucleic acids and prions. These agents have ability to infect host and are highly virulent, pathogenic and dangerous in nature. The interface between ammunitions and above agents is soldier whose physical and mental health is affected as enough precautionary measures are not adopted. The reducing environment thus created has various agents which enter into exposed body and lead to mild to serious damage to various vital parts of the human body. As food is important component for survival and intrinsic to basic human nutrition and health, therefore, it is imperative to develop certain kind of a wholesome meal system which can be consumed by the soldiers tasked with combating CBRN situations during such operations. Such meals can be in the form of solid or liquid type and packaged in suitable delivery system, compatible and amenable with the CBRN suit. Food can be contaminated during CBRN conditions by coming in direct or indirect contact with CBRN agents. Therefore, the food materials to be used under such conditions need to be protected in suitable coverings as consumption of contaminated food can be lethal. Designer meal for CBRN environment is not only suitable for soldiers but also to all human interface dealing with similar scenario viz. the low intensity conflicts and surgical operations, nuclear submarines, cosmonauts, pilots, individuals handling radiation equipment and patient undergoing chemotherapy for cancer

    Analysis of cardiac autonomic modulation in normotensive obese and eutrophic adults of Nepal

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    Background: Obese people have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease, though unknown mechanism, supposed to be due to autonomic dysfunction which is still in controversy. This study aimed to assess and compare heart rate variability (HRV) between normotensive obese and adults.Methods: The study was conducted on 30 normotensive obese adults (mean age 32.07±7.25 years) with BMI>30 and 29 age- and sex-matched normal weight controls (mean age 30.48±8.01 years) with BMI: 18-24 Kg/m2. Short-term HRV variables were assessed using standard protocol. The data were compared between the groups using Mann Whitney ‘U’ test.Results: In obese group, there was significant increase in the mean heart rate [79.17±8.80 Vs 71.48±8.41 beats/min, p=0.001], systolic blood pressure [121.20±9.89 Vs 113.24±11.07, mmHg, p=0.004] and diastolic blood pressure [84.97±7.87 Vs 74.83±10.31 mmHg, p=0.000]. The HRV parasympathetic indicators were less [RMSSD {28.75(16.72-38.35) Vs 41.55(30.6-56.75) ms, p=0.018}, NN50 {15.5(2-39) Vs 83.5(32.75-116.25), p=0.010}], and sympathetic indicator LF/HF ratio [1.2(0.65-2.20) Vs 0.79(0.5-1.02), p=0.004] was more in obese group.Conclusions: Obese persons have increased sympathetic activity with a reduction in parasympathetic (vagal) tone indicating poor autonomic cardiac rhythm control. Moreover, the altered autonomic activity could be the reason for increased mean heart rate and blood pressures in normotensive obese persons


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    Many diseases are caused by oxidative stress. Protein, lipid, and DNA macromolecules are harmed by extremely unstable radicals (free radicals) like superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, and reactive nitrogen species. Oxidative stress also aggravates inflammation in response to inflammatory agonists by activating NF-kB. The antioxidant activity of bilirubin nanoparticles was investigated in this work. Bilirubin was entrapped in pluronic F-127 (PF-127) and bilirubin nanoparticles (BNP) having size 100-150 nm were synthesized. TEM studies revealed that the BNP has spherical morphology. The antioxidant potential of BNP was evaluated by DPPH as well as ABTS assay at different incubation periods. BNP showed higher radical scavenging activity in comparison to bulk bilirubin (bulk B) in both DPPH as well as ABTS assays. Inhibitory concentration50 (IC50) of 0.1% BNP was the lowest in comparison to other formulations at all the incubation periods in the DPPH assay. The IC50 of 0.03% BNP was the lowest in comparison to other formulations at all incubation periods in the ABTS assay. Additionally, BNP (0.03, 0.1, and 0.3%) showed a decrease in the IC50 with an increase in the incubation period in both DPPH as well as ABTS assay. These observations support the potential of bilirubin nanoparticles as a novel antioxidant compound in the future

    The usefulness of ultrasonography for the early diagnosis of polyneuropathy in patients with type II diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetic neuropathies, affecting over 50% of diabetes patients, present varied forms of polyneuropathy impacting somatic and autonomic nerves. Clinical assessments, laboratory findings, and nerve conduction studies (NCSs) aid in precise diagnosis, while recent technological advances highlight ultrasonography (US) as a promising, cost-effective diagnostic tool. Aims and Objectives: This study aims to assess the efficacy of US in early polyneuropathy diagnosis in type II diabetes, exploring its potential as an alternative to NCS. Materials and Methods: In this prospective observational study, we enrolled 30 adult patients with type II non-controlled diabetes and 30 age-matched controls, comprising 15 controlled diabetic patients and 15 normal individuals. The comprehensive assessments encompassed history-taking for diabetes duration, hypertension, and diabetic complications, along with clinical examinations and investigations involving nerve electrophysiology and US on one upper limb based on patient complaints. Results: Significant increases in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve were observed in diabetic peripheral neuropathy groups compared to controls, with a P<0.001. Similarly, at the level behind the medial epicondyle, the ulnar nerve CSA exhibited a significant increase in the diabetic peripheral neuropathy group (11.7 mm2) compared to controls (6.7 mm2) with a P<0.002. In addition, a significant difference in cross-sectional values was found in the median nerve proximal to the carpal tunnel between the two groups (P<0.05). In contrast, no significant differences were observed at other sites. Regarding the relationship between sonography and NCSs, NCSs showed higher sensitivity, but sonography demonstrated comparable specificity in evaluating diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Conclusion: Peripheral nerve US in the upper limb can be a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying and diagnosing diabetic peripheral neuropathy

    Formulation and Characterization of Aceclofenac Mouth Dissolving Tablet by QbD

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    The purpose of this study was to develop fast dissolving tablets of Aceclofenac using different concentration of super disintegrants. Fast dissolving tablets of Aceclofenac were prepared by dry granulation technique using croscarmellose sodium together with avicel ph as superdisintegrants. The porous granules were then compressed in to tablets by direct compression technique. These tablets were evaluated for drug content, weight variation, friability, hardness, wetting time and dispersion time. All the formulations showed low weight variation with dispersion time less than 90 seconds and rapid in vitro dissolution. The drug content of all the formulations was within the acceptable limits. The optimized formulation showed good release profile i.e. maximum drug being released at all-time intervals compared to other trial batches. It was concluded that fast dissolving tablets with improved dissolution could be prepared by dry granulation method of tablet. Keywords: Aceclofenac, fast dissolving tablet, dry granulation, super disintegrants.&nbsp

    Effect of farmyard manure, organic manure and balanced fertilizers application on the productivity and soil fertility in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)- mustard (Brassica juncea) cropping sequence in sandy loam soil of semi-arid regions

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    The experiment was conducted at the research farm of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar from 2007-08 to 2009-10 to study the effect of farmyard manure and balanced fertilizers on production potential, economic viability and soil properties in the pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.]- mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. and Coss.] cropping sequence. The study consisted of 12 treatment combinations of farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizers with micronutrients were laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications. The mean data revealed that use of balanced fertilizers (Potash, gypsum, ZnSO4 and FeSO4) along with application of 5.0 tonnes FYM/ha in pearl millet-mustard crop sequence produced 7.5 per cent higher pearl millet grain yield (3.59 tonnes/ha) and 8.2 per cent more mustard seed yield (1.96 tonnes/ha) than no FYM application (3.34 tonnes/ha by pearl millet and 1.81 tonnes/ha by mustard). Among different balanced nutrient treatments; recommended dose of nitrogen and phosphorous for both the crops, i.e. 120 kg N + 60 kg P/ha for pearl millet and 80 kg N + 30 kg P/ha for mustard along with 5.0 tonnes FYM/ha + 20 kg K2O/ha + 200 kg gypsum +10 kg ZnSO4 /ha + 10 kg FeSO4/ha (F5) produced maximum pearl millet grain yield (3.91 tonnes/ha) and mustard seed yield (2.31 t/ha), pearl millet equivalent yield (11.91 t/ha) and gross returns (Rupees93 051/ha) whereas, maximum net returns (RUPEES 44 529 /ha) and B:C ratio (1:93) were observed in the treatment 5.0 t FYM /ha + RD of N and P +20 kg K2O/ha + 200 kg gypsum/ha + 10 kg ZnS04 kg/ha (F4). The F5 treatment decreased pH (7.8) and EC (0.33 ds/m), improved the organic carbon (0.37%), available N (205 kg/ha), P2O5 (17.7 kg/ha), K2O (331 kg/ha), Fe (3.48 ppm), Zn (2.30 ppm) and S (4.30 ppm) status in comparison to values of 8.0 and 0.36. ds/m 0.34%, 196 kg/ha, 17.3 kg/ha, 323.7 kg/ha, 3.36 ppm, 2.15 ppm and 4.45 ppm, respectively in RD of N and P + 20 kg K2O/ha + 200 kg gypsum/ha + 10 kg ZnSO4/ha + 10 kg FeSO4/ha treatment when no FYM was used. The quality traits; protein content in pearl millet, oil content and oil yield were also found superior in the F5 treament than all other combinations of balanced fertilizers with and without 5.0 tonnes FYM/ha
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