4,451 research outputs found

    Long-Term Sea Level Variability in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea

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    Using the satellite altimeter maps of sea level anomaly (MSLA) and tidal gauge data, this chapter gives an investigation of the long-term sea level variability (SLV) and sea level rise (SLR) rate in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS). Correlation analysis shows that the satellite altimeter is effective and capable of revealing the coastal SLV. To investigate the regional correlation of SLV in the YS and ECS, tidal gauge station data are used as references. Based on the monthly maps of correlation coefficient (CC) of SLV at tidal stations with the gridded MSLA data, we find that the existence of Kuroshio decreases the correlation between the coastal and Pacific sea levels. The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method is applied to derive the SLR trend on each MSLA grid point in the YS and ECS. According to the two-dimensional geographical distribution of the SLR rate, one can see that the sea level on the eastern side of the Kuroshio mainstream rises faster than that on the western side. Both the YS and ECS SLR rates averaged over 1993–2010 are slower than the globally averaged SLR rate. This implies that although the SLV in the two seas is affected by global climate change, it could be mostly influenced by local effects

    Closed-loop control of complex networks : A trade-off between time and energy

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    W. L. is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grants No. 11322111 and No. 61773125). Y.-Z. S. is supported by the NSFC (Grant No. 61403393). Y.-C. L. acknowledges support from the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program sponsored by the Basic Research Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and funded by the Office of Naval Research through Grant No. N00014-16-1-2828. Y.-Z. S. and S.-Y. L. contributed equally to this work.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Parameter Optimization of Pure Electric Vehicle Power System Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper, the ADVISOR software was used to establish a complete vehicle model of an electric vehicle, and the model was verified by CYC_NEDC under European urban conditions to meet the requirements. The maximum power of the driving motor, the speed ratio of the transmission system and the capacity of the storage battery are taken as the optimization objectives to carry out multi-objective optimization. Connect the model built by genetic algorithm and ADVISOR, run the program to simulate the two together, and get the result of parameter optimization of dynamic system. Through the simulation analysis and comparison under CYC_NEDC cycle conditions, the maximum speed, maximum climb slope, acceleration time and other dynamic performance parameters of this electric vehicle are effectively improved after optimization

    The influence of survivin shRNA on the cell cycle and the invasion of SW480 cells of colorectal carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective was to understand the influence of Survivin plasmid with short hairpin RNA (shRNA) on the cell cycle, invasion, and the silencing effect of Survivin gene in the SW480 cell of colorectal carcinoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A eukaryotic expression vector, PGCH1/Survivin shRNA, a segment sequence of Survivin as target, was created and transfected into colorectal carcinoma cell line SW480 by the non-lipid method. The influence on the Survivin protein was analyzed by Western blotting, while the cell cycle, cell apoptosis were analyzed by flow cytometry, and invasion of the cell was analyzed by Transwell's chamber method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After the transfection of PGCH1/Survivin shRNA, the expression of Survivin protein in SW480 cells was dramatically decreased by 60.68%, in which the cells were stopped at G2/M phase, even though no apoptosis was detected. The number of transmembranous cells of the experimental group, negative control group, and blank control group were 14.46 ± 2.11, 25.12 ± 8.37, and 25.86 ± 7.45, respectively (P <<it>0.05</it>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Survivin shRNA could significantly reduce the expression of Survivin protein and invasion of SW480 cells. Changes in cell cycle were observed, but no apoptosis was induced.</p

    19.2% Efficient InP Heterojunction Solar Cell with Electron-Selective TiO2 Contact.

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    We demonstrate an InP heterojunction solar cell employing an ultrathin layer (∼10 nm) of amorphous TiO2 deposited at 120 °C by atomic layer deposition as the transparent electron-selective contact. The TiO2 film selectively extracts minority electrons from the conduction band of p-type InP while blocking the majority holes due to the large valence band offset, enabling a high maximum open-circuit voltage of 785 mV. A hydrogen plasma treatment of the InP surface drastically improves the long-wavelength response of the device, resulting in a high short-circuit current density of 30.5 mA/cm2 and a high power conversion efficiency of 19.2%

    La importancia de la lengua china en Barcelona en los siglos XX y XXI

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    En el presente trabajo estudiaremos la presencia de la lengua china en Barcelona durante los últimos siglos. El objetivo final es conocer el estado del idioma chino que hoy en día tiene una gran importancia en la sociedad barcelonesa. Analizaremos los inicios de la llegada de los inmigrantes chinos a Barcelona; cómo se establecieron, sus primeras ocupaciones, las diferentes etapas por las que pasaron hasta llegar al día de hoyEn el present treball estudiarem la presència de la llengua xinesa a Barcelona durant els últims segles. L'objectiu final és conèixer l'estat de l'idioma xinès que avui dia té una gran importància en la societat barcelonina. Analitzarem els inicis de l'arribada dels immigrants xinesos a Barcelona; com es van establir, les seves primeres ocupacions, les diferents etapes per les que van passar fins arribar al dia d'avuiIn this work we study the presence of the Chinese language in Barcelona during the last centuries. The ultimate goal is to know the important status of the Chinese language today in Barcelona society. We analyze the early arrival of Chinese immigrants to Barcelona; how, their first occupations, settled the different stages that passed until toda