485 research outputs found

    Kinetic energy driven superconductivity in doped cuprates

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    Within the t-J model, the mechanism of superconductivity in doped cuprates is studied based on the partial charge-spin separation fermion-spin theory. It is shown that dressed holons interact occurring directly through the kinetic energy by exchanging dressed spinon excitations, leading to a net attractive force between dressed holons, then the electron Cooper pairs originating from the dressed holon pairing state are due to the charge-spin recombination, and their condensation reveals the superconducting ground-state. The electron superconducting transition temperature is determined by the dressed holon pair transition temperature, and is proportional to the concentration of doped holes in the underdoped regime. With the common form of the electron Cooper pair, we also show that there is a coexistence of the electron Cooper pair and antiferromagnetic short-range correlation, and hence the antiferromagnetic short-range fluctuation can persist into the superconducting state. Our results are qualitatively consistent with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex, two figures are included, corrected typo

    Counter-propagating entangled photons from a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity

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    The conditions required for spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity in the presence of an unguided pump field are established. Control of the periodic nonlinearity and the physical properties of the waveguide permits the quasi-phase matching equations that describe counter-propagating guided signal and idler beams to be satisfied. We compare the tuning curves and spectral properties of such counter-propagating beams to those for co-propagating beams under typical experimental conditions. We find that the counter-propagating beams exhibit narrow bandwidth permitting the generation of quantum states that possess discrete-frequency entanglement. Such states may be useful for experiments in quantum optics and technologies that benefit from frequency entanglement.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum vortex fluctuations in cuprate superconductors

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    We study the effects of quantum vortex fluctuations in two-dimensional superconductors using a dual theory of vortices, and investigate the relevance to underdoped cuprates where the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is possibly driven by quantum vortex proliferation. We find that a broad enough phase fluctuation regime may exist for experimental observation of the quantum vortex fluctuations near SIT in underdoped cuprates. We propose that this scenario can be tested via pair-tunneling experiments which measure the characteristic resonances in the zero-temperature pair-field susceptibility in the vortex-proliferated insulating phase.Comment: RevTex 5 pages, 2 eps figures; expanded; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The molecular systems composed of the charmed mesons in the HSˉ+h.c.H\bar{S}+h.c. doublet

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    We study the possible heavy molecular states composed of a pair of charm mesons in the H and S doublets. Since the P-wave charm-strange mesons Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) and Ds1(2460)D_{s1}(2460) are extremely narrow, the future experimental observation of the possible heavy molecular states composed of Ds/Ds∗D_s/D_s^\ast and Ds0(2317)/Ds1(2460)D_{s0}(2317)/D_{s1}(2460) may be feasible if they really exist. Especially the possible JPC=1−−J^{PC}=1^{--} states may be searched for via the initial state radiation technique.Comment: 42 pages, 4 tables, 31 figures. Improved numerical results and Corrected typos

    Fermi liquid interactions and the superfluid density in d-wave superconductors

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    We construct a phenomenological superfluid Fermi liquid theory for a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor on a square lattice, and study the effect of quasiparticle interactions on the superfluid density. Using simple models for the dispersion and the Landau interaction function, we illustrate the deviation of these results from those for the isotropic superfluid. This allows us to reconcile the value and doping dependence of the superfluid density slope at low temperature obtained from penetration depth measurements, with photoemission data on nodal quasiparticles.Comment: 5 latex pages, 1 eps-figure. submitted to PR

    Pinned Balseiro-Falicov Model of Tunneling and Photoemission in the Cuprates

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    The smooth evolution of the tunneling gap of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 with doping from a pseudogap state in the underdoped cuprates to a superconducting state at optimal and overdoping, has been interpreted as evidence that the pseudogap must be due to precursor pairing. We suggest an alternative explanation, that the smoothness reflects a hidden SO(N) symmetry near the (pi,0) points of the Brillouin zone (with N = 3, 4, 5, or 6). Because of this symmetry, the pseudogap could actually be due to any of a number of nesting instabilities, including charge or spin density waves or more exotic phases. We present a detailed analysis of this competition for one particular model: the pinned Balseiro-Falicov model of competing charge density wave and (s-wave) superconductivity. We show that most of the anomalous features of both tunneling and photoemission follow naturally from the model, including the smooth crossover, the general shape of the pseudogap phase diagram, the shrinking Fermi surface of the pseudogap phase, and the asymmetry of the tunneling gap away from optimal doping. Below T_c, the sharp peak at Delta_1 and the dip seen in the tunneling and photoemission near 2Delta_1 cannot be described in detail by this model, but we suggest a simple generalization to account for inhomogeneity, which does provide an adequate description. We show that it should be possible, with a combination of photoemission and tunneling, to demonstrate the extent of pinning of the Fermi level to the Van Hove singularity. A preliminary analysis of the data suggests pinning in the underdoped, but not in the overdoped regime.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, 26 ps. figure

    DDW Order and its Role in the Phase Diagram of Extended Hubbard Models

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    We show in a mean-field calculation that phase diagrams remarkably similar to those recently proposed for the cuprates arise in simple microscopic models of interacting electrons near half-filling. The models are extended Hubbard models with nearest neighbor interaction and correlated hopping. The underdoped region of the phase diagram features dx2−y2d_{{x^2}-{y^2}} density-wave (DDW) order. In a certain regime of temperature and doping, DDW order coexists with antiferromagnetic (AF) order. For larger doping, it coexists with dx2−y2d_{{x^2}-{y^2}} superconductivity (DSC). While phase diagrams of this form are robust, they are not inevitable. For other reasonable values of the coupling constants, drastically different phase diagrams are obtained. We comment on implications for the cuprates.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Electron Dynamics in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}: Evidence for the Pseudogap State and Unconventional c-axis Response

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    Infrared reflectance measurements were made with light polarized along the a- and c-axis of both superconducting and antiferromagnetic phases of electron doped Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta}. The results are compared to characteristic features of the electromagnetic response in hole doped cuprates. Within the CuO2_2 planes the frequency dependent scattering rate, 1/τ(ω)\tau(\omega), is depressed below ∼\sim 650 cm−1^{-1}; this behavior is a hallmark of the pseudogap state. While in several hole doped compounds the energy scales associated with the pseudogap and superconducting states are quite close, we are able to show that in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} the two scales differ by more than one order of magnitude. Another feature of the in-plane charge response is a peak in the real part of the conductivity, σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega), at 50-110 cm−1^{-1} which is in sharp contrast with the Drude-like response where σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) is centered at ω=0\omega=0. This latter effect is similar to what is found in disordered hole doped cuprates and is discussed in the context of carrier localization. Examination of the c-axis conductivity gives evidence for an anomalously broad frequency range from which the interlayer superfluid is accumulated. Compelling evidence for the pseudogap state as well as other characteristics of the charge dynamics in Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce.15_{.15}CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} signal global similarities of the cuprate phase diagram with respect to electron and hole doping.Comment: Submitted to PR

    The non-random walk of stock prices: The long-term correlation between signs and sizes

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    We investigate the random walk of prices by developing a simple model relating the properties of the signs and absolute values of individual price changes to the diffusion rate (volatility) of prices at longer time scales. We show that this benchmark model is unable to reproduce the diffusion properties of real prices. Specifically, we find that for one hour intervals this model consistently over-predicts the volatility of real price series by about 70%, and that this effect becomes stronger as the length of the intervals increases. By selectively shuffling some components of the data while preserving others we are able to show that this discrepancy is caused by a subtle but long-range non-contemporaneous correlation between the signs and sizes of individual returns. We conjecture that this is related to the long-memory of transaction signs and the need to enforce market efficiency.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, StatPhys2
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