489 research outputs found

    Line-symmetric motion generators

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    When a rigid body is axially reflected through a moving line, its image undergoes a so-called line-symmetricmotion. The space comprising all possible line-symmetric motions that share a common initial line is a four-dimensional submanifold, denoted M4, in the special Euclidean group SE(3). Recently, we showed that M4 may be used to characterize motions of a line-symmetric body that are free of self-spin and sliding, thus lending itself to applications such as remote center of motion devices for minimal invasive surgery and haptic interfaces. Aiming at designing robot mechanisms for these applications, we present in this paper a systematic enumeration of line-symmetric motion generators (LSMGs), i.e., robot mechanisms that generate the line-symmetric motion manifold M4, following a procedure based on symmetric space theory. LSMGs present a ubiquitous line symmetry of their joint axes, thus offering a new understanding of the line-symmetric motions

    Motion Interpolation in Lie Subgroups and Symmetric Subspaces

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    We show that a map defined by Pfurner, Schrocker and Husty, mapping points in 7-dimensional projective space to the Study quadric, is equivalent to the composition of an extended inverse Cayley map with the direct Cayley map, where the Cayley map in question is associated to the adjoint representation of the group SE(3). We also verify that subgroups and symmetric subspaces of SE(3) lie on linear spaces in dual quaternion representation of the group. These two ideas are combined with the observation that the Pfurner-Schrocker-Husty map preserves these linear subspaces. This means that the interpolation method proposed by Pfurner et al can be restricted to subgroups and symmetric subspaces of SE(3)

    Parallel Robots with Homokinetic Joints:The Zero-Torsion Case

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    A two degree-of-freedom (DOF) homokinetic joint provides the freedom of spatially pointing directions without spinning (zero torsion). In this paper, we investigate structural synthesis of several classes of zero-torsion parallel robots using homokinetic joints

    Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function

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    Excitons, Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs, are the fundamental excitations governing optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. While optical signatures of excitons have been studied extensively, experimental access to the excitonic wave function itself has been elusive. Using multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy, we present a momentum-, energy- and time-resolved perspective on excitons in the layered semiconductor WSe2. By tuning the excitation wavelength, we determine the energy-momentum signature of bright exciton formation and its difference from conventional single-particle excited states. The multidimensional data allows to retrieve fundamental exciton properties like the binding energy and the exciton-lattice coupling and to reconstruct the real-space excitonic wave function via Fourier transform. All quantities are in excellent agreement with microscopic calculations. Our approach provides a full characterization of the exciton wave function and is applicable to bright and dark excitons in semiconducting materials, heterostructures, and devices

    Time-resolved single-particle x-ray scattering reveals electron-density as coherent plasmonic-nanoparticle-oscillation source

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    Dynamics of optically-excited plasmonic nanoparticles are presently understood as a series of sequential scattering events, involving thermalization processes after pulsed optical excitation. One important step is the initiation of nanoparticle breathing oscillations. According to established experiments and models, these are caused by the statistical heat transfer from thermalized electrons to the lattice. An additional contribution by hot electron pressure has to be included to account for phase mismatches that arise from the lack of experimental data on the breathing onset. We used optical transient-absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved single-particle x-ray-diffractive imaging to access the excited electron system and lattice. The time-resolved single-particle imaging data provided structural information directly on the onset of the breathing oscillation and confirmed the need for an additional excitation mechanism to thermal expansion, while the observed phase-dependence of the combined structural and optical data contrasted previous studies. Therefore, we developed a new model that reproduces all our experimental observations without using fit parameters. We identified optically-induced electron density gradients as the main driving source.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 1 supporting information document include


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    Stock status is a key parameter for evaluating the sustainability of fishery resources and developing corresponding management plans. However, the majority of stocks are not assessed, often as a result of insufficient data and a lack of resources needed to execute formal stock assessments. The working group involved in this publication focused on two approaches to estimating fisheries status: one based on single-stock status, and the other based on ecosystem production.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Experimental study of surface curvature effects on aerodynamic performance of a low Reynolds number airfoil for use in small wind turbines

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    This paper presents the wind tunnel experimental results to investigate the effects of surface gradient-of-curvature on aerodynamic performance of a low Reynolds number airfoil Eppler 387 for use in small-scale wind turbines. The prescribed surface curvature distribution blade design method is applied to the airfoil E387 to remove the gradient-of-curvature discontinuities and the redesigned airfoil is denoted as A7. Both airfoils are manufactured with high precision to reflect the design. Low-speed wind tunnel experiments are conducted to both airfoils at chord based Reynolds numbers 100 000, 200 000, and 300 000. Surface pressure measurements are used to calculate the lift and pitching-moment data, and the wake survey method is applied to obtain the drag data. The experimental results of E387 are compared with NASA Low Turbulence Pressure Tunnel (LTPT) results for validation. The gradient-of-curvature discontinuities of E387 result in a larger laminar separation bubble which causes higher drag at lower angles of attack. As the angle of attack increases the separation bubble of the airfoil E387 moves faster towards the leading edge than that of A7, resulting in a premature bubble bursting and earlier stall on E387. The impact of the gradient-of-curvature distribution on the airfoil performance is more profound at higher angles of attack and lower Reynolds number. The aerodynamic improvements are integrated over the 3D geometry of a 3 kW small wind turbine, resulting in up to 10% increase in instantaneous power and 1.6% increase in annual energy production. It is experimentally concluded that an improved curvature distribution results in a better airfoil performance, leading to higher energy output efficiency

    Synergy between EngE, XynA and ManA from Clostridium cellulovorans on corn stalk, grass and pineapple pulp substrates

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    The synergistic interaction between various hemi/cellulolytic enzymes has become more important in order to achieve effective and optimal degradation of complex lignocellulose substrates for biofuel production. This study investigated the synergistic effect of three enzymes endoglucanase (EngE), mannanase (ManA) and xylanase (XynA) on the degradation of corn stalk, grass, and pineapple fruit pulp and determined the optimal degree of synergy between combinations of these enzymes. It was established that EngE was essential for degradation of all of the substrates, while the hemicellulases were able to contribute in a synergistic fashion to increase the activity on these substrates. Maximum specific activity and degree of synergy on the corn stalk and grass was found with EngE:XynA in a ratio of 75:25%, with a specific activity of 41.1 U/mg protein and a degree of synergy of 6.3 for corn stalk, and 44.1 U/mg protein and 3.4 for grass, respectively. The pineapple fruit pulp was optimally digested using a ManA:EngE combination in a 50:50% ratio; the specific activity and degree of synergy achieved were 52.4 U/mg protein and 2.7, respectively. This study highlights the importance of hemicellulases for the synergistic degradation of complex lignocellulose. The inclusion of a mannanase in an enzyme consortium for biomass degradation should be examined further as this study suggests that it may play an important, although mostly overlooked, role in the synergistic saccharification of lignocellulose