23 research outputs found

    Harvesting dissipated energy with a mesoscopic ratchet.

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    The search for new efficient thermoelectric devices converting waste heat into electrical energy is of major importance. The physics of mesoscopic electronic transport offers the possibility to develop a new generation of nanoengines with high efficiency. Here we describe an all-electrical heat engine harvesting and converting dissipated power into an electrical current. Two capacitively coupled mesoscopic conductors realized in a two-dimensional conductor form the hot source and the cold converter of our device. In the former, controlled Joule heating generated by a voltage-biased quantum point contact results in thermal voltage fluctuations. By capacitive coupling the latter creates electric potential fluctuations in a cold chaotic cavity connected to external leads by two quantum point contacts. For unequal quantum point contact transmissions, a net electrical current is observed proportional to the heat produced.The ERC Advanced Grant 228273 is acknowledged.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150401/ncomms7738/abs/ncomms7738.html

    Probing spin-charge separation in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid

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    In a one-dimensional (1D) system of interacting electrons, excitations of spin and charge travel at different speeds, according to the theory of a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid (TLL) at low energies. However, the clear observation of this spin-charge separation is an ongoing challenge experimentally. We have fabricated an electrostatically-gated 1D system in which we observe spin-charge separation and also the predicted power-law suppression of tunnelling into the 1D system. The spin-charge separation persists even beyond the low-energy regime where the TLL approximation should hold. TLL effects should therefore also be important in similar, but shorter, electrostatically gated wires, where interaction effects are being studied extensively worldwide.Comment: 11 pages, 4 PDF figures, uses scicite.sty, Science.bs

    Probing e-e interactions in a periodic array of GaAs quantum wires

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    We present the results of non-linear tunnelling spectroscopy between an array of independent quantum wires and an adjacent two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a double-quantum-well structure. The two layers are separately contacted using a surface-gate scheme, and the wires are all very regular, with dimensions chosen carefully so that there is minimal modulation of the 2DEG by the gates defining the wires. We have mapped the dispersion spectrum of the 1D wires down to the depletion of the last 1D subband by measuring the conductance \emph{G} as a function of the in-plane magnetic field \emph{B}, the interlayer bias VdcV_{\rm dc} and the wire gate voltage. There is a strong suppression of tunnelling at zero bias, with temperature and dc-bias dependences consistent with power laws, as expected for a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid caused by electron-electron interactions in the wires. In addition, the current peaks fit the free-electron model quite well, but with just one 1D subband there is extra structure that may indicate interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; formatting correcte

    Detecting noise with shot noise using on-chip photon detector.

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    The high-frequency radiation emitted by a quantum conductor presents a rising interest in quantum physics and condensed matter. However, its detection with microwave circuits is challenging. Here, we propose to use the photon-assisted shot noise for on-chip radiation detection. It is based on the low-frequency current noise generated by the partitioning of photon-excited electrons and holes, which are scattered inside the conductor. For a given electromagnetic coupling to the radiation, the photon-assisted shot noise response is shown to be independent on the nature and geometry of the quantum conductor used for the detection, up to a Fano factor, characterizing the type of scattering mechanism. Ordered in temperature or frequency range, from few tens of mK or GHz to several hundred of K or THz respectively, a wide variety of conductors can be used like Quantum Point Contacts (this work), diffusive metallic or semi-conducting films, graphene, carbon nanotubes and even molecule, opening new experimental opportunities in quantum physics.The ERC Advanced Grant 228273 is acknowledged. We are grateful to P. Jacques for experimental support.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms713

    Manipulating the Tomonaga-Luttinger exponent by electric field modulation

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    We establish a theoretical framework for artificial control of the power-law singularities in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid states. The exponent governing the power-law behaviors is found to increase significantly with an increase in the amplitude of the periodic electric field modulation applied externally to the system. This field-induced shift in the exponent indicates the tunability of the transport properties of quasi-one-dimensional electron systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum interference and spin-charge separation in a disordered Luttinger liquid

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    We study the influence of spin on the quantum interference of interacting electrons in a single-channel disordered quantum wire within the framework of the Luttinger liquid (LL) model. The nature of the electron interference in a spinful LL is particularly nontrivial because the elementary bosonic excitations that carry charge and spin propagate with different velocities. We extend the functional bosonization approach to treat the fermionic and bosonic degrees of freedom in a disordered spinful LL on an equal footing. We analyze the effect of spin-charge separation at finite temperature both on the spectral properties of single-particle fermionic excitations and on the conductivity of a disordered quantum wire. We demonstrate that the notion of weak localization, related to the interference of multiple-scattered electron waves and their decoherence due to electron-electron scattering, remains applicable to the spin-charge separated system. The relevant dephasing length, governed by the interplay of electron-electron interaction and spin-charge separation, is found to be parametrically shorter than in a spinless LL. We calculate both the quantum (weak localization) and classical (memory effect) corrections to the conductivity of a disordered spinful LL. The classical correction is shown to dominate in the limit of high temperature.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    Wigner crystal in snaked nanochannels

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    We study properties of Wigner crystal in snaked nanochannels and show that they are characterized by conducting sliding phase at low charge densities and insulating pinned phase emerging above a certain critical charge density. The transition between these phases has a devil's staircase structure typical for the Aubry transition in dynamical maps and the Frenkel-Kontorova model. We discuss implications of this phenomenon for charge density waves in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors and for supercapacitors in nanopore materials.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figs, research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.f

    One dimensional transport in silicon nanowire junction-less field effect transistors

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    Junction-less nanowire transistors are being investigated to solve short channel effects in future CMOS technology. Here we demonstrate 8 nm diameter silicon nanowire junction-less transistors with metallic doping densities which demonstrate clear 1D electronic transport characteristics. The 1D regime allows excellent gate modulation with near ideal subthreshold slopes, on- to off-current ratios above 108 and high on-currents at room temperature. Universal conductance scaling as a function of voltage and temperature similar to previous reports of Luttinger liquids and Coulomb gap behaviour at low temperatures suggests that many body effects including electron-electron interactions are important in describing the electronic transport. This suggests that modelling of such nanowire devices will require 1D models which include many body interactions to accurately simulate the electronic transport to optimise the technology but also suggest that 1D effects could be used to enhance future transistor performance

    Solvothermal Synthesis Of High-Aspect Ratio Alloy Semiconductor Nanowires: Cd1-Xznxs, A Case Study

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    High-aspect ratio Cd1-xZnxS (x ) 0-1) alloy semiconductor nanowires are reported here for the first time using an ethylenediamine (en)-assisted solvothermal approach. The composition of the en-water (en-w) mixed solvent plays a crucial role in determining the morphology and crystalline phase of the alloy nanowires in the middle range of x (i.e., when x approaches 0.5). A phase transformation from hexagonal to cubic was observed for the middle range of x in an en-dominated solvent (en/w, 5:1). Nanowires with hexagonal phases were formed for the entire range of x with increasing water content of the solvent system (en/w, 2:1). The aspect ratio of the nanowires was found to be dependent on the x value as well as solvent composition. Alloy nanowires exhibit photoresponse properties when illuminated under white light. The synthesis technique is modified to synthesize core-shell Cd1-xZnxS/ZnS nanowires. Enhancement in photoluminescence efficiency is observed with a ZnS shell over the alloy nanowires. © 2009 American Chemical Society