4,235 research outputs found

    Stakeholder and Social Capital Approaches as Explanations for Relationships between SMEs and State Officials in Different Transition Economies

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    This study targets the determination of support that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) provide to government representatives of their choice (in the form of donations, influence through their networks, information, and votes). The study tests stakeholder and social capital approaches as legitimate explanations for SMEs' relationships with state representatives in different transition economies, specifically Belarus as a state-controlled transition economy and Ukraine as a rent-seeking state (Aslund, 2002). The study shows that the stakeholder approach is sensitive to business environments and more applicable in a rent-seeking state where the parties can perceive value in their exchange. Social relations motivate the SMEs' support in both types of transition economies

    Requirements for professional qualifications of teachers of preschool educational institutions of the

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    The article is devoted to the comparison of the evaluations of the professional and personal qualities of the teacher preschool educational organization, identify all participants in the educational process (state, employer, parent, child). It is important to justify the social order on the profession in the contemporary socio-economic realities. Content analysis of documentary sources of information on specialized sites, allows us to accumulate and generalize the notions of status roles of educator, taking into account regional peculiarities of application of labour.Статья посвящена сопоставлению оценок профессиональных и личностных качеств воспитателя дошкольной образовательной организации, формулируемых участниками образовательного процесса (государство, работодатель, воспитатель, родитель), с целью обоснования социального заказа на профессию в современных социально-экономических реалиях. Контент -анализ документальных источников, информации, размещенной на специализированных сайтах, позволяет аккумулировать и обобщить представления о статусных ролях воспитателя, учитывая региональные особенности приложения труда

    Interaction of the Church and Society in Commemoration Campaigns Activated By Museum of Sanctity and Asceticism in the Urals in 20

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    The article analyzes attempts of the Orthodox Church and secular society to form some integrated space of historical memory about repressions in the Urals in the 2

    Total Antioxidant Capacity and Polyphenol Content Correlation in Aqueous-Alcoholic Plant Extracts Used in Phytotherapy

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    The present investigation analyzes the antioxidant properties of aqueous-alcoholic extracts of Bulgarian plants used in phytotherapy in relation with their polyphenol content.  The total phenolic (TP) content and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) values of aqueous-alcoholic extract from Hypericum perforatum, Cydonia vulgaris, Arcostaphylos uva-ursi and Cotinus coggygria significantly exceeded the TP and TAC values of Ilex paraguariensis (mate), Aspalathus linearis (rooibos), Cyclopia intermedia (honeybush), and Camellia sinensis (black tea), famous for their antioxidants' content. The high degree of positive correlation (r=0,91) between TAC and TP values indicates the role of polyphenols for the plant antioxidant potential. Bulgarian medicinal plants are excellent sources of antioxidants established by their high TAC values as compared to the famous foreign plants honeybush, rooibos, mate and black tea and they prove to be a potential for the development of new pharmaceutical

    Дитячий хор у творчості Валентини Дробязґіної

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    Музика Валентини Дробязґіної посідає особливе місце у творчій спадщині композиторів Харківщини. За дитячу хорову музику мисткиня здобула премію імені В. Косенка 2011 року. Відсутність музикознавчих досліджень, присвячених творчості композиторки, визначила актуальність цієї роботи. Мета статті — проаналізувати особливості художньої естетики та композиторської стилістики хорової музики для дітей В. Дробязґіної. Мисткиня мала літературне обдарування — створювала яскраві хорові твори на власні тексти. Хорова музика В. Дробязґіної поєднує надзвичайну насиченість музичного матеріалу з його доступністю як для сприйняття, так і для виконання. Більшість творів композиторки не опубліковані, однак вони фігурують у репертуарі дитячих хорів і нині. У музиці В. Дробязґіної органічно поєднались українські національні традиції із сучасними засобами виражальності

    Convergence modelling in international integration associations

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    The article considers mathematical tools for modelling economic policy as a whole, as well as convergence in the field of labor, foreign economic activity, monetary and debt policy. Convergence was estimated using the convergence model, which characterizes the decrease in time spread in the levels of development of countries and regions, reflecting the negative relationship between economic growth rates and the initial level of development of countries and regions. The convergence was estimated by the coefficient of variation and by the dispersion-based model. To assess convergence, we used the Barro and Salai- Martin models, as well as the Baumol, Solow-Svan, and Quadrado-Rour models. The use of this mathematical toolkit allows to explore the presence and speed of convergence before and after joining international integration associations. The proposed mathematical modelling tools are recommended to be used in order to analyze convergence processes, study the dynamics of convergence or divergence, and also to adjust the directions and methods of state and regional economic policies of countries included in the integration association. © 2020 South Ural State University. All rights reserved

    Shamkir: History of the City in R. Mehdixanov’s Works

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    The researches of the Azerbaijani historian Rəsul Mehdixanov are discussed, which are dedicated to the history of the city of Shamkir, including a monograph published in 2016 and certain articles of the author, devoted, in particular, to the German colony existing in Shamkir in the 19th century. It is shown that the studies by R. Mehdixanov provide the data on the development of one of the ancient cities in northwestern Azerbaijan. In particular, it is reported that the book “The History of the City of Shamkir” analyzes information about the origin of the city, the geography of the Shamkir region and Shamkir history from ancient times to the early 20th century, and the articles explore certain aspects of the history of the city, especially after its inclusion in the Russian Empire. It is noted that a significant part of R. Mehdixanov’s research on the history of the city of Shamkir was made up of works devoted to the German settlement Annenfeld, which existed on the site of ancient Shamkir in 1818-1924 and became the basis for the modern city of Shamkir. The article identified several discrepancies and gaps concerning the history of the city of Shamkir and unaffected in the writings by R. Mehdixanov


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    Urgent problems of our time in achieving national competitiveness are  to strengthen the level of socio-economic development of the regions, as well as the achievement of their financial self-sufficiency. Socio-economic development of the region lies in the relationship "center-region", where it is necessary to coordinate the interests of the subjects at all levels and providing an effective mechanism of intergovernmental relations. Features fiscal policy affect the efficiency of formation and use of economic, social and environmental potential of the region. In the article the impact of fiscal relations to sustainable socio-economic development of regions is justified. The factors of influence on fiscal relations are identified. The advantages of fiscal relations at the state level and at the regional level are considered. The methodical approach to determining the effect of fiscal relations in the capacity building of socio-economic development of the regions ofUkraineis suggested. Trends of fiscal relations between the center and the regions are analyzed, the positive aspects of the reform are highlighted, problems that need to be addressed through the development of areas of improvement fiscal relations “center and the region” are identified.Обосновано влияние налогово-бюджетных отношений на устойчивое социально-экономическое развитие регионов. Предложен методический подход к определению влияния налогово-бюджетных отношений на формирование потенциала социально-экономического развития регионов Украины. Проведено анализ тенденций налогово-бюджетных отношений между центром и регионами, выделены позитивные аспекты реформирования, а также идентифицированы проблемы, которые необходимо решать с помощью разработки направлений усовершенствования налогово-бюджетных отношений «центр-регион».Обґрунтовано вплив податково-бюджетних відносин на сталий соціально-економічний розвиток регіонів. Запропоновано методичний підхід до визначення впливу податково-бюджетних відносин на формування потенціалу соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів України. Проведено аналіз тенденцій податково-бюджетних відносин між центром і регіонами, виділено позитивні аспекти реформування, а також ідентифіковані проблеми, які необхідно вирішувати за допомогою розробки напрямів удосконалення податково-бюджетних відносин «центр - регіон»