31,991 research outputs found

    Resolving the bow-shock nebula around the old pulsar PSR B1929+10 with multi-epoch Chandra observations

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    We have studied the nearby old pulsar PSR B1929+10 and its surrounding interstellar medium utilizing the sub-arcsecond angular resolution of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The Chandra data are found to be fully consistent with the results obtained from deep XMM-Newton observations as far as the pulsar is concerned. We confirm the non-thermal emission nature of the pulsar's X-radiation. In addition to the X-ray trail already seen in previous observations by the ROSAT and XMM-Newton X-ray observatories, we discovered an arc-like nebula surrounding the pulsar. We interpret the feature as a bow-shock nebula and discuss its energetics in the context of standard shock theory.Comment: Accepted by A&A, revised in accordance with referee's comment

    Discovery of an X-ray Nebula associated with PSR J2124-3358

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    We report the discovery of an X-ray nebula associated with the nearby millisecond pulsar PSR J2124-3358. This is the first time that extended emission from a solitary millisecond pulsar is detected. The emission extends from the pulsar to the northwest by ~ 0.5 arcmin. The spectrum of the nebular emission can be modeled by a power law spectrum with photon index of 2.2 +/-0.4. This is inline with the emission being originated from accelerated particles in the post shock flow.Comment: roceedings of the 363. WE-Heraeus Seminar on: Neutron Stars and Pulsars (Posters and contributed talks) Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, May.14-19, 2006, eds. W.Becker, H.H.Huang, MPE Report 291, pp.13-1

    Cosmic Reionization On Computers. Properties of the Post-reionization IGM

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    We present a comparison between several observational tests of the post-reionization IGM and the numerical simulations of reionization completed under the Cosmic Reionization On Computers (CROC) project. The CROC simulations match the gap distribution reasonably well, and also provide a good match for the distribution of peak heights, but there is a notable lack of wide peaks in the simulated spectra and the flux PDFs are poorly matched in the narrow redshift interval 5.5<z<5.7, with the match at other redshifts being significantly better, albeit not exact. Both discrepancies are related: simulations show more opacity than the data.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Massive non-thermal radio emitters: new data and their modelling

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    During recent years some non-thermal radio emitting OB stars have been discovered to be binary, or multiple systems. The non-thermal emission is due to synchrotron radiation that is emitted by electrons accelerated up to high energies. The electron acceleration occurs at the strong shocks created by the collision of radiatively-driven winds. Here we summarize the available radio data and more recent observations for the binary Cyg OB2 No. 9. We also show a new emission model which is being developed to compare the theoretical total radio flux and the spectral index with the observed radio light curves. This comparison will be useful in order to solve fundamental questions, such as the determination of the stellar mass loss rates, which are perturbed by clumping.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, poster at Four Decades of Research on Massive Stars-A Scientific Meeting in Honour of Anthony F.J.Moffa

    A binary signature in the non-thermal radio-emitter Cyg OB2 #9

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    Aims: Non-thermal radio emission associated with massive stars is believed to arise from a wind-wind collision in a binary system. However, the evidence of binarity is still lacking in some cases, notably Cyg OB2 #9 Methods: For several years, we have been monitoring this heavily-reddened star from various observatories. This campaign allowed us to probe variations both on short and long timescales and constitutes the first in-depth study of the visible spectrum of this object. Results: Our observations provide the very first direct evidence of a companion in Cyg OB2 #9, confirming the theoretical wind-wind collision scenario. These data suggest a highly eccentric orbit with a period of a few years, compatible with the 2yr-timescale measured in the radio range. In addition, the signature of the wind-wind collision is very likely reflected in the behaviour of some emission lines.Comment: accepted by A&A, 4 p, 3figure

    Three-dimensional, transonic rotor flow field reconstructed from holographic interferogram data

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    Holographic interferometry and computer-assisted tomography (CAT) are used to determine the transonic flow field of a model rotor blade in hover. A pulsed ruby laser records 40 interferograms with a 61 cm-diam view field near the model rotor-blade tip operating at a tip Mach number of 0.90. After digitizing the interferograms and extracting fringe-order functions, the data are transferred to a CAT code. The CAT code then calculates pressure coefficients in several planes above the blade surface. The values from the holography-CAT method compare favorably with previously obtained numerical computations and laser velocimeter measurements at most locations near the blade tip. The results demonstrate the technique's potential for three-dimensional transonic rotor flow studies

    Reconstruction of a 3-dimensional transonic rotor flow field from holographic interferogram data

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    Holographic interferometry and computer-assisted tomography (CAT) are used to determine the transonic velocity field of a model rotor blade in hover. A pulsed ruby laser recorded 40 interferograms with a 2-ft-diam view field near the model rotor-blade tip operating at a tip Mach number of 0.90. After digitizing the interferograms and extracting fringe-order functions, the data are transferred to a CAT code. The CAT code then calculates the perturbation velocity in seeral planes above the blade surface. The values from the holography-CAT method compare favorably with previously obtained numerical computations in most locations near the blade tip. The results demonstrate the technique's potential for three-dimensional transonic rotor flow studies

    Structure in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We show that requiring sixteen supersymmetries in quantum mechanical gauge theory implies the existence of a web of constrained interactions. Contrary to conventional wisdom, these constraints extend to arbitrary orders in the momentum expansion.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe