2,573 research outputs found

    Sparse Image Reconstruction on the Sphere: Analysis and Synthesis

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    We develop techniques to solve ill-posed inverse problems on the sphere by sparse regularization, exploiting sparsity in both axisymmetric and directional scale-discretized wavelet space. Denoising, in painting, and deconvolution problems and combinations thereof, are considered as examples. Inverse problems are solved in both the analysis and synthesis settings, with a number of different sampling schemes. The most effective approach is that with the most restricted solution-space, which depends on the interplay between the adopted sampling scheme, the selection of the analysis/synthesis problem, and any weighting of the â„“1 norm appearing in the regularization problem. More efficient sampling schemes on the sphere improve reconstruction fidelity by restricting the solution-space and also by improving sparsity in wavelet space. We apply the technique to denoise Planck 353-GHz observations, improving the ability to extract the structure of Galactic dust emission, which is important for studying Galactic magnetism

    Single mode terahertz quantum cascade amplifier

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    A terahertz (THz) optical amplifier based on a 2.9 THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) structure has been demonstrated. By depositing an antireflective coating on the QCL facet, the laser mirror losses are enhanced to fully suppress the lasing action, creating a THz quantum cascade (QC) amplifier. Terahertz radiation amplification has been obtained, by coupling a separate multi-mode THz QCL of the same active region design to the QC amplifier. A bare cavity gain is achieved and shows excellent agreement with the lasing spectrum from the original QCL without the antireflective coating. Furthermore, a maximum optical gain of ∼30 dB with single-mode radiation output is demonstrated

    Single mode terahertz quantum cascade amplifier

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    A terahertz (THz) optical amplifier based on a 2.9 THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) structure has been demonstrated. By depositing an antireflective coating on the QCL facet, the laser mirror losses are enhanced to fully suppress the lasing action, creating a THz quantum cascade (QC) amplifier. Terahertz radiation amplification has been obtained, by coupling a separate multi-mode THz QCL of the same active region design to the QC amplifier. A bare cavity gain is achieved and shows excellent agreement with the lasing spectrum from the original QCL without the antireflective coating. Furthermore, a maximum optical gain of ∼30 dB with single-mode radiation output is demonstrated

    Electrical Control of Dynamic Spin Splitting Induced by Exchange Interaction as Revealed by Time Resolved Kerr Rotation in a Degenerate Spin-Polarized Electron Gas

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    The manipulation of spin degree of freedom have been demonstrated in spin polarized electron plasma in a heterostructure by using exchange-interaction induced dynamic spin splitting rather than the Rashba and Dresselhaus types, as revealed by time resolved Kerr rotation. The measured spin splitting increases from 0.256meV to 0.559meV as the bias varies from -0.3V to -0.6V. Both the sign switch of Kerr signal and the phase reversal of Larmor precessions have been observed with biases, which all fit into the framework of exchange-interaction-induced spin splitting. The electrical control of it may provide a new effective scheme for manipulating spin-selected transport in spin FET-like devices.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures ; added some discussion

    Narrow Line Cooling: Finite Photon Recoil Dynamics

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    We present an extensive study of the unique thermal and mechanical dynamics for narrow-line cooling on the 1S0 - 3P1 88Sr transition. For negative detuning, trap dynamics reveal a transition from the semiclassical regime to the photon-recoil-dominated quantum regime, yielding an absolute minima in the equilibrium temperature below the single-photon recoil limit. For positive detuning, the cloud divides into discrete momentum packets whose alignment mimics lattice points on a face-centered-cubic crystal. This novel behavior arises from velocity selection and "positive feedback" acceleration due to a finite number of photon recoils. Cooling is achieved with blue-detuned light around a velocity where gravity balances the radiative force.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Direct Observation of Site-specific Valence Electronic Structure at Interface: SiO2/Si Interface

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    Atom specific valence electronic structures at interface are elucidated successfully using soft x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. In order to demonstrate the versatility of this method, we investigated SiO2/Si interface as a prototype and directly observed valence electronic states projected at the particular atoms of the SiO2/Si interface; local electronic structure strongly depends on the chemical states of each atom. In addition we compared the experimental results with first-principle calculations, which quantitatively revealed the interfacial properties in atomic-scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin Dynamics in the Second Subband of a Quasi Two Dimensional System Studied in a Single Barrier Heterostructure by Time Resolved Kerr Rotation

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    By biasing a single barrier heterostructure with a 500nm-thick GaAs layer as the absorption layer, the spin dynamics for both of the first and second subband near the AlAs barrier are examined. We find that when simultaneously scanning the photon energy of both the probe and pump beams, a sign reversal of the Kerr rotation (KR) takes place as long as the probe photons break away the first subband and probe the second subband. This novel feature, while stemming from the exchange interaction, has been used to unambiguously distinguish the different spin dynamics (T21∗T_2^{1*} and T22∗T_2^{2*}) for the first and second subbands under the different conditions by their KR signs (negative for 1st1^{st} and positive for 2nd2^{nd}). In the zero magnetic field, by scanning the wavelength towards the short wavelength, T21∗T_2^{1*} decreases in accordance with the D'yakonov-Perel' (DP) spin decoherence mechanism. At 803nm, T22∗T_2^{2*}(450ps) becomes ten times longer than T21∗T_2^{1*}(50ps). However, the value of T22∗T_2^{2*} at 803nm is roughly the same as the value of T21∗T_2^{1*} at 815nm. A new feature has been disclosed at the wavelength of 811nm under the bias of -0.3V (807nm under the bias of -0.6V) that the spin coherence times (T21∗T_2^{1*} and T22∗T_2^{2*}) and the effective g∗g^* factors (∣g∗(E1)∣|g^*(E1)| and ∣g∗(E2)∣|g^*(E2)|) all display a sudden change, due to the "resonant" spin exchange coupling between two spin opposite bands.Comment: 9pages, 3 figure

    Narrow-line magneto-optical cooling and trapping of strongly magnetic atoms

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    Laser cooling on weak transitions is a useful technique for reaching ultracold temperatures in atoms with multiple valence electrons. However, for strongly magnetic atoms a conventional narrow-line magneto-optical trap (MOT) is destabilized by competition between optical and magnetic forces. We overcome this difficulty in Er by developing an unusual narrow-line MOT that balances optical and magnetic forces using laser light tuned to the blue side of a narrow (8 kHz) transition. The trap population is spin-polarized with temperatures reaching below 2 microkelvin. Our results constitute an alternative method for laser cooling on weak transitions, applicable to rare-earth-metal and metastable alkaline earth elements.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 pages, 5 figure

    Oriented grain growth and modification of ‘frozen anisotropy’ in the lithospheric mantle

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    Seismic anisotropy throughout the oceanic lithosphere is often assumed to be generated by fossilized texture formed during deformation at asthenospheric temperatures close to the ridge. Here we investigate the effect of high-temperature and high-pressure static annealing on the texture of previously deformed olivine aggregates to simulate residence of deformed peridotite in the lithosphere. Our experiments indicate that the orientation and magnitude of crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) will evolve due to the preferential growth of grains with low dislocation densities. These observations suggest that texture and stored elastic strain energy promote a style of grain growth that modifies the CPO of a deformed aggregate. We demonstrate that these microstructural changes alter the orientation distributions and magnitudes of seismic wave velocities and anisotropy. Therefore, static annealing may complicate the inference of past deformation kinematics from seismic anisotropy in the lithosphere.This research is supported by NSF EAR-1131985 (to PS), with additional support from the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. DW and LNH acknowledge support from the Natural Environment Research Council Grant NE/M000966/1
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