44,804 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic consistency of liquid-gas lattice Boltzmann simulations

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    Lattice Boltzmann simulations have been very successful in simulating liquid-gas and other multi-phase fluid systems. However, the underlying second order analysis of the equation of motion has long been known to be insufficient to consistently derive the fourth order terms that are necessary to represent an extended interface. These same terms are also responsible for thermodynamic consistency, i.e. to obtain a true equilibrium solution with both a constant chemical potential and a constant pressure. In this article we present an equilibrium analysis of non-ideal lattice Boltzmann methods of sufficient order to identify those higher order terms that lead to a lack of thermodynamic consistency. We then introduce a thermodynamically consistent forcing method.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamics of Soft and Hairy Polymer Nanoparticles in a Suspension by NMR Relaxation

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    Droplet detachment and bead formation in visco-elastic fluids

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    The presence of a very small amount of high molecular weight polymer significantly delays the pinch-off singularity of a drop of water falling from a faucet, and leads to the formation of a long-lived cylindrical filament. In this paper we present experiments, numerical simulations, and theory which examines the pinch-off process in the presence of polymers. The numerical simulations are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. As a test case, we establish the conditions under which a small bead remains on the filament; we find that this is due to the asymmetry induced by the self-similar pinch-off of the droplet.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Computation of the Halo Mass Function Using Physical Collapse Parameters: Application to Non-Standard Cosmologies

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    In this article we compare the halo mass function predicted by the excursion set theory with a drifting diffusive barrier against the results of N-body simulations for several cosmological models. This includes the standard LCDM case for a large range of halo masses, models with different types of primordial non-Gaussianity, and the Ratra-Peebles quintessence model of Dark Energy. We show that in all those cosmological scenarios, the abundance of dark matter halos can be described by a drifting diffusive barrier, where the two parameters describing the barrier have physical content. In the case of the Gaussian LCDM, the statistics are precise enough to actually predict those parameters at different redshifts from the initial conditions. Furthermore, we found that the stochasticity in the barrier is nonnegligible making the simple deterministic spherical collapse model a bad approximation even at very high halo masses. We also show that using the standard excursion set approach with a barrier inspired by peak patches leads to inconsistent predictions of the halo mass function.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    AGN Feedback Compared: Jets versus Radiation

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    Feedback by Active Galactic Nuclei is often divided into quasar and radio mode, powered by radiation or radio jets, respectively. Both are fundamental in galaxy evolution, especially in late-type galaxies, as shown by cosmological simulations and observations of jet-ISM interactions in these systems. We compare AGN feedback by radiation and by collimated jets through a suite of simulations, in which a central AGN interacts with a clumpy, fractal galactic disc. We test AGN of 104310^{43} and 104610^{46} erg/s, considering jets perpendicular or parallel to the disc. Mechanical jets drive the more powerful outflows, exhibiting stronger mass and momentum coupling with the dense gas, while radiation heats and rarifies the gas more. Radiation and perpendicular jets evolve to be quite similar in outflow properties and effect on the cold ISM, while inclined jets interact more efficiently with all the disc gas, removing the densest 20%20\% in 2020 Myr, and thereby reducing the amount of cold gas available for star formation. All simulations show small-scale inflows of M_\odot/yr, which can easily reach down to the Bondi radius of the central supermassive black hole (especially for radiation and perpendicular jets), implying that AGN modulate their own duty cycle in a feedback/feeding cycle.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Gauge-Higgs Unification and Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Warped Extra Dimensions

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    We compute the Coleman Weinberg effective potential for the Higgs field in RS Gauge-Higgs unification scenarios based on a bulk SO(5) x U(1)_X gauge symmetry, with gauge and fermion fields propagating in the bulk and a custodial symmetry protecting the generation of large corrections to the T parameter and the coupling of the Z to the bottom quark. We demonstrate that electroweak symmetry breaking may be realized, with proper generation of the top and bottom quark masses for the same region of bulk mass parameters that lead to good agreement with precision electroweak data in the presence of a light Higgs. We compute the Higgs mass and demonstrate that for the range of parameters for which the Higgs boson has Standard Model-like properties, the Higgs mass is naturally in a range that varies between values close to the LEP experimental limit and about 160 GeV. This mass range may be probed at the Tevatron and at the LHC. We analyze the KK spectrum and briefly discuss the phenomenology of the light resonances arising in our model.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. Corrected typo in boundary condition for gauge bosons and top mass equation. To appear in PR

    Analysis of photon-atom entanglement generated by Faraday rotation in a cavity

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    Faraday rotation based on AC Stark shifts is a mechanism that can entangle the polarization variables of photons and atoms. We analyze the structure of such entanglement by using the Schmidt decomposition method. The time-dependence of entanglement entropy and the effective Schmidt number are derived for Gaussian amplitudes. In particular we show how the entanglement is controlled by the initial fluctuations of atoms and photons.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Comment on ''the controlled charge ordering and evidence of the metallic state in Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} films''

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    In a recent paper (2000 \QTR{it}{J. Phys.: Condens. Matter} \QTR{bf}{12} L133) Lee \QTR{it}{et al.} have studied the transport properties of Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} thin films. They claimed that they are able to controlled the charge-ordered (CO) state by the lattice strains. We propose herein another alternative since another indexation of the orientation of the film can be found leading to almost no distortion of the cell, as compared to the bulk compound.Comment: 2 page