450 research outputs found

    Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of patients with non-small cell lung cancer

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    Aim: To evaluate concentration of MMP-9 in blood plasma and broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Blood рlasma from 40 NSCLC patients and 40 healthy donors was collected and concentrations of blood plasma and BALF MMP-9 were measured using ELISA. Correlation between MMP-9 level and gender, histological type of tumor and stage of disease was analyzed. Results: Levels of blood plasma MMP-9 were significantly higher in NSCLC patients (p < 0.0001) then in control group, and were especially high in patients with stage IV of disease (stage I vs stage IV — p < 0.005, stage II vs stage IV — p < 0.01, stage III vs stage IV — p < 0.01). Also, stage IV of NSCLC was characterized by the highest level of BALF MMP-9 (stage I vs stage IV — p < 0.002, stage II vs stage IV p < 0.002, and stage III vs stage IV p < 0.007). Correlation between blood plasma and BALF MMP-9 levels and gender or histological type of tumor was insignificant. Conclusion: Our data revealed significant correlation between tumor stage and BALF and plasma MMP-9 levels in NSCLC patients.Цель: определить концентрацию матриксной металлопротеиназы 9 (ММП-9) в плазме крови и бронхо-альвеолярной жидкости (БАЖ) больных немелкоклеточным раком легкого (НМКРЛ). Методы: концентрацию ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ больных НМКРЛ (n = 40) и здоровых доноров (n = 40) определяли иммуноферментным методом и анализировали корреляцию этих параметров с клиническими данными (полом больного, гистологическим типом опухоли, стадией заболевания). Результаты: содержание ММП-9 в плазме крови было значительно выше у больных НМКРЛ по сравнению с контрольной группой (p < 0,0001), особенно у больных с IV стадией заболевания. Стадия IV НМКРЛ также характеризовалась наиболее высоким уровнем ММП-9 в БАЖ. Корреляции между уровнем ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ, полом больного и гистологическим типом опухоли не была выявлена. Выводы: существует статистически значимая корреляция между стадией развития НМКРЛ и содержанием ММП-9 в плазме крови и БАЖ больных

    Software defect prediction: do different classifiers find the same defects?

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    Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.During the last 10 years, hundreds of different defect prediction models have been published. The performance of the classifiers used in these models is reported to be similar with models rarely performing above the predictive performance ceiling of about 80% recall. We investigate the individual defects that four classifiers predict and analyse the level of prediction uncertainty produced by these classifiers. We perform a sensitivity analysis to compare the performance of Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, RPart and SVM classifiers when predicting defects in NASA, open source and commercial datasets. The defect predictions that each classifier makes is captured in a confusion matrix and the prediction uncertainty of each classifier is compared. Despite similar predictive performance values for these four classifiers, each detects different sets of defects. Some classifiers are more consistent in predicting defects than others. Our results confirm that a unique subset of defects can be detected by specific classifiers. However, while some classifiers are consistent in the predictions they make, other classifiers vary in their predictions. Given our results, we conclude that classifier ensembles with decision-making strategies not based on majority voting are likely to perform best in defect prediction.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio


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    Topical hemostatic agents are applied locally to areas of injured vascular endothelium to control local bleeding. Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) has gained approval in Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina as a topical haemostatic agent for external post-surgical and post-dental surgery bleeding. The safety of topical use of ABS has been demonstrated in numerous in vitro and in vivo animal models, as well as in a clinical Phase I trial in humans. ABS, besides its haemostatic activity, also has in vitro anti-infectious and anti-neoplastic effects. To assess potential detrimental effects of intravenous administration of ABS into intact systemic circulation in a rabbit experimental model, one milliliter of ABS was administered intravenously into the systemic circulation of twelve rabbits which were included in the study via the marginal ear vein. Animals were observed for 1 hr before euthanasia was performed by administering 40 mg of intracardiac suxamethonium chloride. In the event of death (cardiopulmonary arrest) before the end of the planned observation period of 60 minutes, time of death was recorded and histopathological examination of the liver and spleen was commenced. Ten rabbits were alive by the end of the planned observation period, without showing any clear signs of discomfort, whereas two animals died within five minutes after systemic administration of intravenous ABS. Postmortem histopathological examination of the livers and spleens of all animals’ revealed findings consistent with hepatic venous outflow obstruction. Systemic intravascular administration of ABS into intact vascular endothelium should never be performed in any setting. Further experimental and clinical studies on this liquid hemostatic agent should proceed by accepting ABS as purely a topical haemostatic agent, to be applied solely to areas of injured vascular endothelium

    Daily antibiotic cost of nosocomial infections in a Turkish university hospital

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    BACKGROUND: Many studies associated nosocomial infections with increased hospital costs due to extra days in hospital, staff time, extra investigations and drug treatment. The cost of antibiotic treatment for these infections represents a significant part of hospital expenditure. This prospective observational study was designed to determine the daily antibiotic cost of nosocomial infections per infected adult patient in Akdeniz University Hospital. METHODS: All adult patients admitted to the ICUs between January 1, 2000, and June 30, 2003 who had only one nosocomial infection during their stay were included in the study. Infection sites and pathogens, antimicrobial treatment of patient and it's cost were recorded. Daily antibiotic costs were calculated per infected patient. RESULTS: Among the 8460 study patients, 817 (16.6%) developed 1407 episodes of nosocomial infection. Two hundred thirty three (2.7%) presented with only one nosocomial infection. Mean daily antibiotic cost was 89.64.Dailyantibioticcostwas89.64. Daily antibiotic cost was 99.02 for pneumonia, 94.32forbloodstreaminfection,94.32 for bloodstream infection, 94.31 for surgical site infection, 52.37forurinarytractinfection,and52.37 for urinary tract infection, and 162.35 for the other infections per patient. The treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections was the most expensive infection treated. Piperacillin-tazobactam and amikacin were the most prescribed antibiotics, and meropenem was the most expensive drug for treatment of the nosocomial infections in the ICU. CONCLUSIONS: Daily antibiotic cost of nosocomial infections is an important part of extra costs that should be reduced providing rational antibiotic usage in hospitals

    İzmir‐Ankara suture as a Triassic to Cretaceous plate boundary – data from central Anatolia

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    The İzmir‐Ankara suture represents part of the boundary between Laurasia and Gondwana along which a wide Tethyan ocean was subducted. In northwest Turkey, it is associated with distinct oceanic subduction‐accretion complexes of Late Triassic, Jurassic and Late Cretaceous ages. The Late Triassic and Jurassic accretion complexes consist predominantly of basalt with lesser amounts of shale, limestone, chert, Permian (274 Ma zircon U‐Pb age) metagabbro and serpentinite, which have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism. Ar‐Ar muscovite ages from the phyllites range from 210 Ma down to 145 Ma with a broad southward younging. The Late Cretaceous subduction‐accretion complex, the ophiolitic mélange, consists of basalt, radiolarian chert, shale and minor amounts of recrystallized limestone, serpentinite and greywacke, showing various degrees of blueschist facies metamorphism and penetrative deformation. Ar‐Ar phengite ages from two blueschist metabasites are ca. 80 Ma (Campanian). The ophiolitic mélange includes large Jurassic peridotite‐gabbro bodies with plagiogranites with ca. 180 Ma U‐Pb zircon ages. Geochronological and geological data show that Permian to Cretaceous oceanic lithosphere was subducted north under the Pontides from the Late Triassic to the Late Cretaceous. This period was characterized generally by subduction‐accretion, except in the Early Cretaceous, when subduction‐erosion took place. In the Sakarya segment all the subduction accretion complexes, as well as the adjacent continental sequences, are unconformably overlain by Lower Eocene red beds. This, along with the stratigraphy of the Sakarya Zone indicate that the hard collision between the Sakarya Zone and the Anatolide‐Tauride Block took place in Paleocene

    Predictors of the development of myocarditis or acute renal failure in patients with leptospirosis: An observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptospirosis has a varied clinical presentation with complications like myocarditis and acute renal failure. There are many predictors of severity and mortality including clinical and laboratory parameters. Early detection and treatment can reduce complications. Therefore recognizing the early predictors of the complications of leptospirosis is important in patient management. This study was aimed at determining the clinical and laboratory predictors of myocarditis or acute renal failure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a prospective descriptive study carried out in the Teaching Hospital, Kandy, from 1st July 2007 to 31st July 2008. Patients with clinical features compatible with leptospirosis case definition were confirmed using the Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT). Clinical features and laboratory measures done on admission were recorded. Patients were observed for the development of acute renal failure or myocarditis. Chi-square statistics, Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney <it>U </it>test were used to compare patients with and without complications. A logistic regression model was used to select final predictor variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixty two confirmed leptospirosis patients were included in the study. Seven patients (11.3%) developed acute renal failure and five (8.1%) developed myocarditis while three (4.8%) had both acute renal failure and myocarditis. Conjunctival suffusion - 40 (64.5%), muscle tenderness - 28 (45.1%), oliguria - 20 (32.2%), jaundice - 12 (19.3%), hepatomegaly - 10 (16.1%), arrhythmias (irregular radial pulse) - 8 (12.9%), chest pain - 6 (9.7%), bleeding - 5 (8.1%), and shortness of breath (SOB) 4 (6.4%) were the common clinical features present among the patients. Out of these, only oliguria {odds ratio (OR) = 4.14 and 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.003-17.261}, jaundice (OR = 5.13 and 95% CI 1.149-28.003), and arrhythmias (OR = 5.774 and 95% CI 1.001-34.692), were predictors of myocarditis or acute renal failure and none of the laboratory measures could predict the two complications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows that out of clinical and laboratory variables, only oliguria, jaundice and arrhythmia are strong predictors of development of acute renal failure or myocarditis in patients with leptospirosis presented to Teaching Hospital of Kandy, Sri Lanka.</p

    XPS characterization of (copper-based) coloured stains formed on limestone surfaces of outdoor Roman monuments

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    Limestone basements holding bronzes or other copper alloys artefacts such as sculptures, decorations and dedicatory inscriptions are frequently met both in modern and ancient monuments. In outdoor conditions, such a combination implies the corrosion products of the copper based alloy, directly exposed to rainwater, will be drained off and migrate through the porous surfaces, forming stains of different colours and intensities, finally causing the limestone structures to deteriorate