904 research outputs found
π-Conjugated Macrocycles Bearing Angle-Strained Alkynes
Angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles are attractive compounds both in functional materials chemistry and biochemistry. Their interesting reactivity as well as photophysical and supramolecular properties have been revealed in the past three decades. This review highlights the recent advances in angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles, especially their synthetic methods, the bond angles of alkynes (∠sp at C≡C−C), and their functions. The theoretical and experimental research on cyclo[n]carbons and para‐cyclophynes consisting of ethynylenes and para‐phenylenes are mainly summarized. Related macrocycles bearing other linkers, such as ortho‐phenylenes, meta‐phenylenes, heteroaromatics, biphenyls, extended aromatics, are also overviewed. Bond angles of strained alkynes in π‐conjugated macrocycles, which are generable, detectable, and isolable, are summarized at the end of this review
ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata bertujuan untuk meningkatkan laju geraknya pembangunan masyarakat dengan menumbuh kembangkan motivasi pada masyarakat Desa Fatusene. Adapun target yang diharapkan dapat tercapai, yaitu : kebutuhan air bersih bagi masyarakat dapat terpenuhi, pembuatan kebun percontohan bagi masyarakat, mencegah hewan ternak terkena penyakit, mengajak anak-anak dan pemuda untuk menabung sejak dini, serta membuka pemahaman kepada masyarakat desa untuk melihat peluang usaha sehingga mereka tidak hanya bekerja sebagai petani tetapi juga mengelola hasil tani mereka menjadi produk jadi melalui usaha kecil maupun menengah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi dan pelatihan dengan melibatkan masyarakat Desa Fatusene secara langsung. Beberapa hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan ini adalah tersedianya air bersih, hewan ternak yang tidak terkena penyakit, kebun percontohan yang dapat diikuti oleh masyarakat, terutama anak-anak dan remaja pada masyarakat Desa Fatusene, yang mulai menabung dan tumbuhnya jiwa kewirausahaannya. Kata kunci: pengabdian masyarakat, KKN, pelatihan, sosialisasi ABSTRACTCommunity service activities through the Community Service Program aim to increase the pace of community development by fostering and developing motivation in the people of Fatusene Village. The targets are expected to be achieved, namely: the need for clean water for the community can be met, making demonstration gardens for the community, preventing livestock from getting sick, inviting children and youth to save from an early age, and opening understanding to the village community to see business opportunities. So they not only work as farmers but also manage their agricultural products into finished products through small and medium enterprises. The method of implementing this activity is socialization and training by directly involving the Fatusene Village community. Some of the results achieved in this activity are the availability of clean water, livestock that are not affected by disease, demonstration gardens that can be followed by the community, especially children and adolescents in the community of Fatusene Village, who are starting to save and grow an entrepreneurial spirit. Keywords: community service program, KKN, training, outreac
A Solution for Little Hierarchy Problem and b --> s gamma
We show that all the parameters which destabilize the weak scale can be taken
around the weak scale in the MSSM without conflicting with the SM Higgs mass
bound set by LEP experiment. The essential point is that if the lightest
CP-even Higgs h in the MSSM has only a small coupling to Z boson, g_{ZZh}, LEP
cannot generate the Higgs sufficiently. In the scenario, the SM Higgs mass
bound constrains the mass of the heaviest CP-even Higgs H which has the SM like
g_{ZZH} coupling. However, it is easier to make the heaviest Higgs heavy by the
effect of off-diagonal elements of the mass matrix of the CP-even Higgs because
the larger eigenvalue of 2 times 2 matrix becomes larger by introducing
off-diagonal elements. Thus, the smaller stop masses can be consistent with the
LEP constraints. Moreover, the two excesses observed at LEP Higgs search can
naturally be explained as the signals of the MSSM Higgs h and H in this
scenario. One of the most interesting results in the scenario is that all the
Higgs in the MSSM have the weak scale masses. For example, the charged Higgs
mass should be around 130 GeV. This looks inconsistent with the lower bound
obtained by the b --> s gamma process as m_{H^\pm}>350GeV. However, we show
that the amplitude induced by the charged Higgs can naturally be compensated by
that of the chargino if we take the mass parameters by which the little
hierarchy problem can be solved. The point is that the both amplitudes have the
same order of magnitudes when all the fields in the both loops have the same
order of masses.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, input parameter slightly changed, figures
replaced, references correcte
Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart
AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran tabung udara terhadap efisiensi pompa hidram PVC double katup limbah. Pompa hidram yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini memiliki diameter pipa masukan 2 inchi dan diameter pipa keluaran ½ inchi. Variasi tinggi tabung udara yang dilakukan adalah 100 cm, 120 cm dan 140 cm. Sedangkan tinggi pipa keluaran yang dilakukan adalah 7 m. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan efisiensi tertinggi yang diperoleh terdapat pada tinggi tabung udara 140 cm dengan tinggi pipa keluaran 7 m yaitu 81,9 % dan efisiensi terendah yang diperoleh terdapat pada tinggi tabung udara 100 cm yaitu 70,24 %. Pernambahan tinggi ukuran tabung udara dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pompa hidram. Hal ini terjadi karena rongga udara yang besar menambah tekanan air melalui pipa keluaran.Kata kunci Pompa Hidram PVC Double Katup limbah; Tinggi Tabung Udara; Efisiensi
AbstractTthe purpose of this study was carried out toknow the effect of air tube sizeon the efficiency of PVC hydram pumps double waste valve.The hydram pumpused in this study has a 2 inch diameter input pipe and½ inch diameter output pipe. The height variation of the air tube is carried out100 cm, 120 cm and 140 cm. While the height of the output pipe made is 7 m.The results of this study showed the highest efficiency obtained in the height of the air tube 140 cm with a high output pipe 7m that is 81,9% and the lowest efficiency obtained is in the height of the tubeair 100 cm is 70,24%. Increasing the height of the air tube size can increase the efficiency of the hydram pump. This happened because the large air cavity increases the water pressure through the outlet pipe.Key word :PVC hydram pump double waste valve; height of the air tub; efficienc
Potential Role of Protein Kinase B in Insulin-induced Glucose Transport, Glycogen Synthesis, and Protein Synthesis
Various biological responses stimulated by insulin
have been thought to be regulated by phosphatidylinosi-tol
3-kinase, including glucose transport, glycogen syn-thesis,
and protein synthesis. However, the molecular
link between phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and these
biological responses has been poorly understood. Re-cently,
it has been shown that protein kinase B (PKB/c-Akt/
Rac) lies immediately downstream from phosphati-dylinositol
3-kinase. Here, we show that expression of a
constitutively active form of PKB induced glucose up-take,
glycogen synthesis, and protein synthesis in L6
myotubes downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
and independent of Ras and mitogen-activated protein
kinase activation. Introduction of constitutively active
PKB induced glucose uptake and protein synthesis but
not glycogen synthesis in 3T3L-1 adipocytes, which lack
expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3 different from
L6 myotubes. Furthermore, we show that deactivation
of glycogen synthase kinase 3 and activation of rapamy-cin-
sensitive serine/threonine kinase by PKB in L6 myo-tubes
might be involved in the enhancement of glycogen
synthesis and protein synthesis, respectively. These re-sults
suggest that PKB acts as a key enzyme linking
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation to multiple bi-ological
functions of insulin through regulation of
downstream kinases in skeletal muscle, a major target
tissue of insulin
Anisotropic Optic Conductivities due to Spin and Orbital Orderings in LaVO3 and YVO3: First-Principles Studies
The anisotropy of low energy (05eV) optical excitations in strongly
correlated transition-metal oxides is closely related to the spin and orbital
orderings. The recent successes of LDA+ method in describing the magnetic
and electronic structures enable us to calculate the optical conductivity from
first-principles. The LaVO and YVO, both of which have
configuration and have various spin and orbital ordered phases at low
temperature, show distinct anisotropy in the optical spectra. The effects of
spin and orbital ordering on the anisotropy are studied in detail based on our
first-principles calculations. The experimental spectra of both compounds at
low temperature phases can be qualitatively explained with our calculations,
while the studies for the intermediate temperature phase of YVO suggest the
substantial persistence of the low temperature phase at elevated temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PR
Peningkatan Pemahaman Tentang Pentingnya Mengenali HIV AIDS Sejak Dini di SMP N 8 Kediri
Kejadian HIV/AIDS merupakan permasalahan global yang hingga saat ini masih belum terselesaikan, termasuk di Indonesia. Kasus tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok umur 20-49 tahun yang mengindikasikan pada usia remaja (15-25 tahun) mereka sudah mengidap HIV. Penyebab tingginya kejadian HIV/AIDS pada remaja dipengaruhi banyak hal diantaranya kurangnya pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/AIDS. Laporan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswa siswi SMPN 8 Kediri. Laporan ini menggunakan metode presentasi dan diskusi tanya jawab. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan siswa maupun siswi yang setelah diberikan penyuluhan menjadi lebih memahami bahayanya HIV/AIDS karena beberapa faktor. Selain itu, antusias mereka dalam mencari informasi lebih dalam mengenai HIV/AIDS juga sangat baik setelah diberikan penyuluhan
Penerapan Solar Home System Bagi Keluarga Petani di Dusun Niskolen
Abstract - This activity tries to reveal the impact of installing a solar home system with energy-saving lamps on the social and economic benefits for farming families in Niskolen hamlet. The social and economic benefits are intended for continuity in efforts to expand access to electricity services in areas not yet covered by electricity, and to encourage economic development and growth as well as improve the welfare of farmers. These social and economic benefits have long-term effects, such as increasing reading and learning opportunities, improving people's health standards, and with electricity at night farmers can carry out social and economic activities, as well as facilitate and speed up information from electronic media. The existence of electric lighting will pave the way for the development of the various talents that exist for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Abstrak – Kegiatan ini mencoba untuk mengungkapkan dampak pemasangan solar home system dengan lampu hemat energi terhadap manfaat social dan ekonomi bagi keluarga petani di dusun Niskolen. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi dimaksudkan untuk kelangsungan dalam upaya perluasan akses pelayanan listrik pada wilayah yang belum terjangkau listrik, dan mendorong pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta meningkatkan kesejateraan petani. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi ini berpengaruh secara jangka panjang, antara lain seperti, peningkatan kesempatan membaca dan belajar, peningkatan taraf kesehatan rakyat, dan dengan adanya listrik pada waktu malam hari petani dapat melakukan kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi, serta memudahkan dan mempercepat informasi dari media elektronik. Dengan adanya penerangan listrik akan membuka jalan kepada pengembangan berbagai bakat yang ada untuk inovasi dan kewirausahaan
Global Regulation by Horizontally Transferred Regulators Establishes the Pathogenicity of Escherichia coli
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is an emerging pathogen that causes diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Much of the genomic information that affects virulence is acquired by horizontal transfer. Genes necessary for attaching and effacing lesions are located in the locus for enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island. LEE gene transcription is positively regulated by Ler, which is also encoded by the LEE, and by Pch regulators, which are encoded at other loci. Here we identified genes whose transcription profiles were similar to those of the LEE genes, by comparing the effects of altering ler and pch transcript levels. We assigned these genes into two classes, according to their transcription profiles. By determining the binding profiles for Ler and Pch, we showed that both were involved in regulating one class of genes, but only Pch was involved in regulating the other class. Binding sites were found in the coding region as well as the promoter region of regulated genes, which include genes common to K12 strains as well as 0157-specific genes, suggesting that both act as a global regulator. These results indicate that Ler and Pch orchestrate the transcription of virulence genes, which are captured by horizontal transfer and scattered throughout the chromosome
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