20 research outputs found

    Complement Inhibition Promotes Endogenous Neurogenesis and Sustained Anti-Inflammatory Neuroprotection following Reperfused Stroke

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    The restoration of blood-flow following cerebral ischemia incites a series of deleterious cascades that exacerbate neuronal injury. Pharmacologic inhibition of the C3a-receptor ameliorates cerebral injury by attenuating post-ischemic inflammation. Recent reports also implicate C3a in the modulation of tissue repair, suggesting that complement may influence both injury and recovery at later post-ischemic time-points.To evaluate the effect of C3a-receptor antagonism on post-ischemic neurogenesis and neurological outcome in the subacute period of stroke, transient focal cerebral ischemia was induced in adult male C57BL/6 mice treated with multiple regimens of a C3a receptor antagonist (C3aRA).Low-dose C3aRA administration during the acute phase of stroke promotes neuroblast proliferation in the subventricular zone at 7 days. Additionally, the C3a receptor is expressed on T-lymphocytes within the ischemic territory at 7 days, and this cellular infiltrate is abrogated by C3aRA administration. Finally, C3aRA treatment confers robust histologic and functional neuroprotection at this delayed time-point.Targeted complement inhibition through low-dose antagonism of the C3a receptor promotes post-ischemic neuroblast proliferation in the SVZ. Furthermore, C3aRA administration suppresses T-lymphocyte infiltration and improves delayed functional and histologic outcome following reperfused stroke. Post-ischemic complement activation may be pharmacologically manipulated to yield an effective therapy for stroke

    Functional Variant in Complement C3 Gene Promoter and Genetic Susceptibility to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Febrile Seizures

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    BACKGROUND: Human mesial temporal lobe epilepsies (MTLE) represent the most frequent form of partial epilepsies and are frequently preceded by febrile seizures (FS) in infancy and early childhood. Genetic associations of several complement genes including its central component C3 with disorders of the central nervous system, and the existence of C3 dysregulation in the epilepsies and in the MTLE particularly, make it the C3 gene a good candidate for human MTLE. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A case-control association study of the C3 gene was performed in a first series of 122 patients with MTLE and 196 controls. Four haplotypes (HAP1 to 4) comprising GF100472, a newly discovered dinucleotide repeat polymorphism [(CA)8 to (CA)15] in the C3 promoter region showed significant association after Bonferroni correction, in the subgroup of MTLE patients having a personal history of FS (MTLE-FS+). Replication analysis in independent patients and controls confirmed that the rare HAP4 haplotype comprising the minimal length allele of GF100472 [(CA)8], protected against MTLE-FS+. A fifth haplotype (HAP5) with medium-size (CA)11 allele of GF100472 displayed four times higher frequency in controls than in the first cohort of MTLE-FS+ and showed a protective effect against FS through a high statistical significance in an independent population of 97 pure FS. Consistently, (CA)11 allele by its own protected against pure FS in a second group of 148 FS patients. Reporter gene assays showed that GF100472 significantly influenced C3 promoter activity (the higher the number of repeats, the lower the transcriptional activity). Taken together, the consistent genetic data and the functional analysis presented here indicate that a newly-identified and functional polymorphism in the promoter of the complement C3 gene might participate in the genetic susceptibility to human MTLE with a history of FS, and to pure FS. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study provides important data suggesting for the first time the involvement of the complement system in the genetic susceptibility to epileptic seizures and to epilepsy

    Complement component 3 (C3) expression in the hippocampus after excitotoxic injury: role of C/EBPβ

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    [Background] The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β (C/EBPβ) is a transcription factor implicated in the control of proliferation, differentiation, and inflammatory processes mainly in adipose tissue and liver; although more recent results have revealed an important role for this transcription factor in the brain. Previous studies from our laboratory indicated that CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β is implicated in inflammatory process and brain injury, since mice lacking this gene were less susceptible to kainic acid-induced injury. More recently, we have shown that the complement component 3 gene (C3) is a downstream target of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β and it could be a mediator of the proinflammatory effects of this transcription factor in neural cells.[Methods] Adult male Wistar rats (8–12 weeks old) were used throughout the study. C/EBPβ+/+ and C/EBPβ–/– mice were generated from heterozygous breeding pairs. Animals were injected or not with kainic acid, brains removed, and brain slices containing the hippocampus analyzed for the expression of both CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β and C3.[Results] In the present work, we have further extended these studies and show that CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β and C3 co-express in the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus after an excitotoxic injury. Studies using CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β knockout mice demonstrate a marked reduction in C3 expression after kainic acid injection in these animals, suggesting that indeed this protein is regulated by C/EBPβ in the hippocampus in vivo.[Conclusions] Altogether these results suggest that CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β could regulate brain disorders, in which excitotoxic and inflammatory processes are involved, at least in part through the direct regulation of C3.This work was supported by MINECO, Grant SAF2014-52940-R and partially financed with FEDER funds. CIBERNED is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. JAM-G was supported by CIBERNED. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    The role of the complement system in traumatic brain injury: a review

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important cause of disability and mortality in the western world. While the initial injury sustained results in damage, it is the subsequent secondary cascade that is thought to be the significant determinant of subsequent outcomes. The changes associated with the secondary injury do not become irreversible until some time after the start of the cascade. This may present a window of opportunity for therapeutic interventions aiming to improve outcomes subsequent to TBI. A prominent contributor to the secondary injury is a multifaceted inflammatory reaction. The complement system plays a notable role in this inflammatory reaction; however, it has often been overlooked in the context of TBI secondary injury. The complement system has homeostatic functions in the uninjured central nervous system (CNS), playing a part in neurodevelopment as well as having protective functions in the fully developed CNS, including protection from infection and inflammation. In the context of CNS injury, it can have a number of deleterious effects, evidence for which primarily comes not only from animal models but also, to a lesser extent, from human post-mortem studies. In stark contrast to this, complement may also promote neurogenesis and plasticity subsequent to CNS injury. This review aims to explore the role of the complement system in TBI secondary injury, by examining evidence from both clinical and animal studies. We examine whether specific complement activation pathways play more prominent roles in TBI than others. We also explore the potential role of complement in post-TBI neuroprotection and CNS repair/regeneration. Finally, we highlight the therapeutic potential of targeting the complement system in the context of TBI and point out certain areas on which future research is needed

    The role of the complement system in ischemic stroke and neural plasticity

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    Evidence from experimental animal studies suggests that complement activation in the brain is a “double-edged sword” as it exerts beneficial or detrimental effects depending on the context. Here, we assessed whether complement activation in the systemic circulation could be a predictive biomarker of functional outcome after stroke. Further, we studied the role of the complement system in brain plasticity and recovery after ischemic stroke. We found that acute and delayed phase plasma levels of C3 and C3a differ substantially among patients suffering from ischemic stroke of different etiology, and the association of plasma C3 and C3a levels with case/control status and with functional outcome is ischemic stroke subtype-dependent. In large vessel disease and cardioembolic stroke patients, C3 levels at 3-month follow up were associated with an unfavorable functional outcome at both 3 months and 2 years after stroke. However, in cardioembolic stroke patients moderate increase in plasma C3a/C3 ratio predicted favorable outcome after 2 years (Paper I and II). Furthermore, two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the C3 gene were found to be associated with ischemic stroke independently of traditional risk factors and one of these SNPs was associated with cryptogenic stroke (Paper III). Also, two SNPs were associated with plasma C3a or C3 levels independently of age, sex and case/control status. Taken together, the role of the complement system in ischemic stroke is strongly dependent on stroke etiology. We have also found that C3a overexpression in mice increased, whereas C3a receptor (C3aR) deficiency decreased the number of post-stroke-born neurons in the peri-infarct cortex without affecting the infarct size. Furthermore, the density of presynaptic puncta and GAP43-positive axonal growth cones in the cortex surrounding the infarct were lower in the C3aR-deficient compared to control mice, while in the C3a-overexpressing mice post stroke axonal plasticity response was increased. Mice lacking C3aR showed a more pronounced sensorimotor functional deficit as assessed by behavioral testing (Paper IV). These results indicate that C3aR signaling should be considered as a target when designing therapeutic strategies to improve functional recovery after ischemic stroke. To study complement-related neural plasticity in a non-pathological context, we performed electrophysiological recordings in the CA1 region of live hippocampal slices of young mice lacking C3 and control mice. We found that the C3-deficient mice had a decreased neurotransmitter release probability but dendritic spine density, and frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials were comparable in both groups of mice. Behavioral testing using the IntelliCage platform revealed that the C3-deficient mice performed better in the place and reversal learning tasks (Paper V). These findings may have implications for the management of disorders involving synapse elimination, such as Alzheimer’s diseases, autism or multiple sclerosis

    Complement: a novel factor in basal and ischemia-induced neurogenesis

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    Through its involvement in inflammation, opsonization, and cytolysis, the complement protects against infectious agents. Although most of the complement proteins are synthesized in the central nervous system (CNS), the role of the complement system in the normal or ischemic CNS remains unclear. Here we demonstrate for the first time that neural progenitor cells and immature neurons express receptors for complement fragments C3a and C5a (C3a receptor (C3aR) and C5a receptor). Mice that are deficient in complement factor C3 (C3(−/−)) lack C3a and are unable to generate C5a through proteolytic cleavage of C5 by C5-convertase. Intriguingly, basal neurogenesis is decreased both in C3(−/−) mice and in mice lacking C3aR or mice treated with a C3aR antagonist. The C3(−/−) mice had impaired ischemia-induced neurogenesis both in the subventricular zone, the main source of neural progenitor cells in adult brain, and in the ischemic region, despite normal proliferative response and larger infarct volumes. Thus, in the adult mammalian CNS, complement activation products promote both basal and ischemia-induced neurogenesis

    A novel composition for the culture of human adipose stem cells which includes complement C3

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    Adipose tissue is an easily accessible and abundant source of stem cells. Adipose stem cells (ASCs) are currently being researched as treatment options for repair and regeneration of damaged tissues. The standard culture conditions used for expansion of ASCs contain fetal bovine serum (FBS) which is undefined, could transmit known and unknown adventitious agents, and may cause adverse immune reactions. We have described a novel culture condition which excludes the use of FBS and characterised the resulting culture. Human ASCs were cultured in the novel culture medium, which included complement protein C3. These cultures, called C-ASCs, were compared with ASCs cultured in medium supplemented with FBS. Analysis of ASCs for surface marker profile, proliferation characteristics and differentiation potential indicated that the C-ASCs were similar to ASCs cultured in medium containing FBS. Using a specific inhibitor, we show that C3 is required for the survival of C-ASCs. This novel composition lends itself to being developed into a defined condition for the routine culture of ASCs for basic and clinical applications