228,960 research outputs found

    Detection of the large scale alignment of massive galaxies at z~0.6

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    We report on the detection of the alignment between galaxies and large-scale structure at z~0.6 based on the CMASS galaxy sample from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey data release 9. We use two statistics to quantify the alignment signal: 1) the alignment two-point correlation function which probes the dependence of galaxy clustering at a given separation in redshift space on the projected angle (theta_p) between the orientation of galaxies and the line connecting to other galaxies, and 2) the cos(2theta)-statistic which estimates the average of cos(2theta_p) for all correlated pairs at given separation. We find significant alignment signal out to about 70 Mpc/h in both statistics. Applications of the same statistics to dark matter halos of mass above 10^12 M_sun/h in a large cosmological simulation show similar scale-dependent alignment signals to the observation, but with higher amplitudes at all scales probed. We show that this discrepancy may be partially explained by a misalignment angle between central galaxies and their host halos, though detailed modeling is needed in order to better understand the link between the orientations of galaxies and host halos. In addition, we find systematic trends of the alignment statistics with the stellar mass of the CMASS galaxies, in the sense that more massive galaxies are more strongly aligned with the large-scale structure.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    High-quality positrons from a multi-proton bunch driven hollow plasma wakefield accelerator

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    By means of hollow plasma, multiple proton bunches work well in driving nonlinear plasma wakefields and accelerate electrons to energy frontier with preserved beam quality. However, the acceleration of positrons is different because the accelerating structure is strongly charge dependent. There is a discrepancy between keeping a small normalized emittance and a small energy spread. This results from the conflict that the plasma electrons used to provide focusing to the multiple proton bunches dilute the positron bunch. By loading an extra electron bunch to repel the plasma electrons and meanwhile reducing the plasma density slightly to shift the accelerating phase with a conducive slope to the positron bunch, the positron bunch can be accelerate to 400 GeV (40% of the driver energy) with an energy spread as low as 1% and well preserved normalized emittance. The successful generation of high quality and high energy positrons paves the way to the future energy frontier lepton colliders.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature dependent orbital degree of freedom in a bilayer manganite by magnetic Compton scattering

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    We have measured temperature-dependent magnetic Compton profiles (MCPs) from a single crystal of La1.2_{1.2}Sr1.8_{1.8}Mn2_2O7_7. The MCPs, which involved the scattering of circularly polarized x-rays, are in general related to the momentum density of all the unpaired spins in the system. Nevertheless, we show that when the x-ray scattering vector lies along the [110] direction, the number of magnetic electrons of a specific symmetry, i.e. dd-electrons of x2y2x^2-y^2 symmetry, yield a distinct signature in the MCP, allowing us to monitor substantial changes in the occupancy of the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} states over the investigated temperature range of 5-200K. This study indicates that magnetic Compton scattering can provide a powerful window on the properties of specific magnetic electrons in complex materials.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Excitation function of nucleon and pion elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    Within a relativistic transport (ART) model for heavy-ion collisions, we show that the recently observed characteristic change from out-of-plane to in-plane elliptic flow of protons in mid-central Au+Au collisions as the incident energy increases is consistent with the calculated results using a stiff nuclear equation of state (K=380 MeV). We have also studied the elliptic flow of pions and the transverse momentum dependence of both the nucleon and pion elliptic flow in order to gain further insight about the collision dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Current-driven vortex domain wall dynamics by micromagnetic simulations

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    Current-driven vortex wall dynamics is studied by means of a two-dimensional analytical model and micromagnetic simulation. By constructing a trial function for the vortex wall in the magnetic wire, we analytically solve for domain wall velocity and deformation in the presence of the current-induced spin torque. A critical current for the domain wall transformation from the vortex wall to the transverse wall is calculated. A comparison between the field- and current-driven wall dynamics is carried out. Micromagnetic simulations are performed to verify our analytical results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical polarization, screening, and plasmons in gapped graphene

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    The one-loop polarization function of graphene has been calculated at zero temperature for arbitrary wavevector, frequency, chemical potential (doping), and band gap. The result is expressed in terms of elementary functions and is used to find the dispersion of the plasmon mode and the static screening within the random phase approximation. At long wavelengths the usual square root behaviour of plasmon spectra for two-dimensional (2D) systems is obtained. The presence of a small (compared to a chemical potential) gap leads to the appearance of a new undamped plasmon mode. At greater values of the gap this mode merges with the long-wavelength one, and vanishes when the Fermi level enters the gap. The screening of charged impurities at large distances differs from that in gapless graphene by slower decay of Friedel oscillations (1/r21/r^2 instead of 1/r31/r^3), similarly to conventional 2D systems.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, v2: to match published versio

    Systematic {\it ab initio} study of the magnetic and electronic properties of all 3d transition metal linear and zigzag nanowires

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    It is found that all the zigzag chains except the nonmagnetic (NM) Ni and antiferromagnetic (AF) Fe chains which form a twisted two-legger ladder, look like a corner-sharing triangle ribbon, and have a lower total energy than the corresponding linear chains. All the 3d transition metals in both linear and zigzag structures have a stable or metastable ferromagnetic (FM) state. The electronic spin-polarization at the Fermi level in the FM Sc, V, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni linear chains is close to 90% or above. In the zigzag structure, the AF state is more stable than the FM state only in the Cr chain. It is found that the shape anisotropy energy may be comparable to the electronic one and always prefers the axial magnetization in both the linear and zigzag structures. In the zigzag chains, there is also a pronounced shape anisotropy in the plane perpendicular to the chain axis. Remarkably, the axial magnetic anisotropy in the FM Ni linear chain is gigantic, being ~12 meV/atom. Interestingly, there is a spin-reorientation transition in the FM Fe and Co linear chains when the chains are compressed or elongated. Large orbital magnetic moment is found in the FM Fe, Co and Ni linear chains

    Enhanced flux pinning in YBa2Cu3O7-d films by nano-scaled substrate surface roughness

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    Nano-scaled substrate surface roughness is shown to strongly influence the critical current density Jc in YBCO films made by pulse-laser-deposition on the crystalline LaAlO3 substrates consisting of two separate twin-free and twin-rich regions. The nano-scaled corrugated surface was created in the twin-rich region during the deposition process. Using magneto-optical imaging techniques coupled with optical and atomic force microscopy, we observed an enhanced flux pinning in the YBCO films in the twin-rich region, resulted in \~30% increase in Jc, which was unambiguously confirmed by the direct transport measurement.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Applied Physics Letter