8,710 research outputs found

    Complementarity Endures: No Firewall for an Infalling Observer

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    We argue that the complementarity picture, as interpreted as a reference frame change represented in quantum gravitational Hilbert space, does not suffer from the "firewall paradox" recently discussed by Almheiri, Marolf, Polchinski, and Sully. A quantum state described by a distant observer evolves unitarily, with the evolution law well approximated by semi-classical field equations in the region away from the (stretched) horizon. And yet, a classical infalling observer does not see a violation of the equivalence principle, and thus a firewall, at the horizon. The resolution of the paradox lies in careful considerations on how a (semi-)classical world arises in unitary quantum mechanics describing the whole universe/multiverse.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; clarifications and minor revisions; v3: a small calculation added for clarification; v4: some corrections, conclusion unchange

    Information filtering via Iterative Refinement

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    With the explosive growth of accessible information, expecially on the Internet, evaluation-based filtering has become a crucial task. Various systems have been devised aiming to sort through large volumes of information and select what is likely to be more relevant. In this letter we analyse a new ranking method, where the reputation of information providers is determined self-consistently.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication on Europhysics Letter

    Information-theoretic determination of ponderomotive forces

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    From the equilibrium condition δS=0\delta S=0 applied to an isolated thermodynamic system of electrically charged particles and the fundamental equation of thermodynamics (dU=TdS(fdr)dU = T dS-(\mathbf{f}\cdot d\mathbf{r})) subject to a new procedure, it is obtained the Lorentz's force together with non-inertial terms of mechanical nature. Other well known ponderomotive forces, like the Stern-Gerlach's force and a force term related to the Einstein-de Haas's effect are also obtained. In addition, a new force term appears, possibly related to a change in weight when a system of charged particles is accelerated.Comment: 10 page

    Distributed Change Detection via Average Consensus over Networks

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    Distributed change-point detection has been a fundamental problem when performing real-time monitoring using sensor-networks. We propose a distributed detection algorithm, where each sensor only exchanges CUSUM statistic with their neighbors based on the average consensus scheme, and an alarm is raised when local consensus statistic exceeds a pre-specified global threshold. We provide theoretical performance bounds showing that the performance of the fully distributed scheme can match the centralized algorithms under some mild conditions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the good performance of the algorithm especially in detecting asynchronous changes.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Thermalisation time and specific heat of neutron stars crust

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    We discuss the thermalisation process of the neutron stars crust described by solving the heat transport equation with a microscopic input for the specific heat of baryonic matter. The heat equation is solved with initial conditions specific to a rapid cooling of the core. To calculate the specific heat of inner crust baryonic matter, i.e., nuclear clusters and unbound neutrons, we use the quasiparticle spectrum provided by the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach at finite temperature. In this framework we analyse the dependence of the crust thermalisation on pairing properties and on cluster structure of inner crust matter. It is shown that the pairing correlations reduce the crust thermalisation time by a very large fraction. The calculations show also that the nuclear clusters have a non-negligible influence on the time evolution of the surface temperature of the neutron star.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Structure-Induced Reversible Anionic Redox Activity in Na Layered Oxide Cathode

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    Anionic redox reaction (ARR) in lithium- and sodium-ion batteries is under hot discussion, mainly regarding how oxygen anion participates and to what extent oxygen can be reversibly oxidized and reduced. Here, a P3-type Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2 with reversible capacity from pure ARR was studied. The interlayer O-O distance (peroxo-like O-O dimer, 2.506(3) Å), associated with oxidization of oxygen anions, was directly detected by using a neutron total scattering technique. Different from Li2RuO3 or Li2IrO3 with strong metal-oxygen (M-O) bonding, for P3-type Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2 with relatively weak Mn-O covalent bonding, crystal structure factors might play an even more important role in stabilizing the oxidized species, as both Li and Mn ions are immobile in the structure and thus may inhibit the irreversible transformation of the oxidized species to O2 gas. Utilization of anionic redox reaction (ARR) on oxygen has been considered as an effective way to promote the charge-discharge capacity of the layered oxide cathodes for lithium- or sodium-ion batteries. The detailed mechanism of ARR, in particular how crystal structure affects and coordinates with the ARR, is not yet well understood. In the present work, a combination of X-ray and neutron total scattering measurements has been performed to study the structure of the prototype P3-type layered Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2 with pure ARR. Unique structural characteristics, rather than prevailing knowledge of covalency of metal-oxygen, enable the stabilization of the crystal structure of Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2 along with the ARR. This work suggests that reversible ARR can be manipulated by proper structure designs, thus to achieve high lithium or sodium storage in layered oxide cathodes. For P3-type Na0.6[Li0.2Mn0.8]O2 with relatively weak Mn-O covalent bonding, crystal structure factors play an important role in stabilizing the oxidized species, inhibiting the irreversible transformation of the oxidized species to O2 gas. The finding is important for better design of layered oxide positive materials with higher reversible capacity via the introduction of a reversible anionic redox reaction

    Implications of Hyperon Pairing for Cooling of Neutron Stars

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    The implications of hyperon pairing for the thermal evolution of neutron stars containing hyperons are investigated. The outcome of cooling simulations are compared for neutron star models composed only of nucleons and leptons, models including hyperons, and models including pairing of hyperons. We show that lambda and neutron pairing suppresses all possible fast neutrino emission processes in not too massive neutron stars. The inclusion of lambda pairing yields better agreement with X-ray observations of pulsars. Particularly, the surface temperatures deduced from X-ray observations within the hydrogen atmosphere model are more consistent with the thermal history of neutron stars containing hyperons, if the critical temperature for the onset of lambda and nucleon pairing is not too small.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To be published in ApJL. The postscript and additional tables can be found at http://www.physik.uni-muenchen.de/sektion/suessmann/astro/cool/schaab.089

    Early reionization by decaying particles in the light of three year WMAP data

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    We study the reionization histories where ionizing UV photons are emitted from decaying particles, in addition to usual contributions from stars and quasars, taking account of the fact that the universe is not fully ionized until z = 6 as observed by Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Likelihood analysis of the three-year data from the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) severely constrains the decaying particle scenario.In particular, the decaying particle with relatively short lifetime is not favored by the polarization data.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Information in Black Hole Radiation

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    If black hole formation and evaporation can be described by an SS matrix, information would be expected to come out in black hole radiation. An estimate shows that it may come out initially so slowly, or else be so spread out, that it would never show up in an analysis perturbative in MPlanck/MM_{Planck}/M, or in 1/N for two-dimensional dilatonic black holes with a large number NN of minimally coupled scalar fields.Comment: 12 pages, 1 PostScript figure, LaTeX, Alberta-Thy-24-93 (In response to Phys. Rev. Lett. referees' comments, the connection between expansions in inverse mass and in 1/N are spelled out, and a figure is added. An argument against perturbatively predicting even late-time information is also provided, as well as various minor changes.

    Oidium neolycopersici: Intra-specific variability inferred from AFLP analysis and relationship with closely related powdery mildew fungi infecting various plant species

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    Previous works indicated a considerable variation in the pathogenicity, virulence, and host range of Oidium neolycopersici isolates causing tomato powdery mildew epidemics in many parts of the world. In this study, rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns were analyzed in 17 O. neolycopersici samples collected in Europe, North America, and Japan, including those which overcame some of the tomato major resistance genes. The ITS sequences were identical in all 10 samples tested and were also identical to ITS sequences of eight previously studied O. neolycopersici specimens. The AFLP analysis revealed a high genetic diversity in O. neolycopersici and indicated that all 17 samples represented different genotypes. This might suggest the existence of either a yet unrevealed sexual reproduction or other genetic mechanisms that maintain a high genetic variability in O. neolycopersici. No clear correlation was found between the virulence and the AFLP patterns of the O. neolycopersici isolates studied. The relationship between O. neolycopersici and powdery mildew anamorphs infecting Aquilegia vulgaris, Chelidonium majus, Passiflora caerulea, and Sedum alboroseum was also investigated. These anamorphs are morphologically indistinguishable from and phylogenetically closely related to O. neolycopersici. The cross-inoculation tests and the analyses of ITS sequences and AFLP patterns jointly indicated that the powdery mildew anamorphs collected from the above mentioned plant species all represent distinct, but closely related species according to the phylogenetic species recognition. All these species were pathogenic only to their original host plant species, except O. neolycopersici which infected S. alboroseum, tobacco, petunia, and Arabidopsis thaliana, in addition to tomato, in cross-inoculation tests. This is the first genome-wide study that investigates the relationships among powdery mildews that are closely related based on ITS sequences and morphology. The results indicate that morphologically indistinguishable powdery mildews that differed in only one to five single nucleotide positions in their ITS region are to be considered as different taxa with distinct host ranges