778 research outputs found

    Radiative Corrections to Longitudinal and Transverse Gauge Boson and Higgs Production

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    Radiative corrections to gauge boson and Higgs production computed recently using soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) require the one-loop high-scale matching coefficients in the standard model. We give explicit expressions for the matching coefficients for the effective field theory (EFT) operators for q qbar -> VV and q qbar -> phi^+ phi for a general gauge theory with an arbitrary number of gauge groups. The group theory factors are given explicitly for the standard model, including both QCD and electroweak corrections.Comment: 16 pages, 49 figure

    Four-point resistance of individual single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We have studied the resistance of single-wall carbon nanotubes measured in a four-point configuration with noninvasive voltage electrodes. The voltage drop is detected using multiwalled carbon nanotubes while the current is injected through nanofabricated Au electrodes. The resistance at room temperature is shown to be linear with the length as expected for a classical resistor. This changes at cryogenic temperature; the four-point resistance then depends on the resistance at the Au-tube interfaces and can even become negative due to quantum-interference effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hooge's Constant of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors

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    The 1/f noise in individual semiconducting carbon nanotubes (s-CNT) in a field effect transistor configuration has been measured in ultra-high vacuum and following exposure to air. The amplitude of the normalized current spectral noise density is independent of source-drain current, indicating the noise is due to mobility rather than number fluctuations. Hooge's constant for s-CNT is found to be 9.3 plus minus 0.4x10^-3. The magnitude of the 1/f noise is substantially degreased by exposing the devices to air

    Fano effect in a ring-dot system with tunable coupling

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    Transport measurements are presented on a quantum ring that is tunnel-coupled to a quantum dot. When the dot is in the Coulomb blockade regime, but strongly coupled to the open ring, Fano line shapes are observed in the current through the ring, when the electron number in the dot changes by one. The symmetry of the Fano resonances is found to depend on the magnetic flux penetrating the area of the ring and on the strength of the ring-dot coupling. At temperatures above T=0.65 K the Fano effect disappears while the Aharonov-Bohm interference in the ring persists up to T=4.2 K. Good agreement is found between these experimental observations and a single channel scattering matrix model including decoherence in the dot.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Electrostatically confined Quantum Rings in bilayer Graphene

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    We propose a new system where electron and hole states are electrostatically confined into a quantum ring in bilayer graphene. These structures can be created by tuning the gap of the graphene bilayer using nanostructured gates or by position-dependent doping. The energy levels have a magnetic field (B0B_{0}) dependence that is strikingly distinct from that of usual semiconductor quantum rings. In particular, the eigenvalues are not invariant under a B0B0B_0 \to -B_0 transformation and, for a fixed total angular momentum index mm, their field dependence is not parabolic, but displays two minima separated by a saddle point. The spectra also display several anti-crossings, which arise due to the overlap of gate-confined and magnetically-confined states.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Nano Letter

    Insulating behavior in ultra-thin bismuth selenide field effect transistors

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    Ultrathin (~3 quintuple layer) field-effect transistors (FETs) of topological insulator Bi2Se3 are prepared by mechanical exfoliation on 300nm SiO2/Si susbtrates. Temperature- and gate-voltage dependent conductance measurements show that ultrathin Bi2Se3 FETs are n-type, and have a clear OFF state at negative gate voltage, with activated temperature-dependent conductance and energy barriers up to 250 meV

    Localization, Coulomb interactions and electrical heating in single-wall carbon nanotubes/polymer composites

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    Low field and high field transport properties of carbon nanotubes/polymer composites are investigated for different tube fractions. Above the percolation threshold f_c=0.33%, transport is due to hopping of localized charge carriers with a localization length xi=10-30 nm. Coulomb interactions associated with a soft gap Delta_CG=2.5 meV are present at low temperature close to f_c. We argue that it originates from the Coulomb charging energy effect which is partly screened by adjacent bundles. The high field conductivity is described within an electrical heating scheme. All the results suggest that using composites close to the percolation threshold may be a way to access intrinsic properties of the nanotubes by experiments at a macroscopic scale.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Colloquium: The transport properties of graphene: An introduction

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    An introduction to the transport properties of graphene combining experimental results and theoretical analysis is presented. In the theoretical description simple intuitive models are used to illustrate important points on the transport properties of graphene. The concept of chirality, stemming from the massless Dirac nature of the low energy physics of the material, is shown to be instrumental in understanding its transport properties: the conductivity minimum, the electronic mobility, the effect of strain, the weak (anti-)localization, and the optical conductivity.Comment: As publishe

    Scanned Probe Microscopy of Electronic Transport in Carbon Nanotubes

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    We use electrostatic force microscopy and scanned gate microscopy to probe the conducting properties of carbon nanotubes at room temperature. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes are shown to be diffusive conductors, while metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes are ballistic conductors over micron lengths. Semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes are shown to have a series of large barriers to conduction along their length. These measurements are also used to probe the contact resistance and locate breaks in carbon nanotube circuits.Comment: 4 page