184 research outputs found

    Assessing the Formation Scenarios for the Double Nucleus of M31 Using Two-Dimensional Image Decomposition

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    The double nucleus geometry of M31 is currently best explained by the eccentric disk hypothesis of Tremaine, but whether the eccentric disk resulted from the tidal disruption of an inbounding star cluster by a nuclear black hole, or by an m=1 perturbation of a native nuclear disk, remains debatable. I perform detailed 2-D decomposition of the M31 double nucleus in the Hubble Space Telescope V-band to study the bulge structure and to address competing formation scenarios of the eccentric disk. I deblend the double nucleus (P1 and P2) and the bulge simultaneously using five Sersic and one Nuker components. P1 and P2 appear to be embedded inside an intermediate component (r_e=3.2") that is nearly spherical (q=0.97+/-m0.02), while the main galaxy bulge is more elliptical (q=0.81+/-0.01). The spherical bulge mass of 2.8x10^7 M_sol is comparable to the supermassive black hole mass (3x10^7 M_sol). In the 2-D decomposition, the bulge is consistent with being centered near the UV peak of P2, but the exact position is difficult to pinpoint because of dust in the bulge. P1 and P2 are comparable in mass. Within a radius r=1\arcsec of P2, the relative mass fraction of the nuclear components is M_BH:M_bulge:P1: P2 = 4.3:1.2:1:0.7, assuming the luminous components have a common mass-to-light ratio of 5.7. The eccentric disk as a whole (P1+P2) is massive, M ~ 2.1x10^7 M_sol, comparable to the black hole and the local bulge mass. As such, the eccentric disk could not have been formed entirely out of stars that were stripped from an inbounding star cluster. Hence, the more favored scenario is that of a disk formed in situ by an m=1 perturbation, caused possibly by the passing of a giant molecular cloud, or the passing/accretion of a small globular cluster.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. AJ accepted. For the version of this paper with high resolution figures, go to: http://zwicky.as.arizona.edu/~cyp/work/m31.ps.g

    A 60 pc counter-rotating core in NGC 4621

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    We present adaptive optics assisted OASIS integral field spectrography of the S0 galaxy NGC 4621. Two-dimensional stellar kinematical maps (mean velocity and dispersion) reveal the presence of a 60 pc diameter counter-rotating core (CRC), the smallest observed to date. The OASIS data also suggests that the kinematic center of the CRC is slightly offset from the center of the outer isophotes. This seems to be confirmed by archival HST/STIS data. We also present the HST/WFPC2 V-I colour map, which exhibits a central elongated red structure, also slightly off-centered in the same direction as the kinematic centre. We then construct an axisymmetric model of NGC 4621: the two-integral distribution function is derived using the Multi-Gaussian Expansion and the Hunter & Qian (1993) formalisms. Although the stellar velocities are reasonably fitted, including the region of the counter-rotating core, significant discrepancies between the model and the observations demonstrate the need for a more general model (e.g. a three-integral model).Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The M 31 double nucleus probed with OASIS and HST. A natural m=1 mode?

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    We present observations with the adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph OASIS of the M 31 double nucleus at a spatial resolution better than 0.5 arcsec FWHM. These data are used to derive the two-dimensional stellar kinematics within the central 2 arcsec. Archival WFPC2/HST images are revisited to perform a photometric decomposition of the nuclear region. We also present STIS/HST kinematics obtained from the archive. The luminosity distribution of the central region is well separated into the respective contributions of the bulge, the nucleus including P1 and P2, and the so-called UV peak. We then show that the axis joining P1 and P2, the two local surface brightness maxima, does not coincide with the kinematic major-axis, which is also the major-axis of the nuclear isophotes (excluding P1). We also confirm that the velocity dispersion peak is offset by ~ 0.2 arcsec from the UV peak, assumed to mark the location of the supermassive black hole. The newly reduced STIS/HST velocity and dispersion profiles are then compared to OASIS and other published kinematics. We find significant offsets with previously published data. Simple parametric models are then built to successfully reconcile all the available kinematics. We finally interpret the observations using new N-body simulations. The nearly keplerian nuclear disk of M31 is subject to a natural m=1 mode, with a very slow pattern speed (3 km/s/pc for M_BH = 7 10^7~\Msun), that can be maintained during more than a thousand dynamical times. The resulting morphology and kinematics of the mode can reproduce the M~31 nuclear-disk photometry and mean stellar velocity, including the observed asymmetries. It requires a central mass concentration and a cold disk system representing between 20 and 40% of its mass. Abridged..Comment: 21 pages. accepted for publication in A&

    Formation of central massive objects via tidal compression

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    For a density that is not too sharply peaked towards the center, the local tidal field becomes compressive in all three directions. Available gas can then collapse and form a cluster of stars in the center, including or even being dominated by a central black hole. We show that for a wide range of (deprojected) Sersic profiles in a spherical potential, the tidal forces are compressive within a region which encloses most of the corresponding light of observed nuclear clusters in both late-type and early-type galaxies. In such models, tidal forces become disruptive nearly everywhere for relatively large Sersic indices n >= 3.5. We also show that the mass of a central massive object (CMO) required to remove all radial compressive tidal forces scales linearly with the mass of the host galaxy. If CMOs formed in (progenitor) galaxies with n ~ 1, we predict a mass fraction of ~ 0.1-0.5%, consistent with observations of nuclear clusters and super-massive black holes. While we find that tidal compression possibly drives the formation of CMOs in galaxies, beyond the central regions and on larger scales in clusters disruptive tidal forces might contribute to prevent gas from cooling.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. High resolution version available at http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/labo/perso/eric.emsellem/preprint

    Axisymmetric dynamical models for SAURON and OASIS observations of NGC3377

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    Wetensch. publicatieFaculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappe

    SAURON: An Innovative Look at Early-Type Galaxies

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    A summary of the SAURON project and its current status is presented. SAURON is a panoramic integral-field spectrograph designed to study the stellar kinematics, gaseous kinematics, and stellar populations of spheroids. Here, the sample of galaxies and its properties are described. The instrument is detailed and its capabilities illustrated through observational examples. These includes results on the structure of central stellar disks, the kinematics and ionization state of gaseous disks, and the stellar populations of galaxies with decoupled cores.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "The Dynamics, Structure & History of Galaxies", eds. G. S. Da Costa & E. M. Sadler (San Francisco: ASP). Version with full resolution images available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~dynamics/Instruments/Sauron/pub_list.htm

    SAURON Observations of Disks in Spheroids

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    The panoramic integral-field spectrograph SAURON is currently being used to map the stellar kinematics, gaseous kinematics, and stellar populations of a large number of early-type galaxies and bulges. Here, we describe SAURON observations of cold stellar disks embedded in spheroids (NGC3384, NGC4459, NGC4526), we illustrate the kinematics and ionization state of large-scale gaseous disks (NGC4278, NGC7742), and we show preliminary comparisons of SAURON data with barred galaxy N-body simulations (NGC3623).Comment: 8 pages including 5 figures. To appear in Galaxies: The Third Dimension, eds. M. Rosado, L. Binnette, & L. Arias (ASP: San Francisco

    SAURON Observations of Disks in Early-Type Galaxies

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    We briefly describe the SAURON project, aimed at determining the intrinsic shape and internal dynamics of spheroids. We focus here on the ability of SAURON to identify gaseous and stellar disks and to measure their morphology and kinematics. We illustrate some of our results with complete maps of NGC3377, NGC3623, and NGC4365.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (newpasp.sty). To appear in ASP Conf. Series "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", eds. J.G. Funes S.J. & E.M. Corsini. Version with full resolution images available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~bureau/pub_list.htm

    A SAURON view of galaxies

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    We have measured the two-dimensional kinematics and line-strength distributions of 72 representative nearby early-type galaxies, out to approximately one effective radius, with our panoramic integral-field spectrograph SAURON. The resulting maps reveal a rich variety in kinematical structures and linestrength distributions, indicating that early-type galaxies are more complex systems than often assumed. We are building detailed dynamical models for these galaxies, to derive their intrinsic shape and dynamical structure, and to determine the mass of the supermassive central black hole. Here we focus on two examples, the compact elliptical M32 and the E3 galaxy NGC4365. These objects represent two extreme cases: M32 has very regular kinematics which can be represented accurately by an axisymmetric model in which all stars rotate around the short axis, while NGC4365 is a triaxial galaxy with a prominent kinematically decoupled core, with an inner core that rotates about an axis that is nearly perpendicular to the rotation axis of the main body of the galaxy. Our dynamical models for these objects demonstrate that two-dimensional observations are essential for deriving the intrinsic orbital structure and dark matter content of galaxies.Comment: 7 pages (3 figures, full resolution Fig. 1 available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~verolme/M32.ps). Contributed talk to the Athens Workshop on Galaxies and Chaos, Theory and Observations; Proceedings to appear in "Galaxies and Chaos", eds. G. Contopoulos and N. Vogli

    OASIS High-Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SAURON Ellipticals and Lenticulars

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    We present a summary of high-spatial resolution follow-up observations of the elliptical (E) and lenticular (S0) galaxies in the SAURON survey using the OASIS integral field spectrograph. The OASIS observations explore the central 8x10" regions of these galaxies using a spatial sampling four times higher than SAURON, often revealing previously undiscovered features. Around 75% (31/48) of the SAURON E/S0s with central velocity dispersion >= 120 km/s were observed with OASIS, covering well the original SAURON representative sample. We present here an overview of this follow-up survey, and some preliminary results on individual objects, including a previously unreported counter-rotating core in NGC 4382; the decoupled stellar and gas velocity fields of NGC 2768; and the strong age gradient towards the centre of NGC 3489.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astron. Nachr. as refereed proceedings of Euro3D Science Workshop, IoA Cambridge, May 200
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