60 research outputs found

    Successful treatment of pediatric IgG4 related systemic disease with mycophenolate mofetil: case report and a review of the pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis literature

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    Autoimmune pancreatitis is frequently associated with elevated serum and tissue IgG4 levels in the adult population, but there are few reports of pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis, and even fewer reports of IgG4 related systemic disease in a pediatric population. The standard of care treatment in adults is systemic corticosteroids with resolution of symptoms in most cases; however, multiple courses of corticosteroids are occasionally required and some patients require long term corticosteroids. In these instances, steroid sparing disease modify treatments are in demand. We describe a 13-year-old girl with IgG4 related systemic disease who presented with chronic recurrent autoimmune pancreatitis resulting in surgical intervention for obstructive hyperbilirubinemia and chronic corticosteroid treatment. In addition, she developed fibrosing medianstinitis as part of her IgG4 related systemic disease. She was eventually successfully treated with mycophenolate mofetil allowing for discontinuation of corticosteroids. This is the first reported use of mycophenolate mofetil for IgG4 related pancreatitis. Although autoimmune pancreatitis as part of IgG4 related systemic disease is rarely reported in pediatrics, autoimmune pancreatitis is also characterized as idiopathic fibrosing pancreatitis. All pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis cases reported in the world medical literature were identified via a PUBMED search and are reviewed herein. Twelve reports of pediatric autoimmune pancreatitis were identified, most of which were treated with corticosteroids or surgical approaches. Most case reports failed to report IgG4 levels, so it remains unclear how commonly IgG4 related autoimmune pancreatitis occurs during childhood. Increased evaluation of IgG4 levels in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis may shed further light on the association of IgG4 with pancreatitis and the underlying pathophysiology

    Local immune regulation of mucosal inflammation by tacrolimus

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    Purpose: Tacrolimus is a potent immunomodulator that is effective in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, potential toxicity and systemic effects with oral intake limit its use. Local tacrolimus treatment is effective in a subgrou

    Evaluation of invasive and non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in symptomatic children and adolescents

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    CONTEXT: Multiple diagnostic methods are available for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection, but at present no single one can be used as the gold standard. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 3 invasive and 2 non-invasive methods for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in symptomatic children and adolescents. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study SETTING: Peptic Disease outpatients service, Discipline of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) / Escola Paulista de Medicina. PATIENTS: Forty-seven patients who underwent endoscopy because of dyspeptic symptoms. DIAGNOSTIC METHODS: Endoscopy with gastric biopsies for 3 invasive (rapid urease test, histology and culture) and 2 non-invasive methods (a commercial ELISA serology and 13carbon urea breath test - isotope ratio mass spectrometry) for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of each method and agreement and disagreement rates between the methods. RESULTS: Forty-seven patients [mean age, 11y9mo (SD 2y10mo), 27 female and 20 male]; 62% of them were Helicobacter pylori-positive. All methods agreed in 61%, and were negative in 21% and positive in 40%. The greatest concordance between 2 methods occurred between the invasive methods: histology and rapid urease test (89.6%) and histology and culture (87.5%). The greatest sensitivity, considering Helicobacter pylori-positive cases, for any combination of 3 or more tests, was achieved by the rapid urease test (S=100%), followed by histology, serology and 13carbon-urea breath test (S=93.1%) and lastly by culture (S=79.3%). The highest specificity was obtained by histology (100%) and culture (100%), followed by the rapid urease test (84.2%), serology (78.9%) and 13carbon-urea breath test (78.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that among invasive methods, an association between the rapid urease test and histology constituted the best choice for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection. If results of histology and the rapid urease test are different, serology may be recommended.CONTEXTO: Vários métodos diagnósticos estão disponíveis para a detecção da infecção por Helicobacter pylori (Hp), porém, até o presente momento, não há um teste que possa ser utilizado isoladamente como padrão-ouro. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia de três métodos invasivos e dois não-invasivos na detecção da infecção por Hp em crianças e adolescentes sintomáticos. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo coorte prospectivo. LOCAL: Ambulatório de Doença Péptica, Disciplina de Gastroenterologia Pediátrica, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) / Escola Paulista de Medicina. PACIENTES: 47 pacientes sintomáticos que realizaram exame endoscópico devido a sintomas dispépticos. MÉTODOS DIAGNÓSTICOS: Exame endoscópico com biopsias gástricas para três métodos invasivos (teste rápido da urease, histologia e cultura) e dois métodos não-invasivos (teste sorológico ELISA industrializado e teste respiratório com uréia marcada com Carbono13). VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: Sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo de cada método e taxas de concordância e discordância entre os métodos. RESULTADOS: 47 pacientes [idade média de 11a9m (DP 2a10m), 27 do sexo feminino e 20 do masculino], 62% deles com infecção por Hp. Todos os 5 métodos concordaram em 61%, sendo negativo em 21% e positivo em 40%. As maiores concordâncias entre dois métodos ocorreram entre os métodos invasivos: histologia e teste rápido da urease (89,6%) e entre a histologia e cultura (87,5%). A maior sensibilidade, considerando como Hp positivo, qualquer combinação de 3 ou mais testes, foi encontrada no teste rápido da urease (S=100%), seguido pela histologia, sorologia e o teste respiratório com uréia marcada com Carbono13 (S=93,1%) e por fim a cultura (S=79,3%). A maior especificidade foi obtida pela histologia e cultura (100%), seguidos pelo teste rápido da urease (84,2%), sorologia (78,9%) e teste respiratório com uréia marcada com Carbono13 (78,9%). CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados sugerem que, entre os métodos invasivos, a associação do teste rápido da urease e histologia constituem a melhor escolha para a detecção da infecção por Hp. Se os resultados da histologia e do teste rápido da urease forem discordantes é recomendada a sorologia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Pediatric DepartmentUNIFESP, EPM, Pediatric DepartmentSciEL

    Body indices and basic vital signs in Helicobacter pylori positive and negative persons

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    It has been hypothesized that Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection may contribute to reduced stature, risk of hypertension or obesity. The aim was to evaluate body indices in Hp positive and negative persons. A total of 2436 subjects (4–100 years old) were tested for Hp status by 13Curea breath test. Data on height and weight were collected for 84%, and blood pressure for 80% of the study subjects. The prevalence of Hp infection was 41.6%. The odds ratio for a 10-year increase in age was 1.21 (95% CI 1.17–1.25, p-value <0.001). Statistically significant negative association of Hp positivity with body height was most pronounced in the younger age groups, while a positive association of Hp positivity with body mass index was only seen in those aged 15+ years. There was a negative effect of Hp positivity on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in subjects below 25 and a relatively strong positive effect on blood pressure in subjects over 65 years. Residual confounding by social characteristics as a possible explanation for the associations of Hp positivity with height and blood pressure cannot be excluded. Unmeasured factors related to social and family environment may cause the apparent association between Hp positivity and children’s growth and blood pressure

    Current and emerging treatment options for pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis

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    Yoram ElitsurDepartment of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology Division, Marshall University, John C Edwards School of Medicine, Huntington, WV, USAAbstract: Eosinophilic esophagitis is a new clinicopathologic disorder and has been recognized as a chronic disease in children and adults. The disease is associated with environmental and food allergies, but the exact pathophysiology has not yet been discovered. Epidemiological studies showed a global distribution of the disease and an uneven geographic distribution within the United States where the northeastern states had a higher rate of prevalence compared to the western states. Studies have shown that there are multiple confounding factors that affect the phenotypic characteristics of the disease which may include place of residence (rural versus urban), ethnicity, race, and genetics, among others. Clinical presentation may be different between adult and pediatric patients, but the endoscopic and histological characteristics of the disease are very similar between those groups. The pathophysiology of the disease has not yet been established, but the mucosal immune system, especially the pathway involving the eosinophil lineage, has been suggested as taking a major role in the pathophysiology. Accordingly, the suggested therapeutic options for this disease include elimination diets, steroids, and anti-eosinophil medications. Unfortunately, those treatment options are limited by their efficacy and the side effects associated with their chronic use. In the current review, we describe the characteristics of eosinophilic esophagitis and present the available treatments and their pitfalls. We also speculate on the future development of new treatment for this chronic disease.Keywords: eosinophilic esophagitis, treatment, children, revie