14 research outputs found

    Biyoteknolojik yoldan doğal izoamil asetat ve etil asetat aromalarının üretimi üzerinde araştırmalar

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    TEZ7173Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2009.Kaynakça (s.91-102) var.xiv, 103 s. : res. ; 29 cm.In this study, the production of isoamyl acetate using Williopsis saturnus from sugarbeet molasses by fermentation and from fusel oil in a molasses based medium by bioconversin; and the production of ethyl acetate using Pichia yeasts by fermentation were studied. For isoamyl acetate production the effects of 3 different strains of Williopsis saturnus (HUT 7087, IAM 12217 and NCYC 22), temperature (15 ºC and 25 ºC) and aeration (aerated, semi-aerated and unaerated) on the production of isoamyl acetate were determined and enhancement of isoamyl acetate production by bioconversion with addition of fusel oil at the most suitable conditions was aimed. For ethyl acetate production, the influence of 2 different yeasts (Pichia anomala NCYC 432 and Pichia subpelliculosa NCYC 436), temperature (15 ºC and 25 ºC) and aeration (aerated, semi-aerated and unaerated) were examined.Bu çalışmada, Williopsis saturnus mayası kullanılarak melastan fermantasyon yoluyla ve melas ortamında fuzel yağı ilavesiyle biyodönüşüm yoluyla izoamil asetat üretimi; Pichia mayası kullanılarak melastan fermantasyon yoluyla etil asetat üretimi ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada 3 farklı Williopsis saturnus maya ırkının (HUT 7087, IAM 12217 ve NCYC 22), sıcaklığın (15 ºC ve 25 ºC) ve havalandırmanın (havalandırmasız, yarı havalandırmalı ve havalandırmalı) izoamil asetat üretimine etkisi saptanmış ve daha sonra belirlenen en uygun koşullarda ortama ilave edilen fuzel yağının biyodönüşümü ile izoamil asetat üretiminin arttırılması hedeflenmiştir. Etil asetat üretiminde ise Pichia cinsine ait 2 farklı mayanın (Pichia anomala NCYC 432 ve Pichia subpelliculosa NCYC 436), sıcaklığın (15 ºC ve 25 ºC) ve havalandırmanın (havalandırmasız, yarı havalandırmalı ve havalandırmalı) etkileri araştırılmıştır. Fermantasyon denemeleri kontrollü koşullar altında fermentörlerde, biyodönüşüm denemeleri ise orbital karıştırıcıda erlenmayerler içerisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aroma maddelerinin belirlenmesinde Gaz Kromatografisi-Alev İyonlaşma Dedektörü kullanılmıştır...Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:ZF2004D34, ZF2004BAP13, ZF2004BAP20 ve TÜBİTAK-TOVAG-339

    The effect of temperature and aeration on ethyl acetate production by Pichia yeasts

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    European Biotechnology Congress -- SEP 28-OCT 01, 2011 -- Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000295310800275…European Biotechnol Themat Network Asso

    Extraction of flavours xith supercritic fluids in food biotechnology

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    Gıda endüstrisinde kullanılan ayırma tekniklerinden birisi olan ekstraksiyon işlemi, yağlık tohumlardan yağ eldesin-de, şeker ve şeker kamışından şeker eldesinde, birçok hammaddeden aroma bileşenlerinin ayrılması ile ilgili uygulamalar­da yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu amaçla kullanılan organik ve inorganik karakterdeki sıvı çözgenlerin çoğunun tehlikeli ve pahalı olmaları ve olumsuz çevresel etkileri gibi çeşitli dezavantajları bulunmaktadır. Süperkritik akışkan ekstraksiyonu çözgen olarak süperkritik bir akışkanın kullanıldığı (genellikle CO2) ve hammaddenin bu akışkan içerisinde yüksek basınç altında çözündürülüp daha sonra basınç azaltılarak ürünün akışkandan ayrıldığı bir ekstraksiyon yöntemidir. Benzersiz çöz­gen özelliklerinden dolayı bu yöntem aroma maddelerinin ekstraksiyonunda sıkça kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede, son za­manlarda kullanımı giderek artan bir yöntem olan süperkritik akışkan ekstraksiyonunun temel prensipleri ve gıda biyotekno-lojisinde aroma maddelerinin ekstraksiyonundaki uygulamaları ele alınmıştır.Extraction which is one of the separation techniques used in food indurstry is widely employed in applicati­ons such as obtaining oil from oilseeds, sugar from sugarcane and flavours from lots of raw materials. The organic and inor­ganic liquid solvents which are used in these applications have some disadvantages such as harmful, expensive and envi­ronmental problems. Supercritical fluid extraction is a method which a supercritical fluid, generally carbondioxide, is used as a solvent. Super critical extraction is performed by disolving raw materials in supercritical fluid under high pressure and then extracted material is separated from the solvent by reducing the pressure. Due to its unique solving properties, this method is widely used in the extraction of flavours. In this review, the basic principles and the supercritical fluid extraction applicati­ons for extraction of flavours in food biotechnology was discussed

    Physico-chemical characteristic and fatty acids compositions of cottonseed oils

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    ommon oil being used today besides sunflower oil. As the most important vegetable oil source in Turkey, sunflower is first ranked with 1.38 million tons, followed by cottonseed with 1.28 million tons, soybean 180,000 ton, peanut 141,000 tons and rapeseed 101,000 tons (Kolsarıcı et al 2015).Cottonseed oil is usually used in vegetable oil mixtures (Metin et al 2003), cooking and salad oil, in the preparation of margarine, shortening, mayonnaise and sauces, also to less extend in canned fish and smoked meat (Gtoplam karotenoid içerikleri 119-140 mg kg-1, toplam tokoferol içerikleri 887-920 mg kg-1 aralığında değişmiştir. Linoleik asit, palmitik asit, oleik asit ve stearik asit oranlarının, sırasıyla % 52.0-55.82; % 24.85-25.63, % 14.06-17.0 ve % 3.01-3.13 aralığında değiştiği saptanmıştır. PAUM 15 genotipinin en yüksek yağ verimi ve yağ kalitesine sahip olmasından dolayı diğer genotiplere kıyasla yemeklik yağ olarak tüketime daha uygun olabileceği belirlenmiştir.In this study, three cotton genotypes of species Gossypium hirsutum L., Cukurova 1518, PAUM 15 and BA 119 were investigated for their some physicochemical properties of oils such as free fatty acids, peroxide value, iodine value, unsaponifiable matter, total carotenoid and tocopherol contents and fatty acids composition in Cukurova region in Turkey. Seed oil content ranged 17.2-19.6% and PAUM 15 was found to be genotype with the highest oil content. The range of other physicochemical properties and their values are as follows; free fatty acids 1.7-2.8%, peroxide value 5.36.0 meq O2 kg-1, unsaponifiable matters 2.1-2.3%, iodine value 102-110, total carotenoid content 119-140 mg kg-1, total tocopherol content 887-920 mg kg-1, linoleic acid 52.00-55.82%, palmitic acid 24.85-25.63%, oleic acid 14.06-17.00%, stearic acid 3.01-3.13% in the cottonseed oils. PAUM 15 was determined to be more suitable for food consumption as edible oil due to its highest oil content and quality characteristics than the others genotype

    Seasonal variation in amino acid and phenolic compound profiles of three Turkish white wine grapes

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    Changes in amino acids and phenolic compounds in Emir, Narince, and Sultaniye grapes were monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography for two consecutive seasons. Seasonal and varietal variations in amino acid content were observed among the cultivars. Arginine, histidine, and alanine were the most prominent amino acids in all 3 cultivars in both years, with arginine being the highest found in the Sultaniye cultivar, varying between 910 and 955 mg/L. The phenolic contents also showed seasonal and varietal variations. Of the phenolic compounds identified, catechin was the most abundant in all three cultivars, with the highest found in Narince ranging between 106 and 109 mg/kg. Procyanidin B1 and gallic acid were the second most prominent.Changes in amino acids and phenolic compounds in Emir, Narince, and Sultaniye grapes were monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography for two consecutive seasons. Seasonal and varietal variations in amino acid content were observed among the cultivars. Arginine, histidine, and alanine were the most prominent amino acids in all 3 cultivars in both years, with arginine being the highest found in the Sultaniye cultivar, varying between 910 and 955 mg/L. The phenolic contents also showed seasonal and varietal variations. Of the phenolic compounds identified, catechin was the most abundant in all three cultivars, with the highest found in Narince ranging between 106 and 109 mg/kg. Procyanidin B1 and gallic acid were the second most prominent

    Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils

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    ommon oil being used today besides sunflower oil. As the most important vegetable oil source in Turkey, sunflower is first ranked with 1.38 million tons, followed by cottonseed with 1.28 million tons, soybean 180,000 ton, peanut 141,000 tons and rapeseed 101,000 tons (Kolsarıcı et al 2015).Cottonseed oil is usually used in vegetable oil mixtures (Metin et al 2003), cooking and salad oil, in the preparation of margarine, shortening, mayonnaise and sauces, also to less extend in canned fish and smoked meat (Gtoplam karotenoid içerikleri 119-140 mg kg-1, toplam tokoferol içerikleri 887-920 mg kg-1 aralığında değişmiştir. Linoleik asit, palmitik asit, oleik asit ve stearik asit oranlarının, sırasıyla % 52.0-55.82; % 24.85-25.63, % 14.06-17.0 ve % 3.01-3.13 aralığında değiştiği saptanmıştır. PAUM 15 genotipinin en yüksek yağ verimi ve yağ kalitesine sahip olmasından dolayı diğer genotiplere kıyasla yemeklik yağ olarak tüketime daha uygun olabileceği belirlenmiştir.In this study, three cotton genotypes of species Gossypium hirsutum L., Cukurova 1518, PAUM 15 and BA 119 were investigated for their some physicochemical properties of oils such as free fatty acids, peroxide value, iodine value, unsaponifiable matter, total carotenoid and tocopherol contents and fatty acids composition in Cukurova region in Turkey. Seed oil content ranged 17.2-19.6% and PAUM 15 was found to be genotype with the highest oil content. The range of other physicochemical properties and their values are as follows; free fatty acids 1.7-2.8%, peroxide value 5.36.0 meq O2 kg-1, unsaponifiable matters 2.1-2.3%, iodine value 102-110, total carotenoid content 119-140 mg kg-1, total tocopherol content 887-920 mg kg-1, linoleic acid 52.00-55.82%, palmitic acid 24.85-25.63%, oleic acid 14.06-17.00%, stearic acid 3.01-3.13% in the cottonseed oils. PAUM 15 was determined to be more suitable for food consumption as edible oil due to its highest oil content and quality characteristics than the others genotype