49 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity of extracts of chemical races of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea and their physodic acid, chloroatranorin, atranorin, and olivetoric acid constituents

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    Chloroatranorin and olivetoric acid were active against the same microorganisms with few exceptions. Physodic acid was active against about the same bacteria and yeasts and inactive against all of the filamentous fungi tested. Also no activity of atranorin against the filamentous fungi was observed

    Obesity and Breast Cancer

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    Obesity is associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases. Breast cancer is one of the malignancies, which has been related to obesity. Patients with a BMI more than 35 kg/m2 had an 86% greater risk of having breast cancer than those with a normal BMI. Every 5 kg/m2 rise in BMI has also been demonstrated to increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Obese people have poorer outcomes in terms of lymph node positivity, disease-free survival, and overall survival, according to research. Leptin, whose circulating levels rise in proportion to BMI and body fat reserves, is usually regarded as the primary driver of the intricate web that connects obesity and breast cancer. The number of studies examining the association between leptin activity and breast cancer genesis and behavior is growing. The effectiveness of bariatric surgery on lessening the risk of developing breast cancer has been proven

    Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy; Technical Tips and Pitfalls

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    Today, bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for obesity, and the techniques continue to evolve. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which is only one step of biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch surgery, has become the most common bariatric procedure due to its efficacy when performed alone. Additionally, the rate of complications has decreased as a result of increased technical experience and the development of stapler technology. The widespread adoption of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is also attributable to its technical simplicity. Although it is assumed to be a simple procedure, mistakes at specific stages significantly increase the risk of complications. We focus on our method in detail, including all operative steps, which we believe is the simplest and most effective technique after performing over 5000 surgeries at our institution. Paying attention to the sleeve size, selecting the appropriate stapler, not narrowing the incisura angularis, resecting the fundus without getting too close to the esophagus, creating a smooth, non-rotating staple line, and suturing the staple line are highlighted

    Does blood type have an effect on the course of COVID-19?

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    Introduction Predictive parameters that can affect the course of this infection have been the main topic of research since the beginning of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic. Since the discovery of blood groups, the effect of these on infectious diseases has always been of interest. Objectives To analyze the effect of ABO blood group on mortality, hospitalization duration and hematological and cytokine storm parameters in patients with COVID-19. Patients and methods: This retrospective study was conducted on 140 patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Demographic characteristics, laboratory parameters including ABO blood group, complete blood count (CBC) parameters, biochemical tests, cytokine storm parameters, duration of hospitalization, and final status (discharge or death) were recorded. Results: The 140 patients included in the analysis comprised 72 (51.4%) males and 68 (48.6%) females with a mean age of 66.3±14.0 years. . Age and gender, hospitalization duration and mortality rates were similar in all blood group types. Only D-dimer levels were found to be higher in blood group A compared with other blood groups. Conclusion: Although no difference in mortality was determined between groups, the D-dimer level was statistically significantly higher in COVID-19 patients with A blood group. Larger studies are needed to reflect D-dimer levels on the clinical course of infection, and thus on daily practice

    Single Centre Experience: Bening and Malign Hematological Patients with COVID-19

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    Introduction Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were declared as pandemic by World Health Organization. With this study, we aimed to define our patients who were followed up with malign or benign hematological diagnoses and diagnosed with COVID-19; determine the distribution of this infection in patient groups and contribute to the literature by creating descriptive statistics with its clinical and demographic features. Patients and methods: It is planned to retrospectively examine patients with a history of COVID-19 who were followed up in Hematology Department of Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital with benign and malignant diagnoses. Results: 88 patients who had COVID-19 infection while being followed in our clinic due to hematological diseases were included in the study. 77 patients had been followed by hematologic malignancies and 11 patients had been followed by benign hematological disease.In the group with malignancy, COVID was found most frequently in patients diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (22%), nonhodgkin lymphoma (19%) and multiple myeloma (16%). ITP (64%) was the most common disease in patients with benign hematological disorder who had COVID history. 52 (67%) of the malignant cases and 8 (73%) of the bening cases were found to be followed up with the disease in remission. The all patient's most common symptoms at COVID-19 diagnosis were fever (77%), cough (70%) and weakness (65%). 45% of the patients were isolated at home, 48% were required hospitalization. 49% of patients had mild; 27% had moderate and 24% had severe COVID-19 infection. Almost all of the patients in the moderate and severe disease group were followed up in patients diagnosed with malignant hematological disease. 16 (18%) patients received mechanical ventilation and 16 (18%) patients was transferred intensive care unit. All of the patients who were intubated and needed intensive care were diagnosed with malignant hematological disease. 17 patients died due to COVID-19 infection. The mortality rate was 22% in patients with diagnosis of malignant hematological diseases, and 19% when all patients (malignant and bening) were included. Conclusion: In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem all over the world. Determining the course of the disease in certain diagnostic groups is important in the management of both the main disease and the COVID-19 infection. Therefore, the contribution of such recording studies to the literature is important and valuable

    Tekstil sektöründe Avrupa Birliği IPPC direktifi ile uyum çalışmaları: BAT uygulamaları

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    TÜBİTAK ÇAYDAG15.01.2008Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de bir tekstil işletmesi için IPPC (Entegre Kirlilik Önleme ve Kontrolü) Direktifi kapsamında "Mevcut En İyi Teknikler"in ilk uygulaması ve değerlendirmesidir. IPPC Direktifi'nin hayata geçirilmesinde rehber olacak bir "en iyi uygulama örneği" tekstil sektörü için geliştirilmiş ve bu kapsamda işletme için "Mevcut En İyi Teknik" ihtiyaçları belirlenmiştir. Sürdürülebilir hammadde ve atık yönetimi için, ilk olarak, üretim süreçlerinin BREF ("Mevcut En İyi Teknikler" Referans) Dokümanı ile detaylı karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Su yoğun bir sektör olması sebebiyle, proseslerde geri kullanımı mümkün olabilecek atıksular belirlenip atıksu karakterizasyon çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Proses atıksularında ve tesisten çıkan toplam atıksuda geri kazanım olanaklarının araştırılması için atıksu yönetim stratejisi oluşturulmuştur. Bu stratejiyle uyumlu olarak, üretim süreçlerinin BREF Tekstil Dokümanı ile detaylı karşılaştırılması yapılmış, gerek atıksuların geri kullanım amaçlı arıtılabilirliği gerekse su kullanımının ve atıksu üretiminin azaltımı üzerine çalışılmıştır. Uygulanabilir BAT önerileri fabrika yetkilileri ile birlikte çalışarak belirlenmiştir. Atıksu yönetimi çalışmalarının yanı sıra, enerji tüketiminin azaltılması, kimyasal değişikliği ve çevresel risk analizi çalışmaları da yürütülmüştür.This study was undertaken as the first application and evaluation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) within the context of the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) Directive to a textile mill in Turkey. A “best practice example”, which will form a guideline for the implementation of the IPPC Directive, is to be developed for the textile sector; and within this context BAT requirements for the mill were determined. In order to achieve a sustainable resource and waste management; firstly, a detailed screening of the production processes with respect to BREF (BAT Reference) Textile Document was made. Being a water intensive sector, wastewater characterization study was conducted to identify the possible candidate wastewaters to be reused. A wastewater management strategy was adopted to investigate the possible reuse opportunities in the process wastewaters along with the composite mill effluent. In line with this strategy, production processes were analyzed in depth in accordance with the BREF Document not only to treat the generated wastewaters for their possible reuse but also to reduce the amount of water consumption and wastewater generation. Applicable BAT options were determined in cooperation with the mill staff. Besides studies related to wastewater management, minimization of energy consumption, chemical substitution and environmental risk analysis studies were also conducted

    Outcomes of conversion from laparoscopy to open surgery in geriatric patients with colorectal cancer: A case-control study

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    Purpose: To evaluate the incidence, risk factors and outcomes of conversion from laparoscopic to open surgery in geriatric patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: All patients subjected to laparoscopic procedures for CRC between 2006 and 2018 were included. Patients older than 70 were divided into these necessitating or not necessitating conversion to open surgery (Con>70 and Lap>70 groups, respectively), and those younger than 70 requiring conversion were evaluated in Con70 group and the two other groups. Results: Conversion was significantly more common in Con>70 group than Con70 group than those in Lap>70 group. When conversion groups were compared, the rates of surgical site infection and evisceration were higher in geriatric patients. Pathological results revealed that Con>70 group had more advanced tumors than Lap>70 group regarding pT stage, number of malignant lymph nodes and perineural invasion rate. However, the numbers of harvested lymph nodes were similar in two groups. Conclusion: Conversion rate is higher in geriatric patients, particularly in female patients and those who necessitate multivisceral resections. Conversion worsens the perioperative outcomes in geriatric patients. Finally, since the number of harvested lymph nodes does not decrease with conversion, it probably does not threaten the quality of oncological surgery