118 research outputs found

    Improvement of Soil Quality Parameters by Municipal Solid Waste Compost Application in Clay-Loam Soil

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    Organic matter (OM) content of the soils should be improved for sustainable productions. Municipalsolid waste compost (MSWC) is an organic material used in several countries to improve soil OMcontents. This study was conducted to determine potential use of MSWC as soil amendment. Fieldexperiments were conducted for two years with single MSWC treatments. Experiments wereconducted on 18 plots in randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications. Six differentMSWC doses (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 t ha-1) were applied to experimental plots. Compost doseswere calculated in dry weight basis, applied to 21 m2 plots and sunflower was sown as theexperimental plant of the study. Following the sunflower harvest, disturbed and undisturbed soilsamples were taken from the experimental plots and soil samples were subjected to various analyses.Applied MSWC doses significantly increased soil OM contents, electrical conductivity (EC) andcation exchange capacity (CEC), aggregate stability (AS) and saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) and reduced soil bulk density (BD). Effects of MSWC on soil pH were not found to besignificant. Effects of MSWC treatments were more remarkable with increasing doses. MSWCtreatments increased soil OM contents about 3 folds and increased CEC by about 25%. MSWCtreatments significantly increased salt contents of the soils. Such increases were found to besignificant at 1% level in the first year and 5% level in the second year. Increasing OM contents alsoincrease soil aggregation, thus reduced bulk density and increased hydraulic conductivity.Correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between OM and AS. Present findings revealedthat MSWC positively influenced physical and chemical characteristics of clay-loam soils of aridand arid climates, but salt contents should carefully be monitored in repetitive uses

    Do follicular fluid advanced glycation end products levels affect the ovarian response in unexplained infertility?

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    Objective: To compare the advanced glycation end products (AGEs) levels in follicular fluid according to the different ovarian responses of women who underwent controlled ovarian stimulation due to unexplained infertility and to examine the relationship between these levels and pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Sixty-three women who underwent fresh IVF/ICSI cycles with GNRH antagonist protocol were divided into 3 groups according to the number of retrieved oocytes as suboptimal (4–9 oocytes), optimal (10–15 oocytes) and high (>15 oocytes) responders. AGEs levels in follicular fluid were measured by ELISA method. Results: AGEs levels were 6.81 ± 2.20 mg/ml, 5.30 ± 2.01 and 6.44 ± 1.43 mg/ml in suboptimal, optimal and high response group, respectively. AGEs level was significantly higher in suboptimal response group than in optimal response group. The cutoff level of 6.19 mg/ml had a sensitivity of 59.3% and a specificity of 66.7% in distinguishing the suboptimal response group from the optimal response group. However, there were no statistically significant difference between AGEs levels and clinical pregnancy and live birth rates. Conclusion: Increased AGEs level in follicular fluid may be associated with decreased ovarian response during controlled ovarian stimulation in unexplained infertility case, however, it does not provide information about pregnancy outcomes

    Migration of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter into the Inguinal Hernia Sac in a Patient with Hydrocephalus

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    Literatürde ventriküloperitoneal (VP) şant kataterinin intestinal perforasyon, inguinal herni, peritonit gibi abdominal komplikasyonlara neden olabileceği bildirilmiştir. Hidrosefali nedeniyle VP şant takılmış 2 aylık erkek hastanın klinik takibinde, şant ameliyatından otuz gün sonra sol kasığında şişlik saptandı. Yapılan abdominal ultrasonografi ve direkt grafi tetkiklerinde hastanın sol skrotumu içerisinde VP şant kateterinin distal ucunun izlenmesi üzerine hasta Çocuk Cerrahisi Bölümü tarafından değerlendirildi. Hastaya sol inguinoskrotal herni tanısı koyularak ameliyat edildi. Kateter ucu karın içerisine redükte edilerek yüksek ligasyon ile inguinal herni onarımı yapıldı. Hastanın ameliyat sonrası üç aylık takibi sonunda nüks ve/veya komplikasyon izlenmedi. Sonuç olarak VP şant takılan hastalarda inguinoskrotal komplikasyonlar akılda tutulmalıdır. VP şant ameliyatı sonrası kasık bölgesindeki şişlikler inguinal herni açısından değerlendirilmeli ve erken tanı ve tedavi için aile bilgilendirilmelidir.Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt devices can cause some abdominal complications such as intestinal perforation, inguinal hernia, peritonitis. A two-month-old male who had underwent VP shunt surgery thirty days ago was admitted for swelling in his left inguinal region. Abdominal ultrasonography and X-ray examination revealed that distal part of VP shunt catheter had migrated into the left scrotum and therefore the patient was consulted to the Pediatric Surgery Department. During operation, the shunt catheter was reimplanted into the abdomen and the inguinoscrotal hernia was repaired by using the high ligation technique. No recurrence and/ or complication was occured in the patient during his three-month follow-up. In conclusion, inguinoscrotal complications should be kept in mind for patients who have VP shunts and present with a swelling in the inguinal region. This swelling should be evaluated in terms of inguinal hernia and the family should be informed for early diagnosis and treatment

    Typographical/spelling errors in the references, pictures, tables, figures and graphs in the articles submitted to the journal of Adnan Menderes University School of medicine

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    AMAÇ: Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi’ne yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen makalelerdeki kaynak, resim, tablo, şekil ve grafiklerdeki yazılım hatalarını belirlemek ve daha özenli hazırlanmış, yayın kurallarına uygun yazılmış makalelerin gelmesini sağlamaktır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Bu çalışmaya Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi’ne yayınlanması için online olarak gönderilen makalelerden 80 tanesi dahil edildi. Makalelerde kaynaklar, resim, tablo ve şekillerdeki yazılım hataları değerlendirildi. Makalelerde “kaynakça” için için önce ilk isim ve yıl girilerek makalenin Pubmed’de olup olmadığına bakıldı: varsa tek tek isimler, makale adı, volüm ve sayfa sayısı kontrol edildi; yoksa makale adı girilerek ya da diğer isimler girilerek tarandı. Pubmed’de yayınlanmayan makaleler, kitap, kitaptan bir bölüm ve internetten erişim için Google arama motoru kullanıldı. Yanlış veya atlanmış yazar isimleri, başlık hatası, yanlış dergi ismi, yanlış volüm, yanlış yıl ve sayfa sayısı gibi doğrudan doğruya bilgiye erişimi engelleyen nitelikteki hatalar majör olarak değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Makalelerden 43’ü (%53,8) klinik araştırma, 26’sı (%32,5) olgu sunumu, 8’i (%10) derleme, 3’ü(%3,8) deneysel araştırma olup makalelerdeki ortalama kaynak sayısı 18±11,96 (dağılım, 3-61) idi. Altmışsekiz makalede tüm kaynaklarda hata mevcuttu. Oniki makalede hatasız kaynak/kaynaklar vardı. Kaynaklardaki hata oranı %95,9, majör hata oranı %6,14 olarak bulundu. En sık hata yapılan kısımlar sayfa numarası (%52,51), yıl (%13,32) ve yazar ismi (%12,35) idi. Sekiz makalede tablo, şekil, grafik ve resim yoktu; 72 makalede toplam 136 tablo, 133 şekil, grafik, resim sayısı vardı. Yalnızca ondört makaledeki 18 tablo, 28 şekil ve resimde hata olmadığı gözlendi. SONUÇ: Kaynaklar, resim, tablo, şekil ve grafiklerde oldukça yüksek oranda yazılım hatası mevcuttur. Dergilere gönderilen yazılarda, kaynaklar, yazım kuralları dikkatle incelenerek yazılmalı; resim, şekil ve grafik yazıları özenli bir şekilde düzenlenmelidir.OBJECTIVE: Aim of this paper is to determine the spelling errors in text, references, pictures, tables, figures and graphs in articles submitted to the Journal of Adnan Menderes University School of Medicine and to encourage submission of articles written according to the rules of publication. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study, Adnan Menderes University School of Medicine, published in the Journal of the online article submitted to one of the 80 included in the study. Eighty articles submitted to be published online in the Journal of Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty were included in this study. In articles, spelling errors in sections of references, pictures and tables were evaluated. First of all, references of each article were checked to see whether the article was present in PubMed by entering the name of the first author and publication year of the reference. If present in PubMed then the article was scanned by entering the names of each co-author(s), article title, numbers of the volumes and pages. If not present in PubMed the article was also scanned entering the article title or the names of other co-authors. For the articles not published in PubMed, the books, the book chapter(s) and for the URL internet references Google search engine was used. Errors such as incorrect or omitted author names, title errors, incorrect journal names, wrong year, volume and page numbers which prevent the access to correct information directly were accepted as major errors. RESULTS: Forty-three (53.8%) of the articles were clinical trials, 26 (32.5%) were case studies, 8 (10%) of them were review articles and 3(3.8%)of them were experimentalresearch. The average number of references in the articles was 18±11.96 (range,3-61). In 68 articles there were errors in allof the references. Only 12 articles had references with no errors. Error ratio of references was determined as 95.9% while 6.14% of these were major errors. The most common errors were in page numbers (52.51%), years (13.32%) and names of the author’s (12.35%). Eight articles did not include any tables, figures, graphics or pictures. A total of 136 tables, 133 figures, graphics and photos were present in the total of 72 articles. Only 18 tables, 28 drawings and pictures did not have errors in total of 14 articles. CONCLUSION: References, pictures, tables, figures and graphs include high rate of typographical/spelling errors. In articles written to be sent to the journals, references, spelling rules should carefully be examined and pictures, figures and graphics should carefully be corrected prior to the submission

    Three Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of LOXL1’ in a Turkish Population with Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma

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    Objectives: To investigate the three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs3825942, rs1048661, and rs2165241) of the LOXL1 gene in pseudoexfoliation syndrome (XFS) and pseudoexfoliation glucoma (XFG) in the Turkish population. Materials and Methods: DNA was obtained from blood samples of 48 XFS, 58 XFG, and 171 control subjects. Three LOXL1 SNPs (rs3825942, rs1048661, rs2165241) were investigated with real time PCR, a probe-based genotyping method, and melting curve analysis. Results: All three SNPs of LOXL1 were significantly associated with XFS (rs3825942 p=3.54x10-6, odds ratio [OR]=∞; rs1048661 p=0.008, OR=2.18; rs2165241 p=8.69x10-9, OR=4.30) and XFG (rs3825942 p=3.41x10-7, OR=∞; rs1048661 p=1.75x10-5, OR=3.78; rs2165241 p=3.85x10-11 OR=4.90). No significant differences were observed between the XFS and XFG groups for any of the SNPs. The GG genotype of rs3825942 was more valuable for distinguishing pseudoexfoliative cases from healthy individuals. The homozygous TT genotype of rs2165241 was associated with 6-fold increased XFS risk (p=8.15x10-8, OR=6.32) and 7-fold increased XFG risk (p=1.45x10-10 OR=7.95). The GGT haplotype consisting of all three risk alleles was associated with a 7.45-fold higher risk of XFS/XFG (p=8.65x10-14, OR=7.45). Presence of T allele of rs2165241 conferred 3 times higher risk for men than women (p=6.78x10-5, OR=3.202). Conclusion: LOXL1 SNPs are associated with increased risk for pseudoexfoliation in the Turkish population. T allele of rs2165241 was found to be the most important characterized risk factor for our cohort. All SNP distributions were similar to other European and American populations

    Fire induced changes in soil characteristics in Keşan, Turkey

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    This research was conducted in Ke an (Çınarlıdere) area (1689 ha) of Thrace region, Turkey. The forest area was burned naturally in 2000. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of forest fire on some soil characteristics two year after the fire. Soil samples were collected from three locations as replicates from both burned and nearby unburnt sites. According to the study results, urease activity and soil organic carbon values (P<0.001), organic nitrogen and total porosity (P<0.01), aggregate stability, microbial biomass carbon values (P<0.05) were lower in burned soils than those of unburned soils. On the other hand, hydraulic conductivity and available phosphorus in unburned soil was not significantly higher than that of burned soils. This research showed negative effects of fire on some soil characteristics after two years

    COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology centers in Turkey

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    Background/aim: There is limited data on COVID-19 disease in children with kidney disease. We aimed to investigate the characteristics and prognosis of COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology patients in Turkey. Materials and methods: This was a national, multicenter, retrospective cohort study based on an online survey evaluating the data between 11th March 2020 and 11th March 2021 as an initial step of a detailed pediatric nephrology COVID-19 registry. Results: Two hundred and three patients (89 girls and 114 boys) were diagnosed with COVID-19. One-third of these patients (36.9%) were between 10–15 years old. Half of the patients were on kidney replacement therapy: kidney transplant (KTx) recipients (n = 56, 27.5%), patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (n = 33, 16.3%) and those on peritoneal dialysis (PD) (n = 18, 8.9%). Fifty-four (26.6%) children were asymptomatic. Eighty-two (40.3%) patients were hospitalized and 23 (28%) needed intensive care unit admission. Fifty-five percent of the patients were not treated, while the remaining was given favipiravir (20.7%), steroid (16.3%), and hydroxychloroquine (11.3%). Acute kidney injury developed in 19.5% of hospitalized patients. Five (2.4%) had MIS-C. Eighty-three percent of the patients were discharged without any apparent sequelae, while 7 (3.4%) died. One hundred and eight health care staff were infected during the study period. Conclusion: COVID-19 was most commonly seen in patients who underwent KTx and received HD. The combined immunosuppressive therapy and frequent exposure to the hospital setting may increase these patients’ susceptibility. Staff infections before vaccination era were alarming, various precautions should be taken for infection control, particularly optimal vaccination coverage

    Diagnosis of comorbid migraine without aura in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy based on the gray zone approach to the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 criteria

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    BackgroundMigraine without aura (MwoA) is a very frequent and remarkable comorbidity in patients with idiopathic/genetic epilepsy (I/GE). Frequently in clinical practice, diagnosis of MwoA may be challenging despite the guidance of current diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3 (ICHD-3). In this study, we aimed to disclose the diagnostic gaps in the diagnosis of comorbid MwoA, using a zone concept, in patients with I/GEs with headaches who were diagnosed by an experienced headache expert.MethodsIn this multicenter study including 809 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of I/GE with or without headache, 163 patients who were diagnosed by an experienced headache expert as having a comorbid MwoA were reevaluated. Eligible patients were divided into three subgroups, namely, full diagnosis, zone I, and zone II according to their status of fulfilling the ICHD-3 criteria. A Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis was performed to bring out the meaningful predictors when evaluating patients with I/GEs for MwoA comorbidity, using the variables that were significant in the univariate analysis.ResultsLonger headache duration (&lt;4 h) followed by throbbing pain, higher visual analog scale (VAS) scores, increase of pain by physical activity, nausea/vomiting, and photophobia and/or phonophobia are the main distinguishing clinical characteristics of comorbid MwoA in patients with I/GE, for being classified in the full diagnosis group. Despite being not a part of the main ICHD-3 criteria, the presence of associated symptoms mainly osmophobia and also vertigo/dizziness had the distinguishing capability of being classified into zone subgroups. The most common epilepsy syndromes fulfilling full diagnosis criteria (n = 62) in the CART analysis were 48.39% Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy followed by 25.81% epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone.ConclusionLonger headache duration, throbbing pain, increase of pain by physical activity, photophobia and/or phonophobia, presence of vertigo/dizziness, osmophobia, and higher VAS scores are the main supportive associated factors when applying the ICHD-3 criteria for the comorbid MwoA diagnosis in patients with I/GEs. Evaluating these characteristics could be helpful to close the diagnostic gaps in everyday clinical practice and fasten the diagnostic process of comorbid MwoA in patients with I/GEs

    University students perceptions with regard to "quality and quality university concepts: Example of Gazi University Faculty of Gazi Education

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    Bu çalışmada, yükseköğretim kurumlarının en önemli paydaşları olan öğrencilerin kalite, kaliteli üniversite, kaliteli öğretim ve kaliteli öğretim elemanının özelliklerine ilişkin algılarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu araştırma betimsel türde olup, çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı yardımıyla, öğrencilerden elde edilen yazılı yorumların analizi içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada verilerin toplanması amacıyla öğrencilerin kişisel özelliklerinin ve 4 açık uçlu maddenin yer aldığı iki bölümden oluşan bir anket geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın hedef evrenini; 20092010 eğitim-öğretim yılında Gazi Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim gören tüm öğrenciler, ulaşılabilir evrenini ise Eğitim Fakültesi'nde öğrenim gören öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem ise; Türkçe, Sosyal Bilgiler, Matematik, Fizik, İngilizce, Müzik, Resim-İş Eğitimi ile Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Anabilim dallarının birinci ve son sınıflarında okuyan toplam 493 öğrenci olarak seçilmiştir. Örneklem seçiminde seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden amaçsal örnekleme yönteminin bir alt boyutu olan maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2006; Büyüköztürk ve diğerleri, 2008; Böke, 2009). Araştırmanın bulgularında, öğrencilerin Harvey ve Green (1993)'in kalite anlayışlarından en fazla vurgu yaptıkları anlayış amaca uygunluk anlamında kalite olarak belirlenmiştir. Kaliteli bir üniversitede bulunması gereken özellikler sorulduğunda ise, öğrencilerin kaliteli bir üniversitede bulunmasını en çok arzu ettikleri özelliklerin eğitim ve öğretim' alanında gerçekleştirilmesi gereken özellikler olarak vurgulandığı belirlenmiştir. Tüm hizmet alanlarında kalite geliştirme çalışmaları yürütülürken, tüm paydaşların ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi, onların görüşlerinin alınması ve bu görüşlerin değerlendirmeye dâhil edilmesi çok önemli bir yaklaşımdır. Yükseköğretim kurumlarında da kalite çalışmaları yapılırken, kurumların bir bütün olarak nitelikli olması için eğitim programlarının, hedeflere ulaşmada kullanılan yöntemlerin, öğrenci başarılarının, mezun sayılarının vb. öğrenci görüşleri dikkate alınarak sürekli olarak gözden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir.In this study, the most important stakeholders of higher education students with quality, quality universities, quality education and quality teaching staff to determine perceptions of the properties. This research is in descriptive form an qualitative research method is used fort his study. With the help of data collection tool, the analysis of written interprotations which were attained from students has been carried out by content analysis method. In research, with the aim of collecting data, a questionary which has including personal features of students and consisting of four open-ended items has been prepared. The target population of the study; all the students who have education in Gazi University during the period 2009-2010, and accessible population is consisted of the pupils are educated in faculty of education. The sample is chosen as 493 students first and serior classes who study in the departments of Turkish, Social Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, English, Music, Art teaching and Psychological Councelling and Guidance. In choosing the sample, maximum variation sampling method is used which is one of the lower dimension of purposeful sampling and that is not from random sampling methods (Yıldırım ve Şimşek, 2006; Büyüköztürk ve diğerleri, 2008; Böke, 2009). In findings of research, it is determined that students focus on the most common point of view from Harvey and Green (1993) is that in the terms of expendiency in quality on the other hand. When pupils are questioned about features of quality of university it is stated that they are features which should be achieved in education. In all service areas, the studies of improving the quality are carried out. So to determine all share holders needs to ask their opinions and to include these opinions in evaluation is so important approach. While quality studies are carried out in institutions of higher education, in order to make institutions qualified in whole, it is a must to review educational curriculum, successes of students the number of graduate students etc. constantly taking students opinions in to consideration


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    ÖZ: Günümüzde sağlık hizmeti üreten en önemli işletmeler hastanelerdir. Hastanelerde diğer işletmelerde olduğu gibi maliyet analizleri önem taşır. Maliyet analizleriyle, hastanelerin kazanç veya zarar durumları en iyi şekilde hesaplanabilir. Böylelikle hastane yönetimleri, hasta sayılarının belirlenmesi ve belirli uzmanlık alanlarına yapılacak yatırımların artırılması gibi çeşitli stratejik kararlar alabilirler. Hastanelerde sunulan sağlık hizmeti çok çeşitli ve heterojendir. Her hastaya farklı tedaviler uygulanır. Bu durum hastalık bazlı maliyet hesaplamalarını güçleştirir. Ancak, maliyet hesaplama yöntemlerinden, sipariş maliyet yöntemi ile her hasta için hasta maliyet kartı oluşturulur ve hasta bazlı maliyetler hesaplanabilir. Bu çalışmada; sipariş maliyet yöntemi detaylı olarak açıklanarak uygulama örneği verilmiştir. Kardiyoloji polikliniğinde muayene olup, ilgili birimlerde tetkikleri yapılan bir hastanın tanı maliyeti, sipariş maliyet yöntemi ile hesaplanarak hastanın maliyet kartı oluşturulmuştur. ABSTRACT: Nowadays, the places that offer health care service are hospitals. Like in the other business fields, cost analysis is very important in hospitals. By means of cost analysis, profit and loss statement of the hospitals can be calculated best. Thus, the strategic decisions such as determining the number of the patients with the hospital administration and increasing the investment on certain areas of expertise can be taken. The health care services provided in the hospitals are diverse and not homogeneous. Each patient is provided with different treatment. This situation makes it difficult to calculate patient-based cost accounts. However, by means of job order costing system which is a way of calculating the cost accounts, patient cost card is made for each patient, and patient-based cost accounts can be calculated. In this study, job order costing system is explained in a detailed way, and a model implementation is shown. Cost card of patient are made by calculating the diagnosis cost of a patient examined in cardiology polyclinic and a patient’s examinations made in related department by using job order costing system