1,067 research outputs found

    Altili Grup Silolarin Malzeme Basinci Altindaki Davranişı

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Betonarme grup silolar, büyük miktarlarda farklı boyutlardaki daneli malzemelerin silo hücrelerinin içinde olduğu kadar silo hücreleri arasında da depolanmasında kullanılmaktadırlar. Betonarme grup silolarda tasarım kuvvetlerinin hesaplanması, komşu silo duvarları arasındaki süreklilik ve kuvvet aktarımından dolayı zaman alıcı ve zahmetli bir iştir. Bu siloların depolanan malzeme basıncı altındaki davranışı ile ilgili çalışmalar uzun yıllardır devam etmektedir. Ancak bu çalışmaların çok büyük bölümü dörtlü grup silolar ile ilgili olduğundan, bu çalışmada, altılı grup siloların iç yüklemeler altındaki davranışı sonlu elemanlar modellemesi ile araştırılmıştır. Altılı grup siloların kritik kesitlerinde malzeme basıncından kaynaklanan eksenel kuvvetler, kesme kuvvetleri ve eğilme momentleri kapsamlı bir parametrik çalışma ile hesaplanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen parametrik çalışmada, silo duvar kalınlığı, kesişim duvarı kalınlığı ve kesişim duvarı uzunluğu değiştirilmiş ve bu parametrelerin tasarım kuvvelerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Tasarım kuvvetlerini hesaplamak için gerekli olan tasarım formülleri ve tasarım katsayıları ise sonlu elemanlar yönteminin analiz sonuçları kullanılarak elde edilmiştir.Different and huge amounts of granular materials can be stored in and between the cells of the grouped reinforced concrete cylindrical silos. The determination of the design forces acting on these grouped silos requires significant computational effort due to structural continuity and the force transfer between the adjacent silos. The behavior of the grouped silos due to stored materials has been studied for many years; however, most of these studies have been related with the group of four cylindrical silos. In this conjunction, the present study carried out a series of finite element analyses to examine the behaviors of various groups of six cylindrical silos against interstice loadings. A parametric study was performed by varying the silo-wall thickness, intersection wall thickness and the intersection wall lengths of the groups of six cylindrical silos in order to confirm their effectiveness on the resultant design forces. The bending moments, hoop forces and shear forces occurring at the interstice walls due to interstice loadings were computed with realistic theoretical models. Based on the results of the present finite element analyses, the design formulas were introduced and the design coefficients were proposed to compute the design forces

    Spectral splits of neutrinos as a BCS-BEC crossover type phenomenon

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    We show that the spectral split of a neutrino ensemble which initially consists of electron type neutrinos, is analogous to the BCS-BEC crossover already observed in ultra cold atomic gas experiments. Such a neutrino ensemble mimics the deleptonization burst of a core collapse supernova. Although these two phenomena belong to very different domains of physics, the propagation of neutrinos from highly interacting inner regions of the supernova to the vacuum is reminiscent of the evolution of Cooper pairs between weak and strong interaction regimes during the crossover. The Hamiltonians and the corresponding many-body states undergo very similar transformations if one replaces the pair quasispin of the latter with the neutrino isospin of the former.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    A sector analysis for RFID technologies: fundamental and technical analysis for financial decision making problems

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    Automatic identification technologies have been used in a wide range of applications for reducing the amount of time and labor needed to input data and improving data accuracy. As an important automatic identification technology, radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies allow contactless reading and these technologies are particularly successful in manufacturing and other environments where traditional identification technologies such as bar codes can not perform well. By integrating the RFID technology into their business models, companies may save time, lower labor cost, improve products quality and provide better service. RFID is the wireless technology that uses RF communication to identify, track and manage objects and collect and store data. RFID technology enables companies to develop applications that create value by tracking and identifying objects, animals or people. Business applications of RFID technology can be seen in areas such as manufacturing, supply chain management, software integration, security systems, asset tracking and many others. RFID technology was predicted to be one of the “top ten” technologies in 2004 by CNN. Although, the RFID market is less than five years old, it has been applied to many different industries, from retail industry to logistics, or from healthcare to service business industry – and it is still growing. Particularly, RFID has fundamental influences on today's retailing and supply chain management for applications like asset tracking the inventory control and management. RFID technology also finds major application in mobile phones and is widely used in toll collection of highways, for payments in restaurants, vending machines, retail and parking lots. There are a wide range of RFID systems currently being used or being developed. Examples to these systems include but not limited to the following; automatic vehicle and personnel access control for security (Simpson, 2006), airport passenger and baggage tracking (Ferguson, 2006), tracing blood for cutting down errors such as giving patients wrong blood types (Ranger, 2006), payment process systems (Ramachandran, 2006), production control in manufacturing (Liu & Miao, 2006), transfusion medicine (Knels, 2006) real-time inventory control by automated identification of items in warehouses, tracking and management of physical files, tracking of books in the libraries (Shadid, 2005). For some other applications, interested reader is referred to (Finkenzeller, 2003; Smith, 2004). RFID solution providers claim that their technology and solutions bring significant benefits and have valuable advantages in practice. As new RFID solutions being developed and more RFID tags and equipments being used, these solutions will become more cost effective and RFID businesses are expected to grow rapidly. Since RFID is fairly new, it’s difficult to measure resulting sales increases or heightened customer satisfaction quotients. On the other hand, according to IDC estimation (IDC is a subsidiary of International Data Group, a leading technology media, research, and events company and provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets), companies in the retail sector will spend nearly 1.3billiononRFIDintheirsupplychainoperationsin2008,comparedtoabout1.3 billion on RFID in their supply chain operations in 2008, compared to about 91.5 million in 2003 which corresponds to annual growth rate of 70 percent. In a similar look; the Wireless Data Research Group projected that the global market for RFID increased from 1billionin2003to1 billion in 2003 to 3 billion in 2007 (Asif & Mandviwalla, 2005). There are two major drivers of this growth. The first one is the adoption of RFID technology by major retailers and government agencies. The second one is the reduction in the price of RFID tags, readers, and IT systems required to deploy RFID. Given the huge potential of RFID technology, there has been a huge emergence of RFID specialty companies and the development of RFID practices within many market-leading companies. Due to huge emergence, it is desirable to make a sector analysis. In this study, we perform a sector analysis for RFID technologies for researchers and analysts. We investigate public RFID companies traded on the stock exchange markets, summarize their financial performance, describe their RF products, services, and applications, and perform fundamental and technical analysis

    Hymenoptera of Nide province: Studies on Sphecidae fauna

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    The present study is based on 1240 specimens obtained from the field studies in the vicinity of Ankara province in Turkey between the years of 2006 - 2008. In fauna studies carried out in Nide province between May 2006 - October 2008, the specimens of Sphecinae Latreille, 1802, PempheredoninaeDahlbom, 1835, Astatianae Lepeletier, 1845, Crabroninae Latreille, 1802, Bembicinae Latreille, 1802, Philanthinae Latreille, 1802 sub-families belonging to Sphecidae family were collected. 52 of the collected specimens are new records for Nide province. Astata pontica Pulawski, 1958 species is anew record for Turkey

    Insect chromosomes preparing methods for genetic researches

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    Cytogenetics are almost always based on the examination of the fixed mitotic chromosomes during the analyses of metaphase. During this phase of the cycle of cells, the DNA is folded up and chromatin is strongly condensed. The relative position of the centromere is constant, which means that the ratio of the lengths of the two arms is constant for each chromosome. Importantly, each chromosome displays a unique banding pattern. Different staining methods showed the banding pattern (g band), centromere position (c band), cytophotometric estimation and specific DNA regions (FISH). This study aims to show the important chromosome staining methods

    Does Islamic Banking Contribute to Economic Growth and Industrial Development in Turkey?

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    This paper aims to identify the effects of Islamic banking on economic growth and industrial development in Turkey. For this purpose, quarterly data for the periods between 2005 and 2016 were taken into the consideration. Additionally, VAR Granger causality analysis was used in this study. It was concluded that Islamic banks\u27 loans do not have a significant effect on the improvement of economy and industry in Turkey. The main reason for this result is that Islamic banking has a very low percentage in Turkish banking sector. Thus, it can be said that Islamic banking in Turkey should be so developed that it can contribute to GDP growth and industrial development

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the monolayer RuCl3_3: A first-principles and Monte Carlo study

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    Recent experiments revealed that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 can be obtain by chemical exfoliation method and exfoliation or restacking of nanosheets can manipulate the magnetic properties of the materials. In this present paper, the electronic and magnetic properties of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer are investigated by combining first-principles calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. From first-principles calculations, we found that the spin configuration FM corresponds to the ground state for α\alpha-RuCl3_3, however, the other excited zigzag oriented spin configuration has energy of 5 meV/atom higher than the ground state. Energy band gap has been obtained as 33 meV using PBE functionals. When spin-orbit coupling effect is taken into account, corresponding energy gap is determined to be as 5757 meV. We also investigate the effect of Hubbard U energy terms on the electronic band structure of α\alpha-RuCl3_3 monolayer and revealed band gap increases approximately linear with increasing U value. Moreover, spin-spin coupling terms (J1J_1, J2J_2, J3J_3) have been obtained using first principles calculations. By benefiting from these terms, Monte Carlo simulations with single site update Metropolis algorithm have been implemented to elucidate magnetic properties of the considered system. Thermal variations of magnetization, susceptibility and also specific heat curves indicate that monolayer α\alpha-RuCl3_3 exhibits a phase transition between ordered and disordered phases at the Curie temperature 14.2114.21 K. We believe that this study can be utilized to improve two-dimensional magnet materials

    Causality Relationship Between Interest Rate of Deposit Banks and Profit Share Rate of Islamic Banks in Turkey

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    The popularity of Islamic banking is increasing day by day. On the other hand, some people also criticized this system in some aspect. One of the criticism is that profit sharing rates of Islamic banks are similar to interest rate of deposit banks. While considering this issue, this study aims to identify the causality relationship between profit sharing rate and interest rate in Turkey. Within this scope, monthly, quarterly, 6-months and yearly data for the period between 2000 and 2016 was analyzed separately. In addition to this situation, Toda Yamamoto causality analysis was used in this study so as to achieve this objective. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that there is a significant causality relationship between these rates. In other words, it was concluded that interest rate of the deposit banks is the main indicator of the profit share rate of Islamic banks in Turkey. The main reason behind this situation is that indicators in the market affect both deposit banks and Islamic banks. Therefore, it is inevitable that deposit rates and profit share rates will be similar when deposit banks and Islamic banks perform in the same market


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    Bu çalışmada, Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nde Almanya Sosyal Demokrat Partisi (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands-SPD) ve Almanya Komünist Partisi (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands-KPD) arasındaki karşıtlığın, Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman İşçi Partisi’nin (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei-NSDAP) yükselişi üzerindeki etkilerini subjektif koşullar merkezinde sorgulamak ve bu partilerin iç dinamiklerinden hareketle NSDAP’nin seslendiği seçmen kitlesinin sınıfsal yapısını analiz etmek hedeflenmektedir. Bu analizde büyük oranda Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluş dönemine odaklanılacak, kökeni 1918 Kasım ve 1919 Ocak Devrimleri’ne dayanan SPD-KPD ayrışması bu partilerin kurumsal yapısından hareketle tartışılacaktır. Bu sorgulamada, NSDAP’nin yükselişinde öznenin eylemine dayalı koşulların etkilerini öne çıkaran bir Nazizm analizi geliştiren Wilhelm Reich’ın kuramsal pozisyonu temel alınmıştır. “KPD’nin liderliğini devraldığı 1919 Ocak ayaklanmalarının, SPD’nin isyancılar aleyhine Alman Ordusu (Reichswehr) ve büyük sermayeyle uzlaşması nedeniyle bastırılması, Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nde siyasi açıdan bir kırılma noktası olmuş ve bu süreç NSDAP’nin yükseleceği siyasal zemini hazırlamıştır” tezi bu çalışmanın odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır

    On multi-dimensional and noisy quadratic signaling games and affine equilibria

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    This study investigates extensions of the quadratic cheap talk and signaling game problem, which has been introduced in the economics literature. Two main contributions of this study are the extension of Crawford and Sobel's cheap talk formulation to multi-dimensional sources, and the extension to noisy channel setups as a signaling game problem. We show that, in the presence of misalignment, the quantized nature of all equilibrium policies holds for any scalar random source. It is shown that for multi-dimensional setups, unlike the scalar case, equilibrium policies may be of non-quantized nature, and even linear. In the noisy setup, a Gaussian source is to be transmitted over an additive Gaussian channel. The goals of the encoder and the decoder are misaligned by a bias term and encoder's cost also includes a power term scaled by a multiplier. Conditions for the existence of affine equilibrium policies as well as general informative equilibria are presented for both the scalar and multi-dimensional setups. © 2015 American Automatic Control Council