970 research outputs found

    The Repressive and Specific Constitutionality Control of the International Treaties as Source of National Law: A Critical View of the Sentences N°1288 y N°2789 of the Chilean Constitutional Court

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    Se estudian y analizan dos resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional en las cuales se pronuncia sobre la procedencia del recurso de inaplicabilidad por inconstitucionalidad de los tratados internacionales. En el primero de ellos se sustenta la posibilidad de impetrar la acción de inaplicabilidad, en el segundo y sin mayor razonamiento se descarta tal opción. Frente a ello se razona de forma crítica y considerando a los tratados internacionales como fuente del derecho interno, que éstos sí son preceptos legales y sí son objeto de control represivo concreto de constitucionalidad, dejando claro, la eventual posibilidad de la responsabilidad internacional del Estado.We study and analyze two decisions of the Constitutional Court in which it rules on the merits of the action of unconstitutionality of international treaties. In the first it is based implore the possibility of action of inapplicability, in the second and without further reasoning that option is discarded. It argues against critically and considering international treaties as a source of domestic law, which they themselves are legal provisions and it is subject to specific repressive control of constitutionality, making it clear, the eventual possibility of international responsibility of the State

    The Periodic Table. The Power of Systematization. The Importance of Precision

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    One hundred and fifty years ago the first important systematization in the realm of chemistry was done, ordering the elements in terms of its atomic mass. This first attempt was crucial even though not totally correct. A better knowledge of the atomic structure improved this initial systematization in terms of the atomic number; but a real understanding of the periodicity in the atomic properties was possible only when the mathematical functions describing the electrons within an atom were obtained. The use of the variational principle looking for the minimal energy of an atomic or molecular system was the engine behind this understanding, though soon it became also clear that, in some specific cases, second order properties could be not adequately described even if the precision got for the energy was large. Magnetic properties are a good example, or the singularity of the elements of the first row of the periodic table with respect to the others within the same group. Some of these questions will be analyzed in our presentation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    World heat impact and its importance for Latin-America

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    At present, there is a universal concern related to the origin and consequences of world heat (WH) on the developmentof urban human communities as well as those who live at the country side regarding its dependence for fossil fuels,which are supporting city transport, industry and progress of the main urban populations of the world. In addition, there is a lack of respect for preventive rules related with soil changing use which is causing disorganized urbangrowth and destroying its green areas or lungs, as well as surface and underground water recharging. The abovementioned includes conventional and common agriculture based in applying chemicals like inorganic fertilizers andpesticides which cause environmental pollution

    USA v. Frederick Lynch

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    USDC for the District of New Jerse

    Canción de Chon.

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    Sin resume

    Liderazgo para sostener procesos de innovación en la escuela

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    En este artículo examinamos los hallazgos de una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo. En concreto observamos que algunos centros que habían configurado una dinámica sostenida de cambios desplegaban también patrones de liderazgo ampliamente distribuido. En este artículo se analizan dos casos en los que identificamos dichas dinámicas institucionales, al tiempo que se confrontan con un tercer caso que fracasó en su intento de llevar adelante un proyecto de cambio de gran envergadura y en donde el liderazgo adoptaba un patrón claramente focalizado. Los detalles de dichos procesos se analizan y se discuten a la luz de la literatura sobre liderazgo .We exam in this paper the findings of an inquiry on the institutional basis that let to develop sustainable change processes in schools from the perspective of leadership. In particular, we observed that some schools that presented a sustained dynamics of changes, deployed patterns of widely distributed leadership as well. In the paper, two cases in which such institutional dynamics were identified will be analyzed and confronted with a third case that failed in the attempt to carry out an important change project. In this case leadership adopted a clearly focalized pattern. The details of such processes are analyzed and discussed taking into account the literature about distributed leadership

    Theoretical Study of Doubly Charged [X(H2O)] and [X(NH3)] (X = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) Molecular Ions

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    Ab initio calculations have been used to study the structure and stability of several doubly charged molecular ions in the gas phase. In particular the complexes of water and ammonia with Si2+, Ge2+, Sn2+ and Pb2+ have been studied. Geometries have been obtained at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level and final energies at CCSD(T)/6-311+G(3df,2p) level. Different fragmentation channels have been considered. The loss of X+ (X = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) is the most favorable one, except for [Si(H2O)]2+ where the loss of a H+ has a lower energy cost. Water complexes are thermodynamically stable, while loss of X+ in ammonia complexes are exothermic processes. In ammonia complexes a Coulomb barrier prevents the systems from spontaneous dissociation; to obtain these barriers the potential energy curves for the loss of Si+ or Pb+ in [Si(NH3)]2+ and [Pb(NH3)]2+ complexes have been obtained at CCSD(T)/6-311+G(3df,2p) level, the corresponding vibrational states have been located and their lifetimes evaluated using the exterior complex scaling. The barriers for dissociation of [X(NH3)]2+ complexes are similar to the ones obtained for [X(H2O)]2+ complexes

    Unstable manifold, Conley index and fixed points of flows

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    We study dynamical and topological properties of the unstable manifold of isolated invariant compacta of flows. We show that some parts of the unstable manifold admit sections carrying a considerable amount of information. These sections enable the construction of parallelizable structures which facilitate the study of the flow. From this fact, many nice consequences are derived, specially in the case of plane continua. For instance, we give an easy method of calculation of the Conley index provided we have some knowledge of the unstable manifold and, as a consequence, a relation between the Brouwer degree and the unstable manifold is established for smooth vector fields. We study the dynamics of non-saddle sets, properties of existence or non-existence of fixed points of flows and conditions under which attractors are fixed points, Morse decompositions, preservation of topological properties by continuation and classify the bifurcations taking place at a critical point

    Genetics and genomics of disease resistance in salmonid species

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    Infectious and parasitic diseases generate large economic losses in salmon farming. A feasible and sustainable alternative to prevent disease outbreaks may be represented by genetic improvement for disease resistance. To include disease resistance into the breeding goal, prior knowledge of the levels of genetic variation for these traits is required. Furthermore, the information from the genetic architecture and molecular factors involved in resistance against diseases may be used to accelerate the genetic progress for these traits. In this regard, marker assisted selection and genomic selection are approaches which incorporate molecular information to increase the accuracy when predicting the genetic merit of selection candidates. In this article we review and discuss key aspects related to disease resistance in salmonid species, from both a genetic and genomic perspective, with emphasis in the applicability of disease resistance traits into breeding programs in salmonids

    Substituent Effects on B−N Bonding and Coupling Constants in Fivemembered Rings N3B2H4X and N2B3H4X, for X = H, F, and Li

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    Ab initio calculations have been carried out to investigate bonding patterns and B−N coupling constants in five-membered rings N3B2H4X and N2B3H4X, for X = H, F, and Li, with substitution occurring only at N. F-substitution results in the formation of a covalent N−F bond, whereas Li-substitution leads to an ion-pair with little covalency. Substitution has a highly localized effect, changing the electron density only at the substituted N. F-substitution also has a very localized effect on coupling constants, at most only changing 1J(B−N) involving the substituted N. Li-substitution has a more delocalized effect. It always decreases 1J(B−N) involving the substituted N, and may also decrease 1J(B−N) of a proximal B−N bond if the B atom is bonded to the substituted N