7 research outputs found

    Clathrin-Dependent Targeting of Receptors to the Flagellar Pocket of Procyclic-Form Trypanosoma brucei

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    In trypanosomatids, endocytosis and exocytosis occur exclusively at the flagellar pocket, which represents about 0.43% of the pellicle membrane and is a deep invagination of the plasma membrane where the flagellum extends from the cell. Receptor molecules are selectively retained at the flagellar pocket. We studied the function of clathrin heavy chain (TbCLH) in the trafficking of the flagellar pocket receptors in Trypanosoma brucei by using the double-stranded RNA interference approach. It appears that TbCLH is essential for the survival of both the procyclic form and the bloodstream form of T. brucei, even though structures resembling large coated endocytic vesicles are absent in procyclic-form trypanosomes. Down-regulation of TbCLH by RNA interference (RNAi) for 24 h rapidly and drastically reduced the uptake of macromolecules via receptor-mediated endocytosis in procyclic-form trypanosomes. This result suggested the importance of TbCLH in receptor-mediated endocytosis of the procyclic-form trypanosome, in which the formation of large coated endocytic vesicles may not be required. Surprisingly, induction of TbCLH RNAi in the procyclic T. brucei for a period of 48 h prohibited the export of the flagellar pocket-associated transmembrane receptor CRAM from the endoplasmic reticulum to the flagellar pocket, while trafficking of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored procyclin coat was not significantly affected. After 72 h of induction of TbCLH RNAi, procyclics exhibited morphological changes to an apolar round shape without a distinct structure of the flagellar pocket and flagellum. Although trypanosomes, like other eukaryotes, use similar organelles and machinery for protein sorting and transport, our studies reveal a novel role for clathrin in the secretory pathway of trypanosomes. We speculate that the clathrin-dependent trafficking of proteins to the flagellar pocket may be essential for the biogenesis and maintenance of the flagellar pocket in trypanosomes

    Sorting Signals Required for Trafficking of the Cysteine-Rich Acidic Repetitive Transmembrane Protein in Trypanosoma brucei

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    In trypanosomatids, endocytosis and exocytosis are restricted to the flagellar pocket (FP). The cysteine-rich acidic repetitive transmembrane (CRAM) protein is located at the FP of Trypanosoma brucei and potentially functions as a receptor or an essential component for lipoprotein uptake. We characterized sorting determinants involved in efficient trafficking of CRAM to and from the FP of T. brucei. Previous studies indicated the presence of signals in the CRAM C terminus, specific for its localization to the FP and for efficient endocytosis (H. Yang, D. G. Russell, B. Zeng, M. Eiki, and M.G.-S. Lee, Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:5149-5163, 2000.) To delineate functional domains of putative sorting signals, we performed a mutagenesis series of the CRAM C terminus. Subcellular localization of CRAM mutants demonstrated that the amino acid sequence between −5 and −14 (referred to as a transport signal) is essential for exporting CRAM from the endoplasmic reticulum to the FP, and mutations of amino acids at −12 (V), −10 (V), or −5 (D) led to retention of CRAM in the endoplasmic reticulum. Comparison of the endocytosis efficiency of CRAM mutants demonstrated that the sequence from amino acid −5 to −23 (referred to as a putative endocytosis signal) is required for efficient endocytosis and overlaps with the transport signal. Apparently the CRAM-derived sorting signal can efficiently interact with the T. brucei μ1 adaptin, and mutations at amino acids essential for the function of the transport signal abolished the interaction of the signal with T. brucei μ1, strengthening the hypothesis of the involvement of the clathrin- and adaptor-dependent pathway in trafficking of CRAM via the FP

    Hodgkin lymphoma cells express TACI and BCMA receptors and generate survival and proliferation signals in response to BAFF and APRIL

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    Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) originates from the clonal expansion of malignant Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. These B-cell–derived elements constitute less than 10% of the tumoral mass. The remaining tissue is comprised of an inflammatory infiltrate that includes myeloid cells. Myeloid cells activate B cells by producing BAFF and APRIL, which engage TACI, BCMA, and BAFF-R receptors on the B cells. Here, we studied the role of BAFF and APRIL in HL. Inflammatory and HRS cells from HL tumors expressed BAFF and APRIL. Unlike their putative germinal center B-cell precursors, HRS cells lacked BAFF-R, but expressed TACI and BCMA, a phenotype similar to that of plasmacytoid B cells. BAFF and APRIL enhanced HRS cell survival and proliferation by delivering nonredundant signals via TACI and BCMA receptors through both autocrine and paracrine pathways. These signals caused NF-κB activation; Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and c-Myc up-regulation; and Bax down-regulation, and were amplified by APRIL-binding proteoglycans on HRS cells. Interruption of BAFF and APRIL signaling by TACI-Ig decoy receptor, which binds to and neutralizes BAFF and APRIL, or by small-interfering RNAs targeting BAFF, APRIL, TACI, and BCMA inhibited HRS cell accumulation in vitro and might attenuate HL expansion in vivo