3,855 research outputs found

    Physio-chemical and antibacterial characteristics of pressure spun nylon nanofibres embedded with functional silver nanoparticles

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Date of Acceptance: 05/06/2015A novel and facile approach to prepare hybrid nanoparticle embedded polymer nanofibers using pressurised gyration is presented. Silver nanoparticles and nylon polymer were used in this work. The polymer solution's physical properties, rotating speed and the working pressure had a significant influence on the fibre diameter and the morphology. Fibres in the range of 60–500 nm were spun using 10 wt.%, 15 wt.% and 20 wt.% nylon solutions and these bead-free fibres were processed under 0.2 MPa and 0.3 MPa working pressure and a rotational speed of 36,000 rpm. 1–4 wt.% of Ag was added to these nylon solutions and in the case of wt.% fibres in the range 50–150 nm were prepared using the same conditions of pressurised gyration. Successful incorporation of the Ag nanoparticles in nylon nanofibres was confirmed by using a combination of advanced microscopical techniques and Raman spectrometry was used to study the bonding characteristics of nylon and the Ag nanoparticles. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy showed a substantial concentration of Ag ions in the nylon fibre matrix which is essential for producing effective antibacterial properties. Antibacterial activity of the Ag-loaded nanofibres shows higher efficacy than nylon nanofibres for Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa microorganisms, and both Ag nanoparticles and the Ag ions were found to be the reason for enhanced cell death in the bacterial solutionPeer reviewe

    Optimizing Tc in the (Mn,Cr,Ga)As and (Mn,Ga)(As,P) Ternary Alloys

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    We explore two possible ways to enhance the critical temperature TcT_c in the dilute magnetic semiconductor Mn0.08_{0.08}Ga0.92_{0.92}As. Within the context of the double-exchange and RKKY pictures, the ternary alloys Mnx_{x}Cr0.08x_{0.08-x}Ga0.92_{0.92}As and Mn0.08_{0.08}Ga0.92_{0.92}Asy_yP1y_{1-y} might be expected to have TcT_c higher than the pseudobinary Mn0.08_{0.08}Ga0.92_{0.92}As. To test whether the expectations from model pictures are confirmed, we employ linear response theory within the local-density approximation to search for theoretically higher critical temperatures in these ternary alloys. Our results show that neither co-doping Mn with Cr, nor alloying As with P improves TcT_c. Alloying with Cr is found to be deleterious to the TcT_c. Mn0.08_{0.08}Ga0.92_{0.92}Asy_yP1y_{1-y} shows almost linear dependence of TcT_c on yy.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Enhanced photosensitivity in tin-codoped germanosilicate optical fibres

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    Enhanced photosensitivity is found in Tin-codoped germanosilicate optical fibers. A photo-induced refractive index change (~1.4 x 10-3 times larger than that observed in pure germanosilicate fibers has been demonstrated. Unlike the technique of using Boron-codoping to enhance the photosensitivity of germanosilicate fibers, Tin-doping does not have a significant effect on fiber loss at the important telecommunication window of 1.55µm. High temperature stability of the gratings in Tin-codoped germanosilicate fibers is also much over Boron-codoped fibers

    Controlling dipole-dipole frequency shifts in a lattice-based optical atomic clock

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    Motivated by the ideas of using cold alkaline earth atoms trapped in an optical lattice for realization of optical atomic clocks, we investigate theoretically the perturbative effects of atom-atom interactions on a clock transition frequency. These interactions are mediated by the dipole fields associated with the optically excited atoms. We predict resonance-like features in the frequency shifts when constructive interference among atomic dipoles occur. We theoretically demonstrate that by fine-tuning the coherent dipole-dipole couplings in appropriately designed lattice geometries, the undesirable frequency shifts can be greatly suppressed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A novel layer-structured PtN₂: first-principles calculations

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    Platinum nitride as the first successfully synthesized noble metal nitride shows superior mechanical properties and exotic electronic structure that rival those of conventional transition metal nitrides. In the past diverse crystal structures have been proposed to understand its unusual properties. However, very few works pay attention to the dynamic stability of these phases. Here, we examine the potential structures of platinum nitride with a chemical composition of PtN₂ by utilizing a widely adopted evolutionary methodology for crystal structure prediction. Except reproducing the previously proposed phases, we also identify a Pmmm symmetric novel layer structure with a low formation enthalpy that is slightly lower than those of marcasite and CoSb₂ structures but slightly higher than that of pyrite structure. The elastic constants and the lattice dynamical calculations show that this layer-structured PtN₂ is mechanically and dynamically stable. The calculated band structures suggest this new phase together with the simple tetragonal phase are metallic, while other phases are insulators. In addition, it is found that the fluorite structure is dynamically unstable by the phonon spectrum calculations, although it is mechanically stable as suggested by calculated elastic constants.Розглянуто потенційні структури нітриду платини з хімічним складом PtN₂, використовуючи широко прийняту еволюційну методологію прогнозування кристалічних структур. Крім відтворення раніше запропонованих фаз, ідентифіковано нову симетричну шарувату структуру, просторова група Pmmm, з низькою ентальпією формування, яка трохи менша, ніж ентальпії структур марказиту і CoSb₂, але дещо більша, ніж ентальпія структури піриту. Постійні пружності і динамічні розрахунки решітки показують, що цей нітрид платини (PtN₂) з шаруватою структурою механічно і динамічно стабільний. Розраховані зонні структури дозволяють припустити, що ця нова фаза разом з простою тетрагональною фазою є металічною, тоді як інші фази є діелектричні. Розрахунками фононного спектру встановлено, що структура флюориту динамічно нестабільна, хоча механічно стабільна, як передбачається розрахованими константами пружності.Рассмотрены потенциальные структуры нитрида платины с химическим составом PtN₂, используя широко принятую эволюционную методологию прогнозирования кристаллических структур. Кроме воспроизведения ранее предложенных фаз, идентифировано новую симметричную слоистую структуру, пространственная группа Pmmm, с низкой энтальпией формирования, которая немного меньше, чем энтальпии структур марказита и CoSb₂, но немного больше, чем энтальпия структуры пирита. Постоянные упругости и динамические расчеты решетки показывают, что этот нитрид платины (PtN₂) со слоистой структурой механически и динамически стабилен. Рассчитанные зонные структуры позволяют предположить, что эта новая фаза вместе с простой тетрагональной фазой является металлической, тогда как другие фазы являются диэлектрическими. Расчетами фононного спектра установлено, что структура флюорита динамически нестабильна, хотя механически стабильна, как предполагается рассчитанными константами упругости

    Conformal Field Theories, Graphs and Quantum Algebras

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    This article reviews some recent progress in our understanding of the structure of Rational Conformal Field Theories, based on ideas that originate for a large part in the work of A. Ocneanu. The consistency conditions that generalize modular invariance for a given RCFT in the presence of various types of boundary conditions --open, twisted-- are encoded in a system of integer multiplicities that form matrix representations of fusion-like algebras. These multiplicities are also the combinatorial data that enable one to construct an abstract ``quantum'' algebra, whose 6j6j- and 3j3j-symbols contain essential information on the Operator Product Algebra of the RCFT and are part of a cell system, subject to pentagonal identities. It looks quite plausible that the classification of a wide class of RCFT amounts to a classification of ``Weak CC^*- Hopf algebras''.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, LateX. To appear in MATHPHYS ODYSSEY 2001 --Integrable Models and Beyond, ed. M. Kashiwara and T. Miwa, Progress in Math., Birkhauser. References and comments adde