41 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbon seepage in the deep seabed links subsurface and seafloor biospheres

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Chakraborty, A., Ruff, S. E., Dong, X., Ellefson, E. D., Li, C., Brooks, J. M., McBee, J., Bernard, B. B., & Hubert, C. R. J. Hydrocarbon seepage in the deep seabed links subsurface and seafloor biospheres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(20), (2020): 11029-11037, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2002289117.Marine cold seeps transmit fluids between the subseafloor and seafloor biospheres through upward migration of hydrocarbons that originate in deep sediment layers. It remains unclear how geofluids influence the composition of the seabed microbiome and if they transport deep subsurface life up to the surface. Here we analyzed 172 marine surficial sediments from the deep-water Eastern Gulf of Mexico to assess whether hydrocarbon fluid migration is a mechanism for upward microbial dispersal. While 132 of these sediments contained migrated liquid hydrocarbons, evidence of continuous advective transport of thermogenic alkane gases was observed in 11 sediments. Gas seeps harbored distinct microbial communities featuring bacteria and archaea that are well-known inhabitants of deep biosphere sediments. Specifically, 25 distinct sequence variants within the uncultivated bacterial phyla Atribacteria and Aminicenantes and the archaeal order Thermoprofundales occurred in significantly greater relative sequence abundance along with well-known seep-colonizing members of the bacterial genus Sulfurovum, in the gas-positive sediments. Metabolic predictions guided by metagenome-assembled genomes suggested these organisms are anaerobic heterotrophs capable of nonrespiratory breakdown of organic matter, likely enabling them to inhabit energy-limited deep subseafloor ecosystems. These results point to petroleum geofluids as a vector for the advection-assisted upward dispersal of deep biosphere microbes from subsurface to surface environments, shaping the microbiome of cold seep sediments and providing a general mechanism for the maintenance of microbial diversity in the deep sea.We wish to thank Jody Sandel as well as the crew of R/V GeoExplorer for collection of piston cores, onboard core processing, sample preservation, and shipment. Cynthia Kwan and Oliver Horanszky are thanked for assistance with amplicon library preparation. We also wish to thank Jayne Rattray, Daniel Gittins, and Marc Strous for valuable discussions and suggestions, and Rhonda Clark for research support. Collaborations with Andy Mort from the Geological Survey of Canada, and Richard Hatton from Geoscience Wales are also gratefully acknowledged. This work was financially supported by a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to A.C.; an Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures/Eyes High Postdoctoral Fellowship to S.E.R.; and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Strategic Project Grant, a Genome Canada Genomics Applications Partnership Program grant, a Canada Foundation for Innovation grant (CFI-JELF 33752) for instrumentation, and Campus Alberta Innovates Program Chair funding to C.R.J.H

    Variations in growth traits and wood physicochemical properties among Pinus koraiensis families in Northeast China

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    This study aimed to explore and improve the different economic values of Pinus koraiensis (Siebold and Zucc.) by examining the variations in 6 growth traits and 9 physicochemical wood properties among 53 P. koraiensis half-sib families. Growth traits assessed included height, diameter at breast height, volume, degree of stem straightness, stem form, and branch number per node, while wood properties assessed included density, fiber length and width, fiber length to width ratio, and cellulose, hemicellulose, holocellulose, lignin, and ash contents. Except for degree of stem straightness and branch number per node, all other traits exhibited highly significant variations (P < 0.01) among families. The coefficients of variation ranged from 5.3 (stem form) to 66.7% (ash content), whereas, the heritability ranged from 0.136 (degree of stem straightness) to 0.962 (ash content). Significant correlations were observed among growth traits and wood physicochemical properties. Principal component analysis identified four distinct groups representing growth traits, wood chemical and physical properties, and stem form traits. Multi-trait comprehensive evaluation identified three groups of elite families based on breeding objectives, including rapid growth, improved timber production for building and furniture materials, and pulpwood production. These specific families should be used to establish new plantations

    Exosomes Derived From miR-133b-Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury

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    Dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been found in injured spinal cords after spinal cord injury (SCI). Previous studies have shown that miR-133b plays an important role in the differentiation of neurons and the outgrowth of neurites. Recently, exosomes have been used as novel biological vehicles to transfer miRNAs locally or systemically, but little is known about the effect of the delivery of exosome-mediated miRNAs on the treatment of SCI. In the present study, we observed that mesenchymal stem cells, the most common cell types known to produce exosomes, could package miR-133b into secreted exosomes. After SCI, tail vein injection of miR-133b exosomes into rats significantly improved the recovery of hindlimb function when compared to control groups. Additionally, treatment with miR-133b exosomes reduced the volume of the lesion, preserved neuronal cells, and promoted the regeneration of axons after SCI. We next observed that the expression of RhoA, a direct target of miR-133b, was decreased in the miR-133b exosome group. Moreover, we showed that miR-133b exosomes activated ERK1/2, STAT3, and CREB, which are signaling pathway proteins involved in the survival of neurons and the regeneration of axons. In summary, these findings demonstrated that systemically injecting miR-133b exosomes preserved neurons, promoted the regeneration of axons, and improved the recovery of hindlimb locomotor function following SCI, suggesting that the transfer of exosome-mediated miRNAs represents a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of SCI

    Metabolic potential of uncultured bacteria and archaea associated with petroleum seepage in deep-sea sediments

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    Little is known about the microbial ecology of the deep seabed. Here, Dong et al. predict metabolic capabilities and microbial interactions in deep seabed petroleum seeps using shotgun metagenomics, sediment geochemistry, metabolomics, and thermodynamic modelling

    Protective Effect of RNase on Unilateral Nephrectomy-Induced Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Aged Mice

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    Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a common complication after surgery, especially for elderly patients. Administration of RNase has been reported to exhibit neuroprotective effects in acute stroke. However, the potential role of RNase on POCD is unknown. Therefore, we sought to investigate whether RNase treatment could mitigate unilateral nephrectomy induced-cognitive deficit in aged mice. In the present study, twelve-month-old mice were administered RNase or an equal amount of normal saline perioperatively. All mice underwent Morris Water Maze (MWM) training 3 times per day for 7 days to acclimatize them to the water maze before surgical operation, and testing on days 1, 3 and 7 after surgery. We found that perioperative administration of RNase: 1) attenuated unilateral nephrectomy-induced cognitive impairment at day 3 after surgery; 2) reduced the hippocampal cytokines mRNA production and serum cytokines protein production at day 1 and day 7 (for MCP-1) after surgery, and; 3) inhibited hippocampal apoptosis as indicated by cleaved caspase-3 western blot and TUNEL staining at day 1 after surgery. In addition, a trend decrease of total serum RNA levels was detected in the RNase treated group after surgery compared with the untreated group. Further, our protocol of RNase administration had no impact on the arterial blood gas analysis right after surgery, kidney function and mortality rate at the observed days postoperatively. In conclusion, perioperative RNase treatment attenuated unilateral nephrectomy-induced cognitive impairment in aged mice

    An overview of data fusion techniques for internet of things enabled physical activity recognition and measure

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    Due to importantly beneficial effects on physical and mental health and strong association with many rehabilitation programs, Physical Activity Recognition and Measure (PARM) has been widely recognised as a key paradigm for a variety of smart healthcare applications. Traditional methods for PARM relies on designing and utilising Data fusion or machine learning techniques in processing ambient and wearable sensing data for classifying types of physical activity and removing their uncertainties. Yet they mostly focus on controlled environments with the aim of increasing types of identifiable activity subjects, improved recognition accuracy and measure robustness. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabling technology is transferring PARM studies to an open and dynamic uncontrolled ecosystem by connecting heterogeneous cost-effective wearable devices and mobile apps and various groups of users. Little is currently known about whether traditional Data fusion techniques can tackle new challenges of IoT environments and how to effectively harness and improve these technologies. In an effort to understand potential use and opportunities of Data fusion techniques in IoT enabled PARM applications, this paper will give a systematic review, critically examining PARM studies from a perspective of a novel 3D dynamic IoT based physical activity collection and validation model. It summarized traditional state-of-the-art data fusion techniques from three plane domains in the 3D dynamic IoT model: devices, persons and timeline. The paper goes on to identify some new research trends and challenges of data fusion techniques in the IoT enabled PARM studies, and discusses some key enabling techniques for tackling them

    Comparative single-cell genomics of Atribacterota JS1 in the Japan Trench hadal sedimentary biosphere

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    Deep-sea and subseafloor sedimentary environments host heterotrophic microbial communities that contribute to Earth’s carbon cycling. However, the potential metabolic functions of individual microorganisms and their biogeographical distributions in hadal ocean sediments remain largely unexplored. In this study, we conducted single-cell genome sequencing on sediment samples collected from six sites (7,445–8,023 m water depth) along an approximately 500 km transect of the Japan Trench during the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 386. A total of 1,886 single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) were obtained, offering comprehensive genetic insights into sedimentary microbial communities in surface sediments (<1 m depth) above the sulfate-methane transition zone along the Japan Trench. Our genome data set included 269 SAGs from Atribacterota JS1, the predominant bacterial clade in these hadal environments. Phylogenetic analysis classified SAGs into nine distinct phylotypes, whereas metagenome-assembled genomes were categorized into only two phylotypes, advancing JS1 diversity coverage through a single cell-based approach. Comparative genomic analysis of JS1 lineages from different habitats revealed frequent detection of genes related to organic carbon utilization, such as extracellular enzymes like clostripain and α-amylase, and ABC transporters of oligopeptide from Japan Trench members. Furthermore, specific JS1 phylotypes exhibited a strong correlation with in situ methane concentrations and contained genes involved in glycine betaine metabolism. These findings suggest that the phylogenomically diverse and novel Atribacterota JS1 is widely distributed in Japan Trench sediment, playing crucial roles in carbon cycling within the hadal sedimentary biosphere


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    Metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) obtained from the Okinawa Trough cold seep sediments.</p