63 research outputs found

    DCA: Diversified Co-Attention towards Informative Live Video Commenting

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    We focus on the task of Automatic Live Video Commenting (ALVC), which aims to generate real-time video comments with both video frames and other viewers' comments as inputs. A major challenge in this task is how to properly leverage the rich and diverse information carried by video and text. In this paper, we aim to collect diversified information from video and text for informative comment generation. To achieve this, we propose a Diversified Co-Attention (DCA) model for this task. Our model builds bidirectional interactions between video frames and surrounding comments from multiple perspectives via metric learning, to collect a diversified and informative context for comment generation. We also propose an effective parameter orthogonalization technique to avoid excessive overlap of information learned from different perspectives. Results show that our approach outperforms existing methods in the ALVC task, achieving new state-of-the-art results

    E4SRec: An Elegant Effective Efficient Extensible Solution of Large Language Models for Sequential Recommendation

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    The recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked interest in harnessing their potential within recommender systems. Since LLMs are designed for natural language tasks, existing recommendation approaches have predominantly transformed recommendation tasks into open-domain natural language generation tasks. However, this approach necessitates items to possess rich semantic information, often generates out-of-range results, and suffers from notably low efficiency and limited extensibility. Furthermore, practical ID-based recommendation strategies, reliant on a huge number of unique identities (IDs) to represent users and items, have gained prominence in real-world recommender systems due to their effectiveness and efficiency. Nevertheless, the incapacity of LLMs to model IDs presents a formidable challenge when seeking to leverage LLMs for personalized recommendations. In this paper, we introduce an Elegant Effective Efficient Extensible solution for large language models for Sequential Recommendation (E4SRec), which seamlessly integrates LLMs with traditional recommender systems that exclusively utilize IDs to represent items. Specifically, E4SRec takes ID sequences as inputs, ensuring that the generated outputs fall within the candidate lists. Furthermore, E4SRec possesses the capability to generate the entire ranking list in a single forward process, and demands only a minimal set of pluggable parameters, which are trained for each dataset while keeping the entire LLM frozen. We substantiate the effectiveness, efficiency, and extensibility of our proposed E4SRec through comprehensive experiments conducted on four widely-used real-world datasets. The implementation code is accessible at https://github.com/HestiaSky/E4SRec/

    Fair Division of Mixed Divisible and Indivisible Goods

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    We study the problem of fair division when the resources contain both divisible and indivisible goods. Classic fairness notions such as envy-freeness (EF) and envy-freeness up to one good (EF1) cannot be directly applied to the mixed goods setting. In this work, we propose a new fairness notion envy-freeness for mixed goods (EFM), which is a direct generalization of both EF and EF1 to the mixed goods setting. We prove that an EFM allocation always exists for any number of agents. We also propose efficient algorithms to compute an EFM allocation for two agents and for nn agents with piecewise linear valuations over the divisible goods. Finally, we relax the envy-free requirement, instead asking for ϵ\epsilon-envy-freeness for mixed goods (ϵ\epsilon-EFM), and present an algorithm that finds an ϵ\epsilon-EFM allocation in time polynomial in the number of agents, the number of indivisible goods, and 1/ϵ1/\epsilon.Comment: Appears in the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 202

    Balanced Order Batching with Task-Oriented Graph Clustering

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    Balanced order batching problem (BOBP) arises from the process of warehouse picking in Cainiao, the largest logistics platform in China. Batching orders together in the picking process to form a single picking route, reduces travel distance. The reason for its importance is that order picking is a labor intensive process and, by using good batching methods, substantial savings can be obtained. The BOBP is a NP-hard combinational optimization problem and designing a good problem-specific heuristic under the quasi-real-time system response requirement is non-trivial. In this paper, rather than designing heuristics, we propose an end-to-end learning and optimization framework named Balanced Task-orientated Graph Clustering Network (BTOGCN) to solve the BOBP by reducing it to balanced graph clustering optimization problem. In BTOGCN, a task-oriented estimator network is introduced to guide the type-aware heterogeneous graph clustering networks to find a better clustering result related to the BOBP objective. Through comprehensive experiments on single-graph and multi-graphs, we show: 1) our balanced task-oriented graph clustering network can directly utilize the guidance of target signal and outperforms the two-stage deep embedding and deep clustering method; 2) our method obtains an average 4.57m and 0.13m picking distance ("m" is the abbreviation of the meter (the SI base unit of length)) reduction than the expert-designed algorithm on single and multi-graph set and has a good generalization ability to apply in practical scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    CryoFormer: Continuous Reconstruction of 3D Structures from Cryo-EM Data using Transformer-based Neural Representations

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    High-resolution heterogeneous reconstruction of 3D structures of proteins and other biomolecules using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is essential for understanding fundamental processes of life. However, it is still challenging to reconstruct the continuous motions of 3D structures from hundreds of thousands of noisy and randomly oriented 2D cryo-EM images. Existing methods based on coordinate-based neural networks show compelling results to model continuous conformations of 3D structures in the Fourier domain, but they suffer from a limited ability to model local flexible regions and lack interpretability. We propose a novel approach, cryoFormer, that utilizes a transformer-based network architecture for continuous heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. We for the first time directly reconstruct continuous conformations of 3D structures using an implicit feature volume in the 3D spatial domain. A novel deformation transformer decoder further improves reconstruction quality and, more importantly, locates and robustly tackles flexible 3D regions caused by conformations. In experiments, our method outperforms current approaches on three public datasets (1 synthetic and 2 experimental) and a new synthetic dataset of PEDV spike protein. The code and new synthetic dataset will be released for better reproducibility of our results. Project page: https://cryoformer.github.io

    CapsuleBot: A Novel Compact Hybrid Aerial-Ground Robot with Two Actuated-wheel-rotors

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    This paper presents the design, modeling, and experimental validation of CapsuleBot, a compact hybrid aerial-ground vehicle designed for long-term covert reconnaissance. CapsuleBot combines the manoeuvrability of bicopter in the air with the energy efficiency and noise reduction of ground vehicles on the ground. To accomplish this, a structure named actuated-wheel-rotor has been designed, utilizing a sole motor for both the unilateral rotor tilting in the bicopter configuration and the wheel movement in ground mode. CapsuleBot comes equipped with two of these structures, enabling it to attain hybrid aerial-ground propulsion with just four motors. Importantly, the decoupling of motion modes is achieved without the need for additional drivers, enhancing the versatility and robustness of the system. Furthermore, we have designed the full dynamics and control for aerial and ground locomotion based on the bicopter model and the two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle model. The performance of CapsuleBot has been validated through experiments. The results demonstrate that CapsuleBot produces 40.53% less noise in ground mode and consumes 99.35% less energy, highlighting its potential for long-term covert reconnaissance applications.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, submitted to 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Contrastive Continual Multi-view Clustering with Filtered Structural Fusion

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    Multi-view clustering thrives in applications where views are collected in advance by extracting consistent and complementary information among views. However, it overlooks scenarios where data views are collected sequentially, i.e., real-time data. Due to privacy issues or memory burden, previous views are not available with time in these situations. Some methods are proposed to handle it but are trapped in a stability-plasticity dilemma. In specific, these methods undergo a catastrophic forgetting of prior knowledge when a new view is attained. Such a catastrophic forgetting problem (CFP) would cause the consistent and complementary information hard to get and affect the clustering performance. To tackle this, we propose a novel method termed Contrastive Continual Multi-view Clustering with Filtered Structural Fusion (CCMVC-FSF). Precisely, considering that data correlations play a vital role in clustering and prior knowledge ought to guide the clustering process of a new view, we develop a data buffer with fixed size to store filtered structural information and utilize it to guide the generation of a robust partition matrix via contrastive learning. Furthermore, we theoretically connect CCMVC-FSF with semi-supervised learning and knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments exhibit the excellence of the proposed method

    Joint Learning of CNN and LSTM for Image Captioning

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    Abstract. In this paper, we describe the details of our methods for the participation in the subtask of the ImageCLEF 2016 Scalable Image Annotation task: Natural Language Caption Generation. The model we used is the combination of a procedure of encoding and a procedure of decoding, which includes a Convolutional neural network(CNN) and a Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) based Recurrent Neural Network. We first train a model on the MSCOCO dataset and then fine tune the model on different target datasets collected by us to get a more suitable model for the natural language caption generation task. Both of the parameters of CNN and LSTM are learned together