21 research outputs found

    An Interpretable Knowledge Transfer Model for Knowledge Base Completion

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    Knowledge bases are important resources for a variety of natural language processing tasks but suffer from incompleteness. We propose a novel embedding model, \emph{ITransF}, to perform knowledge base completion. Equipped with a sparse attention mechanism, ITransF discovers hidden concepts of relations and transfer statistical strength through the sharing of concepts. Moreover, the learned associations between relations and concepts, which are represented by sparse attention vectors, can be interpreted easily. We evaluate ITransF on two benchmark datasets---WN18 and FB15k for knowledge base completion and obtains improvements on both the mean rank and Hits@10 metrics, over all baselines that do not use additional information.Comment: Accepted by ACL 2017. Minor updat

    Fast and Simple Mixture of Softmaxes with BPE and Hybrid-LightRNN for Language Generation

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    Mixture of Softmaxes (MoS) has been shown to be effective at addressing the expressiveness limitation of Softmax-based models. Despite the known advantage, MoS is practically sealed by its large consumption of memory and computational time due to the need of computing multiple Softmaxes. In this work, we set out to unleash the power of MoS in practical applications by investigating improved word coding schemes, which could effectively reduce the vocabulary size and hence relieve the memory and computation burden. We show both BPE and our proposed Hybrid-LightRNN lead to improved encoding mechanisms that can halve the time and memory consumption of MoS without performance losses. With MoS, we achieve an improvement of 1.5 BLEU scores on IWSLT 2014 German-to-English corpus and an improvement of 0.76 CIDEr score on image captioning. Moreover, on the larger WMT 2014 machine translation dataset, our MoS-boosted Transformer yields 29.5 BLEU score for English-to-German and 42.1 BLEU score for English-to-French, outperforming the single-Softmax Transformer by 0.8 and 0.4 BLEU scores respectively and achieving the state-of-the-art result on WMT 2014 English-to-German task

    RACE: Large-scale ReAding Comprehension Dataset From Examinations

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    We present RACE, a new dataset for benchmark evaluation of methods in the reading comprehension task. Collected from the English exams for middle and high school Chinese students in the age range between 12 to 18, RACE consists of near 28,000 passages and near 100,000 questions generated by human experts (English instructors), and covers a variety of topics which are carefully designed for evaluating the students' ability in understanding and reasoning. In particular, the proportion of questions that requires reasoning is much larger in RACE than that in other benchmark datasets for reading comprehension, and there is a significant gap between the performance of the state-of-the-art models (43%) and the ceiling human performance (95%). We hope this new dataset can serve as a valuable resource for research and evaluation in machine comprehension. The dataset is freely available at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~glai1/data/race/ and the code is available at https://github.com/qizhex/RACE_AR_baselines.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Recurrent Polynomial Network for Dialogue State Tracking

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      Dialogue state tracking (DST) is a process to estimate the distribution of the dialogue states as a dialogue progresses. Recent studies on constrained Markov Bayesian polynomial (CMBP) framework take the first step towards bridging the gap between rule-based and statistical approaches for DST. In this paper, the gap is further bridged by a novel framework -- recurrent polynomial network (RPN). RPN's unique structure enables the framework to have all the advantages of CMBP including efficiency, portability and interpretability. Additionally, RPN achieves more properties of statistical approaches than CMBP. RPN was evaluated on the data corpora of the second and the third Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC-2/3). Experiments showed that RPN can significantly outperform both traditional rule-based approaches and statistical approaches with similar feature set. Compared with the state-of-the-art statistical DST approaches with a lot richer features, RPN is also competitive

    Automatic Model Selection with Large Language Models for Reasoning

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    Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Program-Aided Language Models (PAL) represent two distinct reasoning methods, each with its own strengths. CoT employs natural language, offering flexibility and interpretability, while PAL utilizes programming language, yielding more structured and rigorous logic. We introduce a model selection method to combine the best of both worlds by employing a large language model (LLM) to dynamically select between them. Our theoretical analysis underscores the feasibility of this method, which is further corroborated by empirical results. Our proposed method demonstrates significant performance improvements across eight reasoning datasets with Codex, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. Additionally, our method is complementary to self-consistency; when integrated, it can further enhance performance while significantly reducing computation costs. Moreover, we achieve new state-of-the-art results on GSM8K and SVAMP, with respective accuracies of 96.8% and 93.7%. Our code, data and prompts are available at https://github.com/XuZhao0/Model-Selection-ReasoningComment: EMNLP 2023 Finding