119 research outputs found

    Assessment of the spatial and temporal variations of water quality for agricultural lands with crop rotation in China by using a HYPE model

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    Many water quality models have been successfully used worldwide to predict nutrient losses from anthropogenically impacted catchments, but hydrological and nutrient simulations with little data are difficult considering the transfer of model parameters and complication of model calibration and validation. This study aims (i) to assess the performance capabilities of a new and relatively more advantageous model-hydrological predictions for the environment (HYPE) to simulate stream flow and nutrient load in ungauged agricultural areas by using a multi-site and multi-objective parameter calibration method and (ii) to investigate the temporal and spatial variations of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) concentrations and loads with crop rotation using the model for the first time. A parameter estimation tool (PEST) was used to calibrate parameters, which shows that the parameters related to the effective soil porosity were most sensitive to hydrological modeling. N balance was largely controlled by soil denitrification processes, whereas P balance was influenced by the sedimentation rate and production/decay of P in rivers and lakes. The model reproduced the temporal and spatial variations of discharge and TN/TP relatively well in both calibration (2006–2008) and validation (2009–2010) periods. The lowest NSEs (Nash-Suttclife Efficiency) of discharge, daily TN load, and daily TP load were 0.74, 0.51, and 0.54, respectively. The seasonal variations of daily TN concentrations in the entire simulation period were insufficient, indicated that crop rotation changed the timing and amount of N output. Monthly TN and TP simulation yields revealed that nutrient outputs were abundant in summer in terms of the corresponding discharge. The area-weighted TN and TP load annual yields in five years showed that nutrient loads were extremely high along Hong and Ru rivers, especially in agricultural lands

    A hybrid active contour segmentation method for myocardial D-SPECT images

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    Ischaemic heart disease has become one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Dynamic single-photon emission computed tomography (D-SPECT) is an advanced routine diagnostic tool commonly used to validate myocardial function in patients suffering from various heart diseases. Accurate automatic localization and segmentation of myocardial regions is helpful in creating a three-dimensional myocardial model and assisting clinicians to perform assessments of myocardial function. Thus, image segmentation is a key technology in preclinical cardiac studies. Intensity inhomogeneity is one of the common challenges in image segmentation and is caused by image artefacts and instrument inaccuracy. In this paper, a novel region-based active contour model that can segment the myocardial D-SPECT image accurately is presented. First, a local region-based fitting image is defined based on information related to the intensity. Second, a likelihood fitting image energy function is built in a local region around each point in a given vector-valued image. Next, the level set method is used to present a global energy function with respect to the neighbourhood centre. The proposed approach guarantees precision and computational efficiency by combining the region-scalable fitting energy (RSF) model and local image fitting energy (LIF) model, and it can solve the issue of high sensitivity to initialization for myocardial D-SPECT segmentation

    Nickel pyrithione induces apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia cells resistant to imatinib via both Bcr/Abl-dependent and Bcr/Abl-independent mechanisms

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    Abstract Background Acquired imatinib (IM) resistance is frequently characterized by Bcr-Abl mutations that affect IM binding and kinase inhibition in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Bcr-Abl-T315I mutation is the predominant mechanism of the acquired resistance to IM. Therefore, it is urgent to search for additional approaches and targeting strategies to overcome IM resistance. We recently reported that nickel pyrithione (NiPT) potently inhibits the ubiquitin proteasome system via targeting the 19S proteasome-associated deubiquitinases (UCHL5 and USP14), without effecting on the 20S proteasome. In this present study, we investigated the effect of NiPT, a novel proteasomal deubiquitinase inhibitor, on cell survival or apoptosis in CML cells bearing Bcr-Abl-T315I or wild-type Bcr-Abl. Methods Cell viability was examined by MTS assay and trypan blue exclusion staining assay in KBM5, KBM5R, K562, BaF3-p210-WT, BaF3-p210-T315I cells, and CML patients’ bone marrow samples treated with NiPT. Cell apoptosis in CML cells was detected with Annexin V-FITC/PI and rhodamine-123 staining followed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry and with western blot analyses for apoptosis-associated proteins. Expression levels of Bcr-Abl in CML cells were analyzed by using western blotting and real-time PCR. The 20S proteasome peptidase activity was measured using specific fluorogenic substrate. Active-site-directed labeling of proteasomal DUBs, as well as the phosphorylation of USP14 was used for evaluating the inhibition of the DUBs activity by NiPT. Mouse xenograft models of KBM5 and KBM5R cells were analyzed, and Bcr-Abl-related proteins and protein biomarkers related to proliferation, differentiation, and adhesion in tumor tissues were detected by western blots and/or immunohistological analyses. Results NiPT induced apoptosis in CML cells and inhibited the growth of IM-resistant Bcr-Abl-T315I xenografts in nude mice. Mechanistically, NiPT induced decreases in Bcr-Abl proteins, which were associated with downregulation of Bcr-Abl transcription and with the cleavage of Bcr-Abl protein by activated caspases. NiPT-induced ubiquitin proteasome system inhibition induced caspase activation in both IM-resistant and IM-sensitive CML cells, and the caspase activation was required for NiPT-induced Bcr-Abl downregulation and apoptotic cell death. Conclusions These findings support that NiPT can overcome IM resistance through both Bcr-Abl-dependent and Bcr-Abl-independent mechanisms, providing potentially a new option for CML treatment

    Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Genomic Regions Associated With High Grain Protein Content in Wheat Lines Derived From Wild Emmer Wheat

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    Grain protein content (GPC) and yield are of two important traits in wheat, but their negative correlation has hampered their simultaneous improvement in conventional breeding. Wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides) is an important genetic resource for wheat quality improvement. In this study, we report a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 13116 DArT-seq markers to characterize GPC in 161 wheat lines derived from wild emmer. Using a general linear model, we identified 141 markers that were significantly associated with GPC, and grouped into 48 QTL regions. Using both general linear model and mixed linear model, we identified four significant markers that were grouped into two novel QTL regions on chromosomes 2BS (QGpc.cd1-2B.1) and 7BL (QGpc.cd1-7B.2). The two QTLs have no negative effects on thousand kernel weight (TKW) and should be useful for simultaneous improvement of GPC and TKW in wheat breeding. Searches of public databases revealed 61 putative candidate/flanking genes related to GPC. The putative proteins of interest were grouped in four main categories: enzymes, kinase proteins, metal transport-related proteins, and disease resistance proteins. The linked markers and associated candidate genes provide essential information for cloning genes related to high GPC and performing marker-assisted breeding in wheat

    Essays in Econometrics and Finance:

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    Thesis advisor: Shakeeb S.K. KhanThesis advisor: Zhijie Z.X. XiaoBinary choice models can be easily estimated (using, e.g. maximum likelihood estimation) when the distribution of the latent error is known, as in Logit or Probit. In contrast, most estimators with unknown error distribution (e.g., maximum score, maximum rank correlation, or Klein-Spady) are computationally difficult or numerically unstable, making estimation impractical with more than a few regressors. The first chapter proposes an estimator that is convex at each iteration, and so is numerically well behaved even with many regressors and large sample sizes. The proposed estimator, which is root-n consistent and asymptotically normal, is based on batch gradient descent, while using a sieve to estimate the unknown error distribution function. Simulations show that the estimator has lower mean bias and root mean squared error than Klein-Spady estimator. It also requires less time to compute. The second chapter discusses the same estimator in high dimensional setting. The estimator is consistent with rate lower than root-n when the number of regressors grows slower than the number of observations and asymptotic normal when the square of the number of regressors grows slower than the number of observations. Both theory and simulation show that higher learning rate is needed with higher number of regressors. The third chapter provides an application of the proposed estimator to bankruptcy prediction. With more than 20 regressors, the proposed estimator performs better than logistic regression in terms of Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics using firm data one year or two years prior to bankruptcy, but worse than logistic regression using firm data three years prior to bankruptcy.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2022.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Economics

    Parental Care and Married Women's Labor Supply in Urban China

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    The aging of the population and the dramatic increase in women's labor force participation have made eldercare and women's labor market outcomes a subject of considerable policy importance not just in industrialized countries but also in transition and developing countries. This study examines the impact of parental care on married women's labor supply in urban China using the China Health and Nutrition Survey for the period 1993-2006. The estimates show that Chinese women confront competing demands for care, not only among elderly parents but also between older parents and their own young children. Moreover, the estimates unveil striking differences in labor market outcomes between caring for parents and caring for parents-in-law: caring for parents does not affect the caregiver's employment status and work hours, whereas caring for parents-in-law has a statistically significant, sizable, negative effect on the caregiver's probability of employment and hours of paid work.Eldercare, women's labor supply, patrilineal norms, China,

    Rapid LC/MS/MS Method Development for Drug Discovery

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    Xanthohumol and Gossypol Are Promising Inhibitors against Babesia microti by In Vitro Culture via High-Throughput Screening of 133 Natural Products

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    Human babesiosis caused by Babesia microti is an emerging threat for severe illness and even death, with an increasing impact worldwide. Currently, the regimen of atovaquone and azithromycin is considered as the standard therapy for treating human babesiosis, which, however, may result in drug resistance and relapse, suggesting the necessity of developing new drugs to control B. microti. In this regard, natural products are promising candidates for drug design against B. microti due to their active therapeutic efficacy, lower toxicity, and fewer adverse reactions to host. Here, the potential inhibitors against B. microti were preliminarily screened from 133 natural products, and 47 of them were selected for further screening. Gossypol (Gp) and xanthohumol (Xn) were finally shown to effectively inhibit the growth of B. microti with IC50 values of 8.47 μm and 21.40 μm, respectively. The cytotoxicity results showed that Gp and Xn were non-toxic to erythrocytes at a concentration below 100 μm. Furthermore, both of them were confirmed to be non-toxic to different types of cells in previous studies. Our findings suggest the potential of Gp and Xn as effective drugs against B. microti infection
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