34,307 research outputs found

    Radiance and Doppler shift distributions across the network of the quiet Sun

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    The radiance and Doppler-shift distributions across the solar network provide observational constraints of two-dimensional modeling of transition-region emission and flows in coronal funnels. Two different methods, dispersion plots and average-profile studies, were applied to investigate these distributions. In the dispersion plots, we divided the entire scanned region into a bright and a dark part according to an image of Fe xii; we plotted intensities and Doppler shifts in each bin as determined according to a filtered intensity of Si ii. We also studied the difference in height variations of the magnetic field as extrapolated from the MDI magnetogram, in and outside network. For the average-profile study, we selected 74 individual cases and derived the average profiles of intensities and Doppler shifts across the network. The dispersion plots reveal that the intensities of Si ii and C iv increase from network boundary to network center in both parts. However, the intensity of Ne viii shows different trends, namely increasing in the bright part and decreasing in the dark part. In both parts, the Doppler shift of C iv increases steadily from internetwork to network center. The average-profile study reveals that the intensities of the three lines all decline from the network center to internetwork region. The binned intensities of Si ii and Ne viii have a good correlation. We also find that the large blue shift of Ne viii does not coincide with large red shift of C iv. Our results suggest that the network structure is still prominent at the layer where Ne viii is formed in the quiet Sun, and that the magnetic structures expand more strongly in the dark part than in the bright part of this quiet Sun region.Comment: 10 pages,9 figure

    Parametric survey of longitudinal prominence oscillation simulations

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    It is found that both microflare-sized impulsive heating at one leg of the loop and a suddenly imposed velocity perturbation can propel the prominence to oscillate along the magnetic dip. An extensive parameter survey results in a scaling law, showing that the period of the oscillation, which weakly depends on the length and height of the prominence, and the amplitude of the perturbations, scales with R/g⊙\sqrt{R/g_\odot}, where RR represents the curvature radius of the dip, and g⊙g_\odot is the gravitational acceleration of the Sun. This is consistent with the linear theory of a pendulum, which implies that the field-aligned component of gravity is the main restoring force for the prominence longitudinal oscillations, as confirmed by the force analysis. However, the gas pressure gradient becomes non-negligible for short prominences. The oscillation damps with time in the presence of non-adiabatic processes. Compared to heat conduction, the radiative cooling is the dominant factor leading to the damping. A scaling law for the damping timescale is derived, i.e., τ∼l1.63D0.66w−1.21v0−0.30\tau\sim l^{1.63} D^{0.66}w^{-1.21}v_{0}^{-0.30}, showing strong dependence on the prominence length ll, the geometry of the magnetic dip (characterized by the depth DD and the width ww), and the velocity perturbation amplitude v0v_0. The larger the amplitude, the faster the oscillation damps. It is also found that mass drainage significantly reduces the damping timescale when the perturbation is too strong.Comment: 17 PAGES, 8FIGURE

    Physics of puffing and microexplosion of emulsion fuel droplets

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    The physics of water-in-oil emulsion droplet microexplosion/puffing has been investigated using high-fidelity interface-capturing simulation. Varying the dispersed-phase (water) sub-droplet size/location and the initiation location of explosive boiling (bubble formation), the droplet breakup processes have been well revealed. The bubble growth leads to local and partial breakup of the parent oil droplet, i.e., puffing. The water sub-droplet size and location determine the after-puffing dynamics. The boiling surface of the water sub-droplet is unstable and evolves further. Finally, the sub-droplet is wrapped by boiled water vapor and detaches itself from the parent oil droplet. When the water sub-droplet is small, the detachment is quick, and the oil droplet breakup is limited. When it is large and initially located toward the parent droplet center, the droplet breakup is more extensive. For microexplosion triggered by the simultaneous growth of multiple separate bubbles, each explosion is local and independent initially, but their mutual interactions occur at a later stage. The degree of breakup can be larger due to interactions among multiple explosions. These findings suggest that controlling microexplosion/puffing is possible in a fuel spray, if the emulsion-fuel blend and the ambient flow conditions such as heating are properly designed. The current study also gives us an insight into modeling the puffing and microexplosion of emulsion droplets and sprays.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Magic Wavelengths for Terahertz Clock Transitions

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    Magic wavelengths for laser trapping of boson isotopes of alkaline-earth Sr, Ca and Mg atoms are investigated while considering terahertz clock transitions between the 3P0,3P1,3P2^{3}P_{0}, ^{3}P_{1}, ^{3}P_{2} metastable triplet states. Our calculation shows that magic wavelengths of trapping laser do exist. This result is important because those metastable states have already been used to realize accurate clocks in the terahertz frequency domain. Detailed discussions for magic wavelength for terahertz clock transitions are given in this paper.Comment: 7 page

    High-Redshift Cosmography

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    We constrain the parameters describing the kinematical state of the universe using a cosmographic approach, which is fundamental in that it requires a very minimal set of assumptions (namely to specify a metric) and does not rely on the dynamical equations for gravity. On the data side, we consider the most recent compilations of Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts catalogues. This allows to further extend the cosmographic fit up to z=6.6z = 6.6, i.e. up to redshift for which one could start to resolve the low z degeneracy among competing cosmological models. In order to reliably control the cosmographic approach at high redshifts, we adopt the expansion in the improved parameter y=z/(1+z)y = z/(1+z). This series has the great advantage to hold also for z>1z > 1 and hence it is the appropriate tool for handling data including non-nearby distance indicators. We find that Gamma Ray Bursts, probing higher redshifts than Supernovae, have constraining power and do require (and statistically allow) a cosmographic expansion at higher order than Supernovae alone. Exploiting the set of data from Union and GRBs catalogues, we show (for the first time in a purely cosmographic approach parametrized by deceleration q0q_0, jerk j0j_0, snap s0s_0) a definitively negative deceleration parameter q0q_0 up to the 3σ\sigma confidence level. We present also forecasts for realistic data sets that are likely to be obtained in the next few years.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Improved version matching the published one, additional comments and reference

    Secure Direct Communication Based on Secret Transmitting Order of Particles

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    We propose the schemes of quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) based on secret transmitting order of particles. In these protocols, the secret transmitting order of particles ensures the security of communication, and no secret messages are leaked even if the communication is interrupted for security. This strategy of security for communication is also generalized to quantum dialogue. It not only ensures the unconditional security but also improves the efficiency of communication.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of 3He impurities on the nonclassical response to oscillation of solid 4He

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    We have investigated the influence of impurities on the possible supersolid transition by systematically enriching isotopically-pure 4He (< 1 ppb of 3He) with 3He. The onset of nonclassical rotational inertia is broadened and shifts monotonically to higher temperature with increasing 3He concentration, suggesting that the phenomenon is correlated to the condensation of 3He atoms onto the dislocation network in solid 4He.Comment: 4 page
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