4,037 research outputs found

    Fragilities of Liquids Predicted from the Random First Order Transition Theory of Glasses

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    A microscopically motivated theory of glassy dynamics based on an underlying random first order transition is developed to explain the magnitude of free energy barriers for glassy relaxation. A variety of empirical correlations embodied in the concept of liquid "fragility" are shown to be quantitatively explained by such a model. The near universality of a Lindemann ratio characterizing the maximal amplitude of thermal vibrations within an amorphous minimum explains the variation of fragility with a liquid's configurational heat capacity density. Furthermore the numerical prefactor of this correlation is well approximated by the microscopic calculation. The size of heterogeneous reconfiguring regions in a viscous liquid is inferred and the correlation of nonexponentiality of relaxation with fragility is qualitatively explained. Thus the wide variety of kinetic behavior in liquids of quite disparate chemical nature reflects quantitative rather than qualitative differences in their energy landscapes.Comment: 10 pages including 4 eps figure

    Investigation of pre and post plating surface roughness of electroless nickel phosphorus coated substrate for diamond turning application

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    In an overarching project to reduce the number of defects found in electroless nickel phosphorus alloy (EN-P) coatings on large diamond-turned components used in the next generation of reel-to-reel (R2R) printing stations, the significance of the coating surface on achieving a wear resistant and optically smooth surface has been investigated. This paper presents an investigation that focuses on the substrate roughness variation achieved through different pre-treatment methods prior to coating using a commercial plating solution. It looks at the number of features observed pre and post plating. The results provide some suggestions with respect to the diamond machining of a 100 micron thick EN-P coating

    Finite temperature phase diagram of a spin-polarized ultracold Fermi gas in a highly elongated harmonic trap

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    We investigate the finite temperature properties of an ultracold atomic Fermi gas with spin population imbalance in a highly elongated harmonic trap. Previous studies at zero temperature showed that the gas stays in an exotic spatially inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superfluid state at the trap center; while moving to the edge, the system changes into either a non-polarized Bardeen-Cooper-Schriffer superfluid (P<PcP<P_c) or a fully polarized normal gas (P>PcP>P_c), depending on the smallness of the spin polarization PP, relative to a critical value PcP_c. In this work, we show how these two phase-separation phases evolve with increasing temperature, and thereby construct a finite temperature phase diagram. For typical interactions, we find that the exotic FFLO phase survives below one-tenth of Fermi degeneracy temperature, which seems to be accessible in the current experiment. The density profile, equation of state, and specific heat of the polarized system have been calculated and discussed in detail. Our results are useful for the on-going experiment at Rice University on the search for FFLO states in quasi-one-dimensional polarized Fermi gases.Comment: 9 pages and 8 figures; Published version in Phys. Rev.

    Exact few-body results for strongly correlated quantum gases in two dimensions

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    The study of strongly correlated quantum gases in two dimensions has important ramifications for understanding many intriguing pheomena in solid materials, such as high-TcT_{c} superconductivity and the fractional quantum Hall effect. However, theoretical methods are plagued by the existence of significant quantum fluctuations. Here, we present two- and three-body exact solutions for both fermions and bosons trapped in a two-dimensional harmonic potential, with an arbitrary ss-wave scattering length. These few-particle solutions link in a natural way to the high-temperature properties of many-particle systems via a quantum virial expansion. As a concrete example, using the energy spectrum of few fermions, we calculate the second and third virial coefficients of a strongly interacting Fermi gas in two dimensions, and consequently investigate its high-temperature thermodynamics. Our thermodynamic results may be useful for ongoing experiments on two-dimensional Fermi gases. These exact results also provide an unbiased benchmark for quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional Fermi gases at high temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Static structure factor of a strongly correlated Fermi gas at large momenta

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    We theoretically investigate the static structure factor of an interacting Fermi gas near the BEC-BCS crossover at large momenta. Due to short-range two-body interactions, we predict that the structure factor of unlike spin correlations S↑↓(q)S_{\uparrow\downarrow}(q) falls off as 1/q1/q in a universal scaling region with large momentum ℏq\hbar q and large scattering length. The scaling coefficient is determined by the celebrated Tan's contact parameter, which links the short-range behavior of many-body systems to their universal thermodynamic properties. By implementing this new Tan relation together with the random-phase approximation and the virial expansion theory in various limiting cases, we show how to calculate S↑↓(q)S_{\uparrow\downarrow}(q) at zero and finite temperatures for arbitrary interaction strengths, at momentum transfer higher than the Fermi momentum. Our results provide a way to experimentally confirm a new Tan relation and to accurately measure the value of contact parameter.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; revised according to the Referee's suggestions; publised versio

    Cavity-free nondestructive detection of a single optical photon

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    Detecting a single photon without absorbing it is a long standing challenge in quantum optics. All experiments demonstrating the nondestructive detection of a photon make use of a high quality cavity. We present a cavity free scheme for nondestructive single-photon detection. By pumping a nonlinear medium we implement an inter-field Rabi-oscillation which leads to a ?pi phase shift on weak probe coherent laser field in the presence of a single signal photon without destroying the signal photon. Our cavity-free scheme operates with a fast intrinsic time scale in comparison with similar cavity-based schemes. We implement a full real-space multimode numerical analysis of the interacting photonic modes and confirm the validity of our nondestructive scheme in the multimode case.Comment: 4 figures, 5 page

    Mean-field study of itinerant ferromagnetism in trapped ultracold Fermi gases: Beyond the local density approximation

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    We theoretically investigate the itinerant ferromagnetic transition of a spherically trapped ultracold Fermi gas with spin imbalance under strongly repulsive interatomic interactions. Our study is based on a self-consistent solution of the Hartree-Fock mean-field equations beyond the widely used local density approximation. We demonstrate that, while the local density approximation holds in the paramagnetic phase, after the ferromagnetic transition it leads to a quantitative discrepancy in various thermodynamic quantities even with large atom numbers. We determine the position of the phase transition by monitoring the shape change of the free energy curve with increasing the polarization at various interaction strengths.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; published version in Phys. Rev.
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