63 research outputs found
Language policy and language learning in Macedonia Which lessons may be adopted from the Swiss model?
The following paper will investigate the acquisition of Macedonian languages in public schools and universities, focusing on the Albanian and Macedonian languages. As the saying goes: "The more languages you speak, the more human you are". Abiding by this proverb, the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia should be encouraged to become multilingual by learning the national languages. The acquisition of the national languages in a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country like Macedonia is, in my opinion, a necessary step toward the establishment of smooth and peaceful communication between the country's two largest cultural groups (Macedonians and Albanians), and is therefore also a prerequisite for the successful integration of every citizen into their home country's society.
This paper also investigates Switzerland's multilingual and multicultural society, which serves as a successful and positive example of how a nation can deal with a multilingual population and the integration of its population. With this in mind, the question is raised here whether the model of Switzerland's language policy and national language instruction can perhaps also serve as an example for the Republic of Macedonia
Motivation is an individual difference which affects Second Language Acquisition. “Motivation is responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it”( Dörney 2000: 15). The aim of this paper is to investigate university students’ level of motivation and attitudes towards learning English and its correlation with student gender. The study uses a modified 44 – item survey adapted from Gardner (1985). The study reveals that students in South East European University are more instrumentally than integratively motivated to learn English as a foreign language. It seems that female students are more motivated to learn English than males but the correlation between gender, attitudes and motivation is not so significant in their levels of achievement in English classes. The study suggests that teachers play an important role in increasing student level of motivation. Therefore, they should discuss the goals and attitudes with their learners in order to make them aware of the reasons why they learn English.Keywords: Second Language Acquisition, motivation, age, integrative, instrumental, gender
The Development of Higher Education in Albania, Problems and Challenges
Education is considered as one of the main pillars of society. An educated society leads the development of a nation. Education is also one of the areas which is also strongly influenced by it and social change. The fact that the educational systems are in permanent change does not show instability. But rather on the other side, they serve to better adapt the society which is changing. Starting from the beginning the education system in Albania has experienced changes after the collapse of the communist system and the approach of society to these changes has been a sensitive issue. These changes were not very studied, since they were in a very unfavorable environments, in which our education system came from a widespread politicization, and they did not always have the right fruits which was often perceived by us as experiments. These changes have not passed without debate, not only by academics, but also by students and civil society. Methodology: The work is based on a comparative analysis over these three decades, relying also on INSTAT’s statistical data.Main results: In this paper, I will show the transformation of the higher education system and how today the Law on Higher Education after three years of implementation has encountered a number of problems where the state and universities are moving from one to the other and finally that those who suffer the consequences of this law are the Albanian young who are not finding themselves in the Albanian market
Barriers to Health and Social Services Utilization for Immigrant Autistic Children in Canada
The bulk of the literature on autistic immigrant children in Canada has been centered on Asian and African immigrant families. Based on a critical analysis of this body of work, findings helped us to better understand families and children’s specific needs and experiences of care. Limited perceptions of disability, low language skills and limited knowledge of service systems, along with experiences of discrimination and lack of financial means tend to create barriers to health care access among Asian and African families raising an autistic child. Stronger social support systems, including the intervention of a third person (e.g., social service worker, case manager) are needed to help families navigate the Canadian health and social service systems.
Implications – Service providers in Canada need to actively work with Asian and African immigrant parents, that have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, to help them overcome access barriers to health care and social services. Culturally competent services are needed to improve service delivery and patients’ outcomes both in the short and long run
Impakti i Fëmijëve me Çrregullime të Zhvillimit tek Motrat e Vëllezërit e Tyre
Të gjithë pjesëtarët e familjes ndikohen kur kanë pranë një fëmijë me çrregullime. Marrëdhënia mes motrave e vëllezërve është një ndër marrëdhëniet më të rëndësishme, dinamike, ndikuese dhe afatgjatë në jetën e individit (Cox, Marshall, Mandleco, & Olsen, 2003). Kur mendohet mbi domethënien dhe rëndësinë e marrëdhënieve mes motrave e vëllezërve, një ndryshim në shëndetin apo funksionimin e fëmijës mund të ndikoje mbi motrën a vëllain e tij/saj. Shumica e studimeve dhe e kërkimive mbi familjen janë fokusuar rreth prindërve, por kohët e fundit janë rritur interesat mbi ndikimin dhe efektet e individëve me aftësi të kuizuara tek motrat e vëllezërit. Nga shumë studime ka shumë të dhëna kontradiktore; disa tregojnë efekte dëmtuese ndërsa të tjerë tregojnë impakte neutrale ose pozitive. Fokusi i këtij studimi metaanalitik është tek motrat e vëllezërit e fëmijëve me çrregullime të zhvillimit, ku do të mblidhen të gjithë faktorët që ndikojnë në problemet përshtatjes së këtyre fëmijëve (psh emocionale, të sjelljes, vetëkonceptit) e më pas në gjetjen e mënyrave më optimale të trajtimit
Der Gebrauch der Sprechhandlung Ablehnung und die pragmatische Kompetenz bei den albanischsprachigen Germanistikstudierenden in Nordmazedonien
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Untersuchung der Sprechhandlung Ablehnung und die Erforschung der pragmatischen Kompetenz bei den Studierenden des DaF in der Republik Nordmazedonien. Die vorliegende Studie behandelt am Beispiel von DCTs die Kommunikationsstrategien
der albanischsprachigen Germanistikstudierenden in der Republik Nord�mazedonien. Dabei dienen die beiden Sprachen, d.h. das Deutsche als auch die albanische Sprache als Gegenstand der Analyse. Die Analyse um�fasst sechs Situationen, in denen Formen einer Ablehnung eines Ange�bots, einer Einladung und einer Aufforderung erhoben werden. Beein�flusst von der allgemeinen Sprachphilosophie und insbesondere von Witt�gensteins Theorie, entwickelten J. L. Austin (1962) und später Searle (1969) eine systematische Theorie darüber, was Menschen tun, wenn sie sprechen (vgl. den Titel von Austins Vorträgen How to do things with words)
Sprachliche Konzepte von Höflichkeit in der Interimsprache mazedonischprachiger Deutschstudierender
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