11,787 research outputs found

    Combining interactive GIS tools and expert knowledge in validation of tree species models

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    Poster presented at XIII Congreso Forestal Mundial. FAO, Buenos Aires (Argentina). 18-25 Oct 200

    The dipole anisotropy of WISE x SuperCOSMOS number counts

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    We probe the isotropy of the Universe with the largest all-sky photometric redshift dataset currently available, namely WISE~×\times~SuperCOSMOS. We search for dipole anisotropy of galaxy number counts in multiple redshift shells within the 0.10<z<0.350.10 < z < 0.35 range, for two subsamples drawn from the same parent catalogue. Our results show that the dipole directions are in good agreement with most of the previous analyses in the literature, and in most redshift bins the dipole amplitudes are well consistent with Λ\LambdaCDM-based mocks in the cleanest sample of this catalogue. In the z<0.15z<0.15 range, however, we obtain a persistently large anisotropy in both subsamples of our dataset. Overall, we report no significant evidence against the isotropy assumption in this catalogue except for the lowest redshift ranges. The origin of the latter discrepancy is unclear, and improved data may be needed to explain it.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Published in MNRA

    Topological confinement in graphene bilayer quantum rings

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    We demonstrate the existence of localized electron and hole states in a ring-shaped potential kink in biased bilayer graphene. Within the continuum description, we show that for sharp potential steps the Dirac equation describing carrier states close to the K (or K') point of the first Brillouin zone can be solved analytically for a circular kink/anti-kink dot. The solutions exhibit interfacial states which exhibit Aharonov-Bohm oscillations as functions of the height of the potential step and/or the radius of the ring

    Tunable entanglement distillation of spatially correlated down-converted photons

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    We report on a new technique for entanglement distillation of the bipartite continuous variable state of spatially correlated photons generated in the spontaneous parametric down-conversion process (SPDC), where tunable non-Gaussian operations are implemented and the post-processed entanglement is certified in real-time using a single-photon sensitive electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera. The local operations are performed using non-Gaussian filters modulated into a programmable spatial light modulator and, by using the EMCCD camera for actively recording the probability distributions of the twin-photons, one has fine control of the Schmidt number of the distilled state. We show that even simple non-Gaussian filters can be finely tuned to a ~67% net gain of the initial entanglement generated in the SPDC process.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Hybrid phase at the quantum melting of the Wigner crystal

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    We study the quantum melting of the two-dimensional Wigner crystal using a fixed node quantum Monte-Carlo approach. In addition to the two already known phases (Fermi liquid at large density and Wigner crystal at low density), we find a third stable phase at intermediate values of the density. The third phase has hybrid behaviors in between a liquid and a solid. This hybrid phase has the nodal structure of a Slater determinant constructed out of the bands of a triangular lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental polarization encoded quantum key distribution over optical fibres with real-time continuous birefringence compensation

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    In this paper we demonstrate an active polarization drift compensation scheme for optical fibres employed in a quantum key distribution experiment with polarization encoded qubits. The quantum signals are wavelength multiplexed in one fibre along with two classical optical side channels that provide the control information for the polarization compensation scheme. This set-up allows us to continuously track any polarization change without the need to interrupt the key exchange. The results obtained show that fast polarization rotations of the order of 40*pi rad/s are effectively compensated for. We demonstrate that our set-up allows continuous quantum key distribution even in a fibre stressed by random polarization fluctuations. Our results pave the way for Bell-state measurements using only linear optics with parties separated by long-distance optical fibres

    On a zero speed sensitive cellular automaton

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    Using an unusual, yet natural invariant measure we show that there exists a sensitive cellular automaton whose perturbations propagate at asymptotically null speed for almost all configurations. More specifically, we prove that Lyapunov Exponents measuring pointwise or average linear speeds of the faster perturbations are equal to zero. We show that this implies the nullity of the measurable entropy. The measure m we consider gives the m-expansiveness property to the automaton. It is constructed with respect to a factor dynamical system based on simple "counter dynamics". As a counterpart, we prove that in the case of positively expansive automata, the perturbations move at positive linear speed over all the configurations

    Finite dimensional quantizations of the (q,p) plane : new space and momentum inequalities

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    We present a N-dimensional quantization a la Berezin-Klauder or frame quantization of the complex plane based on overcomplete families of states (coherent states) generated by the N first harmonic oscillator eigenstates. The spectra of position and momentum operators are finite and eigenvalues are equal, up to a factor, to the zeros of Hermite polynomials. From numerical and theoretical studies of the large NN behavior of the product λ_m(N)λ_M(N)\lambda\_m(N) \lambda\_M(N) of non null smallest positive and largest eigenvalues, we infer the inequality δ_N(Q)Δ_N(Q)=σ_NN<2π\delta\_N(Q) \Delta\_N(Q) = \sigma\_N \overset{<}{\underset{N \to \infty}{\to}} 2 \pi (resp. δ_N(P)Δ_N(P)=σ_NN<2π\delta\_N(P) \Delta\_N(P) = \sigma\_N \overset{<}{\underset{N \to \infty}{\to}} 2 \pi ) involving, in suitable units, the minimal (δ_N(Q)\delta\_N(Q)) and maximal (Δ_N(Q)\Delta\_N(Q)) sizes of regions of space (resp. momentum) which are accessible to exploration within this finite-dimensional quantum framework. Interesting issues on the measurement process and connections with the finite Chern-Simons matrix model for the Quantum Hall effect are discussed