364 research outputs found

    Rasgos configuradores de la Generación Interactiva

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    El proyecto Generaciones Interactivas, una iniciativa del Foro Generaciones Interactivas, fundado por Telefónica, la Universidad de Navarra y la Organización Universitaria Interamericana, ha desarrollado, durante el año 2009, una investigación en España entre 13.000 menores, de 6 a 18 años. Esta comunicación fundamenta sus propuestas en los datos obtenidos en el curso de esta investigación, y plantea para su discusión los retos comunicativos y de investigación que emergen del análisis detallado de esta realidad que afecta a los niños y adolescentes en la Sociedad de la Información

    Mutations in Yeast Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Define Distinct Sites for Interaction with DNA Polymerase δ and DNA Polymerase ε

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    The importance of the interdomain connector loop and of the carboxy-terminal domain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) for functional interaction with DNA polymerases delta (Poldelta) and epsilon (Pol epsilon) was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Two alleles, pol30-79 (IL126,128AA) in the interdomain connector loop and pol30-90 (PK252,253AA) near the carboxy terminus, caused growth defects and elevated sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. These two mutants also had elevated rates of spontaneous mutations. The mutator phenotype of pol30-90 was due to partially defective mismatch repair in the mutant. In vitro, the mutant PCNAs showed defects in DNA synthesis. Interestingly, the pol30-79 mutant PCNA (pcna-79) was most defective in replication with Poldelta, whereas pcna-90 was defective in replication with Pol epsilon. Protein-protein interaction studies showed that pcna-79 and pcna-90 failed to interact with Pol delta and Pol epsilon, respectively. In addition, pcna-90 was defective in interaction with the FEN-1 endo-exonuclease (RTH1 product). A loss of interaction between pcna-79 and the smallest subunit of Poldelta, the POL32 gene product, implicates this interaction in the observed defect with the polymerase. Neither PCNA mutant showed a defect in the interaction with replication factor C or in loading by this complex. Processivity of DNA synthesis by the mutant holoenzyme containing pcna-79 was unaffected on poly(dA) x oligo(dT) but was dramatically reduced on a natural template with secondary structure. A stem-loop structure with a 20-bp stem formed a virtually complete block for the holoenzyme containing pcna-79 but posed only a minor pause site for wild-type holoenzyme, indicating a function of the POL32 gene product in allowing replication past structural blocks

    Spin Two Glueball Mass and Glueball Regge Trajectory from Supergravity

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    We calculate the mass of the lowest lying spin two glueball in N=1 super Yang-Mills from the dual Klebanov-Strassler background. We show that the Regge trajectory obtained is linear; the 0++, 1-- and 2++ states lie on a line of slope 0.23 -measured in units of the conifold deformation. We also compare mass ratios with lattice data and find agreement within one standard deviation.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Green spaces and cognitive development in primary schoolchildren

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    © 2015, National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Exposure to green space has been associated with better physical and mental health. Although this exposure could also influence cognitive development in children, available epidemiological evidence on such an impact is scarce. This study aimed to assess the association between exposure to green space and measures of cognitive development in primary schoolchildren. This study was based on 2,593 schoolchildren in the second to fourth grades (7-10 y) of 36 primary schools in Barcelona, Spain (2012-2013). Cognitive development was assessed as 12-mo change in developmental trajectory of working memory, superior working memory, and inattentiveness by using four repeated (every 3 mo) computerized cognitive tests for each outcome. We assessed exposure to green space by characterizing outdoor surrounding greenness at home and school and during commuting by using high-resolution (5 m x5 m) satellite data on greenness (normalized difference vegetation index). Multilevel modeling was used to estimate the associations between green spaces and cognitive development. We observed an enhanced 12-mo progress in working memory and superior working memory and a greater 12-mo reduction in inattentiveness associated with greenness within and surrounding school boundaries and with total surrounding greenness index (including greenness surrounding home, commuting route, and school). Adding a traffic-related air pollutant (elemental carbon) to models explained 20-65% of our estimated associations between school greenness and 12-mo cognitive development. Our study showed a beneficial association between exposure to green space and cognitive development among schoolchildren that was partly mediated by reduction in exposure to air pollution

    Geology and paleontology of Tresjuncos (Cuenca, Spain), a new diatomaceous deposit with Konservat-Lagerstätte characteristics from the European late Miocene.

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    Purpose A new Iberian Konservat-Lagersta¨tte discovered in Tresjuncos (Cuenca, Spain) is described and interpreted based on geological and paleontological information. Methods The samples were studied using conventional mineralogical (powder X-ray diffraction), petrographic (optical and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical (X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometry) techniques. Results Based upon geological context, stratigraphy, lithology, sedimentology and origin of the rocks, we describe and interpret the new fossil site as originated in a lacustrine environment. The micromammals found in the Tresjuncos 1 outcrop suggest that the main site is Turolian in age (uppermost Miocene), continental chronological unit MN13. The fossils are preserved in laminates comprising rhythmic, millimeterscale alternations of diatomites and calcareous diatomites. An analysis of the lake paleobiota includes amphibians, crustaceans, insects, plants, and diatoms. The diatoms are dominated by Cyclotella iris. The whole assemblage is indicative of a planktic community developed in somewhat alkaline waters. An extremely well preserved premetamorphic Pelobates (Pelobatidae) tadpole was discovered; it is remarkable because of its gigantic size. Its digestive tract predominantly contains the rare diatom Navicula halionata var directa, likely associated with the shore vegetation in which it presumably lived and fed. The arthropods form a typical lacustrine aquatic assemblage, lacking fish. This assemblage is made up of small filtering crustaceans and of both predator and nonpredator insects of diverse sizes. Conclusions The available evidence on Tresjuncos shows the extraordinary potential for paleontological information that can be expected from this new Konservat-Lagersta¨tte, which constitutes a significant finding that improves our understanding of continental late Miocene Mediterranean environments

    Small Corrections to the Tunneling Phase Time Formulation

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    After reexamining the above barrier diffusion problem where we notice that the wave packet collision implies the existence of {\em multiple} reflected and transmitted wave packets, we analyze the way of obtaining phase times for tunneling/reflecting particles in a particular colliding configuration where the idea of multiple peak decomposition is recovered. To partially overcome the analytical incongruities which frequently rise up when the stationary phase method is adopted for computing the (tunneling) phase time expressions, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and a unidimensional squared potential barrier where the scattered wave packets can be recomposed by summing the amplitudes of simultaneously reflected and transmitted wave components so that the conditions for applying the stationary phase principle are totally recovered. Lessons concerning the use of the stationary phase method are drawn.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogues adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in solution. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Additionally, A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogues and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies.A.Rol was a recipient of a PhD fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (FI) and A.E. and E.P. were recipients of PhD fellowships granted by the Severo Ochoa Program(FPI). T.T. was a postdoctoral fellow co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-CurieCOFUND actions (IRB Barcelona Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme). This work wassupported by the following grants: CTQ2014-56361-P and CTQ2017-87840-P (A.Riera)and RTI2018-100700-B-100 (M.D.) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industryand Competitiveness (MINECO); and by AGAUR (SGR-50). We also acknowledge institutional funding from MINECO through the Centers of Excellence Severo OchoaAward given to IRB Barcelona, as well as from the CERCA Program of the Generalitat deCatalunya. M.J.M. is an ICREA Programme Investigator

    Metagenomic analysis of viruses, bacteria and protozoa in irrigation water

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    [EN] Viruses (e.g., noroviruses and hepatitis A and E virus), bacteria (e.g., Salmonella spp. and pathogenic Escherichia coli) and protozoa (e.g., Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia intestinalis) are well-known contributors to food-borne illnesses linked to contaminated fresh produce. As agricultural irrigation increases the total amount of water used annually, reclaimed water is a good alternative to reduce dependency on conventional irrigation water sources. European guidelines have established acceptable concentrations of certain pathogens and/or indicators in irrigation water, depending on the irrigation system used and the irrigated crop. However, the incidences of food-borne infections are known to be underestimated and all the different pathogens contributing to these infections are not known. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) enables the determination of the viral, bacterial and protozoan populations present in a water sample, providing an opportunity to detect emerging pathogens and develop improved tools for monitoring the quality of irrigation water. This is a descriptive study of the virome, bacteriome and parasitome present in different irrigation water sources. We applied the same concentration method for all the studied samples and specific metagenomic approaches to characterize both DNA and RNA viruses, bacteria and protozoa. In general, most of the known viral species corresponded to plant viruses and bacteriophages. Viral diversity in river water varied over the year, with higher bacteriophage prevalences during the autumn and winter. Reservoir water contained Enterobacter cloacae, an opportunistic human pathogen and an indicator of fecal contamination, as well as Naegleria australiensis and Naegleria clarki. Hepatitis E virus and Naegleria fowleri, emerging human pathogens, were detected in groundwater. Reclaimed water produced in a constructed wetland system presented a virome and bacteriome that resembled those of freshwater samples (river and reservoir water). Viral, bacterial and protozoan pathogens were occasionally detected in the different irrigation water sources included in this study, justifying the use of improved NGS techniques to get a comprehensive evaluation of microbial species and potential environmental health hazards associated to irrigation water.This work was supported through a grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) in the frame of the collaborative international consortium JPIW2013-095-C03-01, JPIW2013-095-C03-02 and JPIW2013-095-C03-03 of the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programming Initiative (Water JPI) Pilot Call and partially by AGL2017-86797-C2-1-R. Silvia Bofill-Mas is a Serra-Hunter fellow at the University of Barcelona.Rusiñol, M.; Martinez-Puchol, S.; Timoneda, N.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Pérez-Cataluña, A.; Fernández-Bravo, A.; Moreno-Mesonero, L.... (2020). Metagenomic analysis of viruses, bacteria and protozoa in irrigation water. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.113440S22

    Urinary Estrogen Metabolites and Self-Reported Infertility in Women Infected with Schistosoma haematobium

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    Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease, endemic in 76 countries, that afflicts more than 240 million people. The impact of schistosomiasis on infertility may be underestimated according to recent literature. Extracts of Schistosoma haematobium include estrogen-like metabolites termed catechol-estrogens that down regulate estrogen receptors alpha and beta in estrogen responsive cells. In addition, schistosome derived catechol-estrogens induce genotoxicity that result in estrogen-DNA adducts. These catechol estrogens and the catechol-estrogen-DNA adducts can be isolated from sera of people infected with S. haematobium. The aim of this study was to study infertility in females infected with S. haematobium and its association with the presence of schistosome-derived catechol-estrogens