353 research outputs found
Marii Kuncewiczowej listy do zmarłego męża
The article discusses the last book of Maria Kuncewiczowa – a set of twenty-three letters (provided with a postscript) addressed to her deceased husband. The uniqueness of this correspondence, presented in literary form, lies in the fact that the recipient is dead, treated by the sender as someone constantly present in the real world and still associated with the temporality. Listy do Jerzego (Letters to Jerzy) are – as Tadeusz Swat, one of the reviewers say – “an attempt at denial of death, to save Jerzy by love, memory, and literature.”The analysis of the work highlights the occurring axiological categories. It has been demonstrated that Letters to Jerzy is a book about eternal love reaching beyond the grave (in this respect, in stark contrast with Tristan 1946), felt with dignity of old age, and finally transcending into faith. Letters to Jerzy is also an attempt to reduce the suffering of the writer over the loss of her beloved husband. To some extent, therefore, they correspond to her earlier work Cudzoziemka (Foreigner) in which Kuncewiczowa liberates from the negative emotions associated with the death of her mother.Artykuł traktuje o ostatniej książce Marii Kuncewiczowej – zbiorze dwudziestu trzech listów (zaopatrzonych postscriptum), kierowanych do zmarłego męża. Niezwykłość tej korespondencji, ujętej w literacką formę, polega na tym, że jej adresat nie żyje, a przez nadawcę traktowany jest jak ktoś stale obecny w realnym świecie, nadal związany z doczesnością. Listy do Jerzego są – jak powie jeden z recenzentów – „próbą zaprzeczenia śmierci, ocalenia Jerzego przez miłość, pamięć i literaturę”. W analizie utworu zwrócono uwagę na występujące w nim kategorie aksjologiczne. Dowiedziono, że Listy do Jerzego są książką o wiecznej miłości, sięgającej poza grób (w tym względzie wyraźnie kontrastują z Tristanem 1946), godnie przeżywanej starości, wreszcie dorastaniu do wiary. Listy do Jerzegosą także próbą zmniejszenia cierpień pisarki po stracie ukochanego męża. W jakimś stopniu przeto korespondują z Cudzoziemką, w której Kuncewiczowa uwalniała się od negatywnych emocji związanych z odejściem matki
Pedestrian detection with high-resolution event camera
Despite the dynamic development of computer vision algorithms, the
implementation of perception and control systems for autonomous vehicles such
as drones and self-driving cars still poses many challenges. A video stream
captured by traditional cameras is often prone to problems such as motion blur
or degraded image quality due to challenging lighting conditions. In addition,
the frame rate - typically 30 or 60 frames per second - can be a limiting
factor in certain scenarios. Event cameras (DVS -- Dynamic Vision Sensor) are a
potentially interesting technology to address the above mentioned problems. In
this paper, we compare two methods of processing event data by means of deep
learning for the task of pedestrian detection. We used a representation in the
form of video frames, convolutional neural networks and asynchronous sparse
convolutional neural networks. The results obtained illustrate the potential of
event cameras and allow the evaluation of the accuracy and efficiency of the
methods used for high-resolution (1280 x 720 pixels) footage.Comment: Accepted for the PP-RAI'2023 - 4th Polish Conference on Artificial
Emily Dickinson in the Work of Polish Translators. Continuation of Research
This article deals with the Polish translation of Emily Dickinson’s poetry and correspondence. It is a continuation of the reflection in The Emily Dickinson Journal’s pages, which started in 2022. This time we present translations of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, Andrzej Szuba, Krystyna Lenkowska, Ryszard Mierzejewski, Tadeusz Sławek, Teresa Pelka, Artur Międzyrzecki, Lilla Latus, Agnieszka Osiecka, Agnieszka Kreczmar and Ewa Kuryluk. We discuss a selection of Dickinson’s letters translated by Danuta Piestrzyńska. We emphasize the characteristic features of each of the discussed translations. Although Iłłakowiczówna discovered Dickinson for Polish readers, her translations are perceived as archaic. Szuba mainly translates aphoristic texts. Lenkowska makes an effort to be faithful to the original. The newest translators introduce Poles to unknown poems and make new translations of the texts previously rendered into Polish
Environmental assessment of applicability of mineral-organic composite for landfill area rehabilitation
This paper undertakes an assessment of the impact of a mineral-organic composite on the environment as well as the potential for its application for land rehabilitation purposes. The analysis involves the release of the leachable contaminations from the material subjected to testing. This material was formed by a composite manufactured on the basis of communal bottom ash and stabilized sewage sludge. The sludge resulting from wastewater treatment was subjected to stabilization and dehydration in waste pounds at the phase of pre-watering until 20% of dry mass is obtained. Subsequently, they were mixed with bottom ash, which was obtained from selective waste collection, in a 1:1 mass ratio. The analysis involved the leaching of inorganic contaminants in the form of heavy metals, sulphates (VI), chlorides, and fluorides as well as organic compounds in the form of organic carbon solution under the effect of leachant with a various level of pH. The analysed components were characterized by various leaching behaviour depending on the leachant pH. On the basis of the results, it was able to assess the potential hazard posed by the examined material on the environment as a consequence of its application for landfill area rehabilitation
A comunicação interna na era da convergência : reconfigurações e construção de um processo de comunicação colaborativa
Orientadora: Cláudia Irene de Quadros.Monografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Curso de Graduação em Comunicação Social, habilitação em Relações Públicas.Inclui referênciasEmpresas têm explorado dispositivos tecnológicos para conversar com os seus
públicos. Esses dispositivos, inseridos em um novo contexto, geram formas diferentes
de consumir mídias, alterando o modo como as pessoas se relacionam entre si e com
os meios de comunicação. Consequentemente, mudanças culturais também atingem
a maneira como os funcionários se relacionam com as organizações em que
trabalham, alterando de modo significativo o desenvolvimento da comunicação
interna. Dos públicos de uma organização, os colaboradores são considerados os
mais estratégicos, pois são eles que são seus porta-vozes. Na era da convergência,
a influência dos colaboradores é potencializada pela possibilidade de propagação de
conteúdo nas redes sociais. Este trabalho estuda a comunicação interna a partir das
interações e das apropriações dos funcionários por meio dos dispositivos
tecnológicos. Neste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - TCC, a empresa escolhida
para analisar as reconfigurações da comunicação interna neste cenário de
convergência foi a Celepar, Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
do Paraná. A análise aconteceu durante o período de março a novembro de 2018. A
cultura da convergência, conceito desenvolvido por Henry Jenkins, refere-se ao fluxo
de conteúdos a partir e múltiplas plataformas de mídia que consistem em intensas
transformações tecnológicas, mercadológicas culturais e sociais. Esse fluxo de
informações afeta o cotidiano dos usuários das redes sociais, pois possibilita a
produção e o compartilhamento de informações de forma facilitada. Parte-se do
seguinte problema: Em que medida a comunicação interna deve ser atualizada a fim
de incentivar a interação com e entre seus funcionários a partir do uso de dispositivos
tecnológicos? Para tanto, também tentamos compreender apropriações e interações
de funcionários com dispositivos tecnológicos e como o profissional de relações
públicas pode mediar a comunicação interna neste contexto de convergência. Os
operadores teóricos deste estudo são comunicação interna, convergência
tecnológica, cultural e organizacional, interações mediadas por dispositivos
tecnológicos e consumo midiático. A partir de múltiplos procedimentos metodológicos,
que incluem revisão bibliográfica, observação sistemática no local de trabalho,
entrevistas semi-estruturadas e análise de conteúdo, pretende-se alcançar os
objetivos propostos neste TCC
Chemical composition of 341 charges – samples of fodder phosphates, their physico-chemical properties (solubility in different solvents), harmful elements content, phase composition and thermal analysis of 150 selected samples of phosphates were determined. Average solubility of monocalcium phosphates (% P2O5 in relation to total P2O5) (in%) amounted to: in water 74.8 – 82.1; in 2% citric acid from 96.6 to 98.3; in 0.4% HCl 94.8 – 98.8 and in neutral ammonium citrate 93.6 – 97.1. Solubility of dicalcium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water from 1.4 to 7.4; in 2% citric acid 50.9 – 98.5; in 0.4% HCl 78.7 – 92.3 and in neutral ammonium citrate 70.3-85.1. Average solubility of monosodium phosphates amounted to (in %): in water 0.1-89.6; in 2% citric acid 25.0 – 90.0; in 0.4% HCl 26.9 – 47.7 and in neutral ammonium citrate 27.7 – 90.2. Solubility of the remaining groups of phosphates (tricalcium, calcium-magnesium and sodium-calcium phosphates) amounted to (in %): in water from 0.1 to 25.8; in 2% citric acid from 25.1 to 95.7; in 0.4% HCl from 26.9 to 56.2 and in neutral ammonium citrate from 23.1 to 79.3. Hydrated monocalcium phosphates with admixture of both hydrated and dehydrated dicalcium phosphate were characterized by the highest solubility in water. In the group of dicalcium phosphates the lowest solubility in 0.4% HCl was stated for dehydrated forms, while the highest solubility was observed in hydrated phosphates. Solubility in water or in 0.4% hydrochloric acid together with the roentgenographical and thermogravimetrical investigations as well as solubility in 2% citric acid and in neutral ammonium citrate are good and cheap methods for identifying by precise the quality of phosphates.Određen je kemijski sastav 341 uzorka fosfata krmiva, njihova fizikalno-kemijska svojstva (topivost u raznim otopinama), sadržaj štetnih elemenata, fazni sastav i termalna analiza 150 odabranih uzoraka fosfata. Prosječna topivost monokalcijevih fosfata (%P2O5 u odnosu na ukupno P2O5) (%) iznosila je u vodi 74,8 - 82,1; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 96,6 do 98,3; u 0,4% HCI 94,8 - 98,8 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 93,6 - 97,1. Topivost dikalcijevih fosfata iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 1,4 do 98,5; u O4%HCI 78,7 -92,3 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 70,3 - 85,1. Prosječna topivost mononatrijevih fosfata iznosila je (u%) u vodi 0,1 - 89,6; 2% limunskoj kiselini 25,0 - 90,0; u 0,4% HCI 26,9 - 47,7 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu 27,7 - 90,2. Topivost ostalih skupina fosfata (trikalcij, kalcijev magnezij i natrijevi-kalcijevi fosfati) iznosila je (u %) u vodi od 0,1 do 25,8; u 2% limunskoj kiselini od 25,1 do 95,7; u 0,4% HCI od 26,9 do 56,2 i u neutralnom amonijevom citratu od 23,1 do 79,3. Hidratni monokalcijevi fosfati s primjesom hidratog i dehidratnog dikalcijevog fosfata obilježila je najviša topivost u vodi. U skupini dikalcijevih fosfata najniža topivost u 0,4% HCI ustanovljena je za dehidrirane oblike, ali je najviša topivost primijećena u hidratnim fosfatima. Topivost u vodi ili u 0,4% hidroklornoj kiselini zajedno s rendgenografskim i termogravimetrijskim ispitivanjima kao i topivost u 2% limunskoj kiselini i neutralnom amonijevom citratu dobre su i jeftine metode za precizno identificiranje kakvoće fosfata
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Macrocyclic Stereocontrol in Organic Synthesis: I. Efforts toward the Synthesis of (-)-Tetracycline II. Analysis of the Peripheral Attack Model
I. Efforts Toward the Synthesis of (–)-Tetracycline. A macrocyclic approach toward (–)-tetracycline is described. Traditional approaches towards the synthesis of tetracycline antibiotics employ the linear construction of the core structure starting with either the A- or D-rings. In contrast to this iterative annulation-based strategy, we have sought to employ a chiral macrocycle in our approach. Key to the success of our synthesis endeavor is the execution of two key steps: (1) a transannular Michael addition, which forms the A-ring and sets the C4a-stereogenic center; and (2) an isoxazole substitution reaction, which effects a ring contraction to produce both the B- and C-rings. This work describes our implementation of the strategy and focuses on the stereochemical interplay between the C4-, C4a-, C6-, and C12a-stereocenters within the context of the key steps. II. Analysis of the Peripheral Attack Model. The application of the peripheral attack model to 34 literature examples of intermolecular macrocyclic stereocontrol is described. While the peripheral attack model has been broadly applied in complex molecule synthesis, the validity of the model has not been subjected to analysis since being proposed in the early 1980’s. In order to assess the value of the model to organic chemists, we have developed a systematic method for probing the conformational profile of macrocycles. Using this tool, we then analyzed each of the 34 literature substrates and concluded whether the peripheral attack model predicts the correct stereochemical outcome in both a binary- and magnitude-based capacity. Analysis of both the bulk dataset and subsets of the dataset is included.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog
Recommended Tests for the Self-Disproportionation of Enantiomers (SDE) to Ensure Accurate Reporting of the Stereochemical Outcome of Enantioselective Reactions
The purpose of this review is to highlight the necessity of conducting tests to gauge the magnitude of the self-disproportionation of enantiomers (SDE) phenomenon to ensure the veracity of reported enantiomeric excess (ee) values for scalemic samples obtained from enantioselective reactions, natural products isolation, etc. The SDE always occurs to some degree whenever any scalemic sample is subjected to physicochemical processes concomitant with the fractionation of the sample, thus leading to erroneous reporting of the true ee of the sample if due care is not taken to either preclude the effects of the SDE by measurement of the ee prior to the application of physicochemical processes, suppressing the SDE, or evaluating all obtained fractions of the sample. Or even avoiding fractionation altogether if possible. There is a clear necessity to conduct tests to assess the magnitude of the SDE for the processes applied to samples and the updated and improved recommendations described herein cover chromatography and processes involving gas-phase transformations such as evaporation or sublimation
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