196 research outputs found

    H3K27 Demethylases, at Long Last

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    Methylation of lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me) by the Polycomb complex (PRC2) proteins is associated with gene silencing in many developmental processes. A cluster of recent papers (Agger et al., 2007; De Santa et al., 2007; Lan et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2007) identify the JmjC-domain proteins UTX and JMJD3 as H3K27-specific demethylases that remove this methyl mark, enabling the activation of genes involved in animal body patterning and the inflammatory response

    Nowa klasyfikacja WHO guzów piersi – wydanie z 2019 roku

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    Pod koniec 2019 roku Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (World Health Organization, WHO) opublikowała nową klasyfikację nowotworów piersi. Popularna nazwa klasyfikacji to „niebieska księga” i wywodzi się od koloru jej okładki. Nową klasyfikację udostępniono po 7 latach od poprzedniej. W 2019 roku WHO wprowadziła nowe jednostki chorobowe: śluzowy torbielakogruczolakorak i rak wysokokomórkowy o odwrotnej polaryzacji. Najnowsza klasyfikacja zawiera również klasyfikację oceny mikroskopowej raka przewodowego in situ (ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS) oraz oceny parametrów niezbędnych, aby określić stopień zaawansowania raka piersi, a także parametrów predykcyjnych lub prognostycznych. Wszystkie powyższe zmiany zostały przedstawione i skomentowane w artykule

    Postawy życiowe młodzieży licealnej i ich wybrane - społeczno-demograficzne - korelaty

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    The paper presents the analysis of life attitudes/attachment styles among secondary school teenagers in terms of selected factors that determine their development. The authors draw on the fundamental assumptions of E. Berne’s theory of transactional analysis, as well as on the model of attachment styles, created by K. Bartholomew and L.M. Horowitz, which describes the individual's attitudes towards self and others and emphasizes the fact that the attitudes are determined by the environment in which the person lives. Research data indicate that secondary school teenagers tend to have positive views of self, although they exhibit negative attitudes towards others. This points to a dismissive-avoidant model of attachment (I am OK, You are not OK), characterized by drive for self-reliance and a tendency to avoid emotional intimacy in interpersonal relations. The research reveals that the most significant correlates of attitudes towards self include such variables as gender, age and mother’s education level, whereas the individual’s opinions of others are influenced by the person’s religiosity as well as his or her mother’s education level

    Postawy życiowe młodzieży licealnej i ich wybrane osobowościowe korelaty

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    The paper presents the analysis of life attitudes/attachment styles among secondary school teenagers, in terms of selected personal factors that determine their development. The authors draw on the fundamental assumptions of E. Berne’s theory of transactional analysis as well as on the model of attachment styles, created by K. Bartholomew and L.M. Horowitz, describing the individual’s attitudes towards self and others, and emphasizing the fact that the attitudes are determined by such personal factors as the level of stress experienced by an individual, aggressiveness, emotional intelligence and hope of success. The research data indicate that secondary school teenagers tend to have positive views of self; however, they exhibit negative attitudes towards others. This points to a dismissive-avoidant model of attachment (I am OK, You are not OK), characterized by a drive for self-reliance and a tendency to avoid emotional intimacy in interpersonal relations. The study revealed that the most significant correlates of life attitudes (having taken into consideration the strength of the correlation) included such factors as hope of success, experiencing stress, emotional intelligence, and aggressiveness. A strong correlation was discovered between the aforementioned variables and attitudes towards self, which were found to be determined primarily by hope of success (willpower and the ability to find solutions); experiencing stress, predominantly intrapsychic stress and, to a lesser extent, external stress; and emotional intelligence (in particular, the ability to use emotions in the process of thinking and acting). No significant correlations were detected between attitudes towards self and aggressive behaviour and its dimensions (except a weak correlation with emotional sensitivity). It was revealed that attitudes towards other people were primarily predicted by such factors as aggressive behaviour and all its dimensions; external stress; and emotional intelligence (particularly the ability to recognize emotions). A weak, albeit significant, correlation was observed between attitudes towards others and hope of success (in particular, willpower)

    Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma containing the cells of hepatocellular cancer and bile duct cancer

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    Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma (cHCC-CC) is a rare (< 1%) primary liver cancer which contains elements of hepatocellular cancer (HCC) and bile duct cancer (CC). On account of the difficulties in reaching preoperative dia­gnosis, it is frequently diagnosed only after resection is performed. A surgical resection of the liver is the treatment of choice, whilst a liver transplant is a rarely implemented option. The prognosis of cHCC-CC tumours is better than in CC but worse than in HCC. This paper presents the case report of a 62-year-old man undergoing a left hemihepa­tectomy for a cHCC-CC liver tumour

    Time perspective and experience of depression, stress, and loneliness among adolescents in youth educational centres

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    Time perspective is of key significance in overcoming an identity crisis in adolescence. Re-search using the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was conducted on a group of 311 adolescents (aged 13-18) in several youth educational centres in south-eastern Poland. The research was designed to identify the significance of time perspective when it comes to levels of depression, stress and loneliness experienced in conditions of institutional rehabilitation and education. Linear regression analysis demonstrated the following: a positive past focus reduces the intensity of anxiety and depression; a positive past and future focus results in reduced depression, loneliness and stress; the experience of stress combined with depression enhances the significance of time perspective for the feeling of loneliness; and a low level of family loneliness reduces depression

    Selected abbreviations and new terms in breast pathology — a guide for clinicians

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    The aim of this article is to present briefly new pathological entities which are recently increasingly commonly used in pathology reports, as well as to discuss their clinical consequences. The new WHO classification of breast diseases includes, inter alia, invasive carcinoma of no special type: this is not a specific entity, but rather a group of malignancies without specific features. The lobular hyperplasia group includes a classical variant and a pleomorphic variant of lobular carcinoma in situ, as well as atypical lobular hyperplasia. The ductal hyperplasia group, according to the current revision of the WHO classification of breast diseases, encompasses: typical (i.e. non-atypical) ductal hyperplasia, columnar cell change, columnar cell hyperplasia, atypical ductal hyperplasia. The mesenchymal breast hyperplasia group includes pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia. We briefly discuss the above mentioned entities together with their respective clinical and therapeutic consequences

    Assessment of frequency of impaired cognitive functions in diabetic patients

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    WSTĘP. Chorych na cukrzycę charakteryzuje przyspieszony proces starzenia. Należałoby więc oczekiwać częstszego występowania w tej grupie osób zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych, ściśle powiązanych z wiekiem biologicznym. MATERIAŁ i METODY. Do badania częstości zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych wśród chorych na cukrzycę wybrano grupę 259 osób w wieku powyżej 50 lat, u których przeprowadzono ocenę funkcji poznawczych przy użyciu Krótkiej Skali Oceny Stanu Psychicznego (MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination) i Testu Rysowania Zegara (CDT, Clock Drawing Test). Uzyskane wyniki weryfikowano za pomocą badania psychologicznego. WYNIKI. Wykazano, że zaburzenia poznawcze występowały u 38,6% chorych na cukrzycę, z tego u 5,4% pacjentów rozpoznano zespół otępienny. Obecność zaburzeń poznawczych zależała od czasu trwania cukrzycy (p < 0,005), stężenia HbA1c (p < 0,05), wartości ciśnienia tętniczego (p < 0,05) i występowania powikłań naczyniowych (p < 0,05), a także od miejsca zamieszkania (p < 0,05), samotności (p < 0,05), a przede wszystkim od stopnia wykształcenia (p < 0,001). WNIOSKI. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na potrzebę opracowania specjalnych metod edukacyjnych dla chorych na cukrzycę z zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych.INTRODUCTION. Diabetic patients are characterized by accelerated aging. Therefore, it would be expected that this group of patients would more often present cognitive disturbances strictly depending on the biological age. MATERIAL AND METHODS. To assess the frequency of impaired cognitive functions in diabetic patients, the group of 259 subjects, aged above 50 years, was included into the study. Patients were examined with the use of the psychological state evaluation scales: Mini Mental State Examination and Clock Drawing Test. The obtained results were verified by psychological examination. RESULTS. It was shown that cognitive dysfunction was present in 38.6% of diabetic patients, out of which 5.4% were diagnosed to have dementia. The presence of cognitive disturbances was dependent from the duration of diabetes (p < 0.005), HbA1c value (p < 0.05), blood pressure value (p < 0.05) and vascular complications (p < 0.05). It was also related to living in the countryside (p < 0.05), being inmarried (p < 0.05), and most of all - level of education (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS. The data obtained suggest, that this group of diabetic patients requires specific and different methods of education

    Ukraine War Refugees in Labour Market. Evidence from North-East Poland

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    Goal – the aim of the article is to identify and assess the labour activity of war refugees from Ukraine. Research methodology – the assessment was based on interviews conducted with working Ukrainian citizens who arrived in four North-East regions of Poland, which are also part of the eastern border of the European Union. Interviews with refugees were conducted using an author’s questionnaire written in Ukrainian. Score/results – on the basis of the collected empirical material, it can be concluded that the refugees are people of working age and well educated, which made it easier for them to find jobs, albeit inadequate for their learned professions. Most of them make a living from the salaries they receive. Thus, they can be considered entrepreneurial and resourceful Originality/value – many studies have focused on analysing the impact of forced migration on the labour market in host countries, indicating its both positive and negative effects. At the same time, there is a shortage of scientific studies resulting from empirical research relating to the employment situation of Ukrainian immigrants arriving in the country after February 2022. The issue of the labour market participation of Ukraine war migrants in Poland is still a relatively new research area, which requires systematic research and in-depth analysis in order to design the most effective measures.Joanna Zielińska-Szczepkowska: [email protected] Wysocka: [email protected] Łojko: [email protected] Zielińska-Szczepkowska - University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynMagdalena Wysocka - University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynMajka Łojko - University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynBlack S.E., Liepmann H., Remigereau C., Spitz-Oener A., 2022, Government Aid and Child Refugees’ Economic Success Later in Life: Evidence from Post-WWII GDR Refugees, “Labour Economics”, Vol. 75, DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2021.102099.Braun S., Mahmound T.O., 2014, The Employment Effects of Immigration: Evidence from the Mass Arrival of German Expellees in Postwar Germany, “Journal of Economic History”, Vol. 74, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1017/S0022050714000035.Brücker H., Ette A., Grabka M.M., Kosyakova Y., Niehues W., Rother N., Spieß C.K., Zinn S., Bujard M., Cardozo Silva A.R., Décieux J.P., Madox A., Milewski N., Sauer L., Schmitz S., Schwanhäuser S., Siegert M., Steinhauer H., Tanis K., 2023, Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: Evidence From a Large Representative Survey, “Comparative Population Studies”, Vol. 48, DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2023-16.Brunarska Z., Kindler M., Szulecka M., Toruńczyk-Ruiz S., 2016, Ukrainian Migration to Poland: A “Local” Mobility? 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