448 research outputs found

    De-regulation of common housekeeping genes in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumorigenesis is associated with changes in gene expression and involves many pathways. Dysregulated genes include "housekeeping" genes that are often used for normalization for quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qPCR), which may lead to unreliable results. This study assessed eight stages of hepatitis C virus (HCV) induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to search for appropriate genes for normalization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Gene expression profiles using microarrays revealed differential expression of most "housekeeping" genes during the course of HCV-HCC, including glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and beta-actin (ACTB), genes frequently used for normalization. QPCR reactions confirmed the regulation of these genes. Using them for normalization had strong effects on the extent of differential expressed genes, leading to misinterpretation of the results.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As shown here in the case of HCV-induced HCC, the most constantly expressed gene is the arginine/serine-rich splicing factor 4 (SFRS4). The utilization of at least two genes for normalization is robust and advantageous, because they can compensate for slight differences of their expression when not co-regulated. The combination of ribosomal protein large 41 (RPL41) and SFRS4 used for normalization led to very similar results as SFRS4 alone and is a very good choice for reference in this disease as shown on four differentially expressed genes.</p

    Development and validation of the 15-STARS - A novel self-report pharmacy-based questionnaire to screen for medication non-adherence

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    Background Published scales measuring medication adherence are myriad. There is a need for a tool that guides towards downstream adherence interventions. Objective To develop and validate a self-report questionnaire able to detect modifiable determinants of medication non-adherence. Methods Workshops, surveys and meetings were used to identify items. Validation was performed in French and German (Switzerland) between March and April 2022. Face validation, content validation, construct validation, internal consistency and test-retest reliability were assessed. The questionnaire was finalized in August 2022. Results The first draft in English included 13 items divided into four areas. Following translation, validation was performed with 144 patients (63 German-, 81 French-speaking) who were recruited in 35 community pharmacies. Acceptability was good (<5% missing data). Psychometric properties were acceptable with good content validity and moderate construct validity. Internal consistency was acceptable for the French version (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.71 [item 1–5] - 0.61 [item 6–9]) and less acceptable for the German version (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.43 [item 1–5] - 0.45 [item 6–9]). Test-retest was given for all items (r = 0.52 to 1.0) except item 10 in French (r = 0.25). The final instrument is a 15-item questionnaire called the 15-STARS (Screening Tool for AdheRence to medicineS) that assesses practical difficulties with medicine use, reasons for non-adherence, doses missed, and need for further help. Conclusions Our findings support the validity and clinical utility of the 15-STARS questionnaire. Reliability was inconclusive due to incoherent internal consistency, but explainable by the single-item nature of the scale. This new tool will enable the detection of patients who experience difficulties that negatively influence medication adherence. Pharmacists will be able to propose specific and tailored adherence interventions to the patients. Next steps will focus on evaluating its usefulness for developing targeted interventions that optimize medication adherence in routine care and research settings

    Structure of the catalytic sites in Fe/N/C-catalysts for O-2-reduction in PEM fuel cells

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Fe-based catalytic sites for the reduction of oxygen in acidic medium have been identified by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of Fe/N/C catalysts containing 0.03 to 1.55 wt% Fe, which were prepared by impregnation of iron acetate on carbon black followed by heat-treatment in NH3 at 950 °C. Four different Fe-species were detected at all iron concentrations: three doublets assigned to molecular FeN4-like sites with their ferrous ions in a low (D1), intermediate (D2) or high (D3) spin state, and two other doublets assigned to a single Fe-species (D4 and D5) consisting of surface oxidized nitride nanoparticles (FexN, with x ≤ 2.1). A fifth Fe-species appears only in those catalysts with Fe-contents ≥0.27 wt%. It is characterized by a very broad singlet, which has been assigned to incomplete FeN4-like sites that quickly dissolve in contact with an acid. Among the five Fe-species identified in these catalysts, only D1 and D3 display catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in the acid medium, with D3 featuring a composite structure with a protonated neighbour basic nitrogen and being by far the most active species, with an estimated turn over frequency for the ORR of 11.4 e− per site per s at 0.8 V vs. RHE. Moreover, all D1 sites and between 1/2 and 2/3 of the D3 sites are acid-resistant. A scheme for the mechanism of site formation upon heat-treatment is also proposed. This identification of the ORR-active sites in these catalysts is of crucial importance to design strategies to improve the catalytic activity and stability of these materials

    Assessing the perspective of well-being of older patients with multiple morbidities by using the LAVA tool-a person-centered approach

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    BACKGROUND: Older patients with multiple morbidities are a particularly vulnerable population that is likely to face complex medical decisions at some time in their lives. A patient-centered medical care fosters the inclusion of the patients’ perspectives, priorities, and complaints into clinical decision making. METHODS: This article presents a short and non-normative assessment tool to capture the priorities and problems of older patients. The so-called LAVA (“Life and Vitality Assessment”) tool was developed for practical use in seniors in the general population and for residents in nursing homes in order to gain more knowledge about the patients themselves as well as to facilitate access to the patients. The LAVA tool conceptualizes well-being from the perspectives of older individuals themselves rather than from the perspectives of outside individuals. RESULTS: The LAVA tool is graphically presented and the assessment is explained in detail. Exemplarily, the outcomes of the assessments with the LAVA of three multimorbid older patients are presented and discussed. In each case, the assessment pointed out resources as well as at least one problem area, rated as very important by the patients themselves. CONCLUSIONS: The LAVA tool is a short, non-normative, and useful approach that encapsulates the perspectives of well-being of multimorbid patients and gives insights into their resources and problem areas. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12877-021-02342-3

    Improved eye- and skin-color prediction based on 8 SNPs

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    Aim To improve the 7-plex system to predict eye and skin color by increasing precision and detailed phenotypic descriptions. Methods Analysis of an eighth single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs12896399 (SLC24A4), showed a statistically significant association with human eye color (P = 0.007) but a rather poor strength of agreement (κ = 0.063). This SNP was added to the 7-plex system (rs12913832 at HERC2, rs1545397 at OCA2, rs16891982 at SLC45A2, rs1426654 at SLC24A5, rs885479 at MC1R, rs6119471 at ASIP, and rs12203592 at IRF4). Further, the instruction guidelines on the interpretation of genotypes were changed to create a new 8-plex system. This was based on the analysis of an 803-sample training set of various populations. The newly developed 8-plex system can predict the eye colors brown, green, and blue, and skin colors light, not dark, and not light. It is superior to the 7-plex system with its additional ability to predict blue eye and light skin color. Results The 8-plex system was tested on an additional 212 samples, the test set. Analysis showed that the number of positive descriptions for eye colors as being brown, green, or blue increased significantly (P = 6.98e-15, z-score: -7.786). The error rate for eye-color prediction was low, at approximately 5%, while the skin color prediction showed no error in the test set (1% in training set). Conclusions We can conclude that the new 8-plex system for the prediction of eye and skin color substantially enhances its former version. Receive

    Genopal™: A Novel Hollow Fibre Array for Focused Microarray Analysis

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    Expression profiling of target genes in patient blood is a powerful tool for RNA diagnosis. Here, we describe Genopal™, a novel platform ideal for efficient focused microarray analysis. Genopal™, which consists of gel-filled fibres, is advantageous for high-quality mass production via large-scale slicing of the Genopal™ block. We prepared two arrays, infectant and autoimmunity, that provided highly reliable data in terms of repetitive scanning of the same and/or distinct microarrays. Moreover, we demonstrated that Genopal™ had sensitivity sufficient to yield signals in short hybridization times (0.5 h). Application of the autoimmunity array to blood samples allowed us to identify an expression pattern specific to Takayasu arteritis based on the Spearman rank correlation by comparing the reference profile with those of several autoimmune diseases and healthy volunteers (HVs). The comparison of these data with those obtained by other methods revealed that they exhibited similar expression profiles of many target genes. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Genopal™ is an advantageous platform for focused microarrays with regard to its low cost, rapid results and reliable quality

    On dynamic network entropy in cancer

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    The cellular phenotype is described by a complex network of molecular interactions. Elucidating network properties that distinguish disease from the healthy cellular state is therefore of critical importance for gaining systems-level insights into disease mechanisms and ultimately for developing improved therapies. By integrating gene expression data with a protein interaction network to induce a stochastic dynamics on the network, we here demonstrate that cancer cells are characterised by an increase in the dynamic network entropy, compared to cells of normal physiology. Using a fundamental relation between the macroscopic resilience of a dynamical system and the uncertainty (entropy) in the underlying microscopic processes, we argue that cancer cells will be more robust to random gene perturbations. In addition, we formally demonstrate that gene expression differences between normal and cancer tissue are anticorrelated with local dynamic entropy changes, thus providing a systemic link between gene expression changes at the nodes and their local network dynamics. In particular, we also find that genes which drive cell-proliferation in cancer cells and which often encode oncogenes are associated with reductions in the dynamic network entropy. In summary, our results support the view that the observed increased robustness of cancer cells to perturbation and therapy may be due to an increase in the dynamic network entropy that allows cells to adapt to the new cellular stresses. Conversely, genes that exhibit local flux entropy decreases in cancer may render cancer cells more susceptible to targeted intervention and may therefore represent promising drug targets.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Submitte

    Augmentation of Nr4a3 and suppression of Fshb expression in the pituitary gland of female Annexin A5 null mouse

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    GnRH enhances the expression of annexin A5 (ANXA5) in pituitary gonadotropes, and ANXA5 enhances gonadotropin secretion. However, the impact of ANXA5 regulation on the expression of pituitary hormone genes remains unclear. Here, using quantitative PCR, we demonstrated that ANXA5 deficiency in female mice reduced the expression of Fshb and Gh in their pituitary glands. Transcriptome analysis confirmed a specific increase in Nr4a3 mRNA expression in addition to lower levels of Fshb expression in ANXA5-deficient female pituitary glands. This gene was then found to be a GnRH-inducible immediate early gene, and its increased expression caused protein to accumulate in the nucleus after administration of a GnRH agonist in LβT2 cells, which are an in vitro pituitary gonadotrope model. The increase in ANXA5 protein levels in LβT2 cells clearly suppressed Nr4a3 expression. siRNA-mediated inhibition of Nr4a3 expression increased Fshb expression. The results revealed that GnRH stimulates Nr4a3 and Anxa5 sequentially. NR4A3 suppression of Fshb may be necessary for later massive secretion of FSH by GnRH in gonadotropes, and Nr4a3 would be nega- tively regulated by ANXA5 to increase FSH secretion

    Features of 80S mammalian ribosome and its subunits

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    It is generally believed that basic features of ribosomal functions are universally valid, but a systematic test still stands out for higher eukaryotic 80S ribosomes. Here we report: (i) differences in tRNA and mRNA binding capabilities of eukaryotic and bacterial ribosomes and their subunits. Eukaryotic 40S subunits bind mRNA exclusively in the presence of cognate tRNA, whereas bacterial 30S do bind mRNA already in the absence of tRNA. 80S ribosomes bind mRNA efficiently in the absence of tRNA. In contrast, bacterial 70S interact with mRNA more productively in the presence rather than in the absence of tRNA. (ii) States of initiation (Pi), pre-translocation (PRE) and post-translocation (POST) of the ribosome were checked and no significant functional differences to the prokaryotic counterpart were observed including the reciprocal linkage between A and E sites. (iii) Eukaryotic ribosomes bind tetracycline with an affinity 15 times lower than that of bacterial ribosomes (Kd 30 μM and 1–2 μM, respectively). The drug does not effect enzymatic A-site occupation of 80S ribosomes in contrast to non-enzymatic tRNA binding to the A-site. Both observations explain the relative resistance of eukaryotic ribosomes to this antibiotic