792 research outputs found

    Aging as a consequence of misrepair -- A novel theory of aging

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    It is now increasingly realized that the underlying mechanisms which govern aging is a complex interplay of genetic regulation and damage accumulation. Aging as a result of accumulation of ‘faults’ on cellular and molecular levels, has been proposed in the damage (fault)-accumulation theory by Kirkwood 2006. However, this theory fails to explain some aging phenotypes such as fibrosis and premature aging, since terms such as ‘damage’ and ‘fault’ are not specified. Therefore we introduce here a specification of the underlying mechanism of aging and arrive at a novel theory: aging of the body is a result of the accumulation of Misrepair of tissue. It emphasizes: a) it is Misrepair, not the original damage, that accumulates and leads to aging; and b) aging can occur at different levels, however aging of the body takes place at least on the tissue level, but not necessarily on cellular/molecular level. The novel concept of Misrepair introduced here unifies the understanding of the roles of environmental damage, repair, gene regulation, and multicellular structure in the aging process. The Misrepair-accumulation theory introduced in the present paper gives explanations for the aging phenotypes, premature aging, and the difference of longevity in different species, and is consistent with the point of view of physical theory of complex systems

    Case Studies of Alberta Clipper Systems and the Impacts on Winter Weather Road Maintenance

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    Winter weather can cause profound impacts to a variety of economic sectors in the mid-latitudes. In the Great Plains of North America, one sector that is highly impacted by winter weather is road transportation. The burdens to road transportation caused by winter weather have led to the adoption of a Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT). Using both observational and numerical weather model data, NDOT-MDSS generates both winter weather forecasts and winter road maintenance recommendations. Little is known about how well NDOT-MDSS is forecasting conditions for different winter weather events. Using a case study approach, NDOT-MDSS output for two different winter storms which impacted Nebraska during the 2018-2019 winter are analyzed. Both winter storms were brought on by Alberta clipper systems, one impacting the Omaha area and the other impacting the Lincoln area. Three objectives are undertaken while analyzing each case study. For the first objective, synoptic background conditions are analyzed to get a sense of the environment which produced each system. This is followed by an analysis and comparison of multiple NDOT-MDSS forecast parameters with meteorological variables recorded in both Omaha and Lincoln. For the second objective, parameters pertaining to snowfall are examined for both events to see how NDOT-MDSS handled the generation and timeline of snow. Finally, the last objective includes a comparison of snowfall accumulations produced by NDOT-MDSS for each event to other numerical weather models and forecasts made by the National Weather Service (NWS). A comparison of observed synoptic conditions and the output of NDOT-MDSS between the two different events are then undertaken briefly. This analysis helped in aiding NDOT with insight on the limitations, benefits, and overall effectiveness of the NDOT-MDSS. In both case studies, NDOT-MDSS had a good handle on each event but did present some biases. NDOT-MDSS rarely made any major errors. NDOT-MDSS may be able to be relied on for future winter weather events similar to the two case studies analyzed. Advisor: Mark R. Anderso

    Ultrafast coherent Raman spectroscopy

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    Prescription Drug Abuse And Diversion Increase With Age

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    This study conducted a secondary analysis of quantitative data collected from 2005 through 2009 from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The study found that prescription drug abuse and diversion from 2005 through 2009 showed an increasing usage, which is dependent upon age and drug category. While those aged 18-25 demonstrated higher nonmedical use of prescription drugs for three drug categories, those aged 50 and older were determined to have a higher usage in only one drug category. Overall the study determined that after age 50 nonmedical use of prescription drug and therefore diversion begins to drop significantly except for one drug category, which is sedative. Although this study determined that as age of the prescription drug abuser increases the number of individuals 50 and older that reported nonmedical use and higher averages for days using in a 12-month period

    Green Synthesis of Potential Antifungal Agents: 2-Benzyl Substituted Thiobenzoazoles

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    A series of benzyl-substituted thiobenzoazoles were synthesized by an environmentally friendly 18 approach, to search for new antifungal agrochemicals. Compounds were prepared starting from 2- 19 mercaptobenzoazoles, using KOH, benzyl halides and water, resulting in a simple and ecological 20 method. New antifungals were tested against a group of phytopathogenic fungi. Two compounds 21 showed an interesting activity against Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus spp.: 22 2-((4-(trifluoromethyl)benzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3ac, and 2-((4- 23 methylbenzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3al. Thus, 3ac and 3al can be considered as broad spectrum 24 antifungal agents. Furthermore, two new compounds, 2-((4-iodobenzyl)thio)benzo[d]thiazole, 3aj, 25 and 2-(benzylthio)benzo[d]oxazole, 3ba, showed better inhibitory effect against Botrytis cinerea 26 and Fusarium oxysporum when compared to the commercial fungicide Captan. Thus, 3aj and 3ba 27 can be considered reduced-spectrum antifungalsFil: Ballari, María Sol. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Herrera Cano, Natividad Carolina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López, Abel Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Wunderlin, Daniel Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Feresin, Gabriela Egly. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Santiago, Ana Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; Argentin

    Indiana Jones und das Bild des Archäologen: Die Popularisierung eines Berufsbildes

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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: Der Name Indiana Jones steht für atemberaubende Abenteuer, exotische Orte, mystische Artefakte und beängstigende Gefahren. Die Filme «brachten eine Rückkehr des Abenteuerfilms in eine Kinokultur, [...] die sich nach den unschuldigen Vergnügungen eines Kinos der Träume zurücksehnte». Der berühmte Archäologe zeigt sich dabei von zwei Seiten: Als bürgerlicher Professor und als abenteuerlicher Held. Beide zusammen zeichnen ein Bild eines überaus spektakulären Alltags eines wissenschaftlichen Forschers.Im folgenden Beitrag wird untersucht, welches Bild der Archäologie in den Indiana-Jones-Filmen vermittelt wird und welche Elemente zu dieser Darstellung beitragen. Ausgehend von der Beschreibung beider Seiten (Professor und Abenteurer) wird illustriert, welche Bedeutung diese für die Handlung und das gesellschaftliche Bild des Archäologen, der für sich schon eine spezielle Form des Wissenschaftlers darstellt, haben. Dabei spielen auch andere Faktoren wie Pseudowissenschaft, Artefakte und auch der Film selbst (als Unterhaltungsmedium) eine bedeutende Rolle.Die Beispiele, auf welche sich die Argumentation stützt, stammen aus den Filmen Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) und Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), weil sie aufgrund vieler Parallelen sehr gut zur Deutung von Indiana Jones geeignet sind

    Multi-point monitoring of nitrous oxide emissions and aeration efficiency in a full-scale conventional activated sludge tank

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    In this work the biological tank of a WRRF in Italy was monitored placing five floating hoods on a plug-flow-like biological aerated tank surface in order to capture emission dynamics in both time and space domains. The five hoods report which location is more responsible for N2O production at a certain moment of the day. Moreover, with this experimental investigation, a spatial shift in N2O production towards the end of the biological tank could be detected. This provides important insights in the changes in biological dynamics especially with varying incoming load

    Olten – bitte umsteigen! Die Tradition einer Stadt und ihr Wandel

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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: «Olten ist ein ganz der Gegenwart zugewandter Ort.» Philipp Schumacher Was hat Martin Disteli mit Schnitzel und Pommes Frites ge-­meinsam? Was haben Vorhänge und Jassteppiche mit Kultur zu tun? Und in welchem Verhältnis stehen Kultur und Tradition? Olten erlebt eine Zeit des Umbruchs: Finanzielle Engpässe, Ver-­schwinden der Eisenbahnkultur, «Lädelisterben» und Migration in die Metropolen bewirken eine Umstrukturierung, mit welcher eine kulturelle Wandlung des Kleinstädtchens einhergeht. Im Buch «Mein Olten» äussert sich der Schriftsteller Alex Capus folgendermassen zum wirtschaftlichen Umschwung der Stadt ohne eigene Autobahnausfahrt:«Die Industrie ist weggezogen, ich weiss nicht wohin, wahr-­scheinlich nach China. Die Oltner arbeiten nicht mehr in Olten, sondern in Zürich, Basel und Bern; und jene, die heute in Olten arbeiten, fahren abends zum Schlafen anderswo hin.

    První fáze NDR literatury: budovatelská literatura 1949-1956

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    Anotace: Práce se zabývá první fází literatury Německé demokratické republiky, tzv. budovatelskou literaturou. Rozebírá způsoby, jak se NDR v letech 1949 - 1956 vypořádávala s fašistickou minulostí a jak se budoval vznikající socialistický stát. Budovatelská literatura popisovala snahy o výchovu člověka ve smyslu socialistické ideologie a zobrazovala všední život lidí v socialistickém státě. Tato literatura měla zároveň za cíl motivovat pracující lid ke zvyšování produktivity práce a tak i k budování socialistického hospodářství. Cílem mé práce je ukázat realitu tehdejší doby v literárním zpracování. Podkladem pro moji práci jsou čtyři vybraná díla spisovatelů NDR : Eduard Claudius Mensch an unserer Seite, Hans Marschwitza Roheisen, Jan Koplowitz Unser Kumpel Max, der Riese, Elfriede Brüning Regine Haberkorn a Harry Thürk Die Herren des Salzes. Klíčová slova: NDR, budovatelská literatura, budovatelská fáze, socialistický stát, pracující lid, produkce, převýchova, Eduard Claudius, Hans Machwitza, Jan Koplowitz, Harry Thürk, Elfriede BrüningThis work deals with the first phase of the GDR literature, the so-called Aufbauliteratur. It shows how the GDR dealt during the years 1949 to 1956 with the fascist past and how the newly formed socialist state was built. The contemporary literature of the GDR reflects the efforts to reeducate people in the sense of the socialist ideas and to portray the daily life of the new socialist republic. In the meantime this literature should boost the working people to increase the production and to build a socialist economy. The aim of my work is to show the reflection of the former reality in the literature. As a basis for this analysis there are five selected works from Eduard Claudius Mensch an unserer Seite, Hans Marchwitza Roheisen, Elfriede Brüning Regine Haberkorn, Jan Koplowitz Unser Kumpel Max, der Riese und Harry Thürk Die Herren des Salzes. Keywords: GDR, Aufbauliteratur, socialist state, working people, production, re-education, Eduard Claudius, Hans Machwitza, Jan Koplowitz, Harry Thürk, Elfriede BrüningInstitute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Mefisto: Román jedné kariéry. Morální zodpovědnost umělce. Srovaní Klause Manna a Gustafa Gründgense.

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    Práce se zabývá ambivalentním vztahem Klause Manna a Gustafa Gründgense. Dřívější političtí a umělečtí kolegové a přátelé zvolili v době národního socialismu protichůdné cesty. Bývalá důvěrnost jejich vztahu umožnila Klausovi Mannovi osobnost Gustava Gründgense zpracovat literárně v dobově kritickém románu Mefisto. Klaus Mann popisuje na jedné straně cestu kultivovaného stoupence režimu, talentovaného oportunisty a bezcharakterního kariéristy, zároveň je ale tento román subjektivním zúčtováním Klause Manna s jeho dřívějším přítelem. Cílem mé práce je srovnání morálních postojů a vývoje obou umělců v době nacismu na základě rozboru románu Mefisto. Klíčová slova: Klaus Mann, Gustaf Gründgens, Kariéra, Srovnání, Morální Zodpovědnost Umělce, Národní Socialismus, Ambivalence Vztahu Klause Manna a Gustafa GründgenseThe work deals with the ambivalent relationship between Klaus Mann and Gustaf Gründgens. Former political and artistic colleagues and friends chose opposite paths during the time of National Socialism. The prior thrust in their relationship allowed Klaus Mann to process the person of Gustaf Gründgens in the time-critical novel Mephisto. On the one hand, Klaus Mann describes the path of a cultivated supporter of the regime, the talented opportunist and characterless careerist while the novel is also Klaus Mann's dealing with his past friend. The aim of my work is to compare the moral positions and development of the two artists during the Nazi-regime. The basis for this comparison is the novel Mephisto. Keywords: Klaus Mann, Gustaf Gründgens, Career, Comparison, Moral Responsibility, Artist, National Socialism, Ambivalent Relationship of Klaus Mann and Gustaf GründgensInstitute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult