15,831 research outputs found

    Renormalization of the Sigma-Omega model within the framework of U(1) gauge symmetry

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    It is shown that the Sigma-Omega model which is widely used in the study of nuclear relativistic many-body problem can exactly be treated as an Abelian massive gauge field theory. The quantization of this theory can perfectly be performed by means of the general methods described in the quantum gauge field theory. Especially, the local U(1) gauge symmetry of the theory leads to a series of Ward-Takahashi identities satisfied by Green's functions and proper vertices. These identities form an uniquely correct basis for the renormalization of the theory. The renormalization is carried out in the mass-dependent momentum space subtraction scheme and by the renormalization group approach. With the aid of the renormalization boundary conditions, the solutions to the renormalization group equations are given in definite expressions without any ambiguity and renormalized S-matrix elememts are exactly formulated in forms as given in a series of tree diagrams provided that the physical parameters are replaced by the running ones. As an illustration of the renormalization procedure, the one-loop renormalization is concretely carried out and the results are given in rigorous forms which are suitable in the whole energy region. The effect of the one-loop renormalization is examined by the two-nucleon elastic scattering.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figure

    Quantum computation in silicon-vacancy centers based on nonadiabatic geometric gates protected by dynamical decoupling

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    Due to strong zero-phonon line emission, narrow inhomogeneous broadening, and stable optical transition frequencies, the quantum system consisting of negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond is highly expected to develop universal quantum computation. We propose to implement quantum computation for the first time using SiV centers placed in a one-dimensional phononic waveguide, for which quantum gates are realized in a nonadiabatic geometric way and protected by dynamical decoupling (DD). The scheme has the feature of geometric quantum computation that is robust to control errors and the advantage of DD that is insensitive to environmental impact. Furthermore, the encoding of qubits in long-lifetime ground states of silicon-vacancy centers can reduce the effect of spontaneous emission. Numerical simulations demonstrate the practicability of the SiV center system for quantum computation and the robustness improvement of quantum gates by DD pulses. This scheme may provide a promising path toward high-fidelity geometric quantum computation in solid-state systems

    Quantum contextuality for a relativistic spin-1/2 particle

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    The quantum predictions for a single nonrelativistic spin-1/2 particle can be reproduced by noncontextual hidden variables. Here we show that quantum contextuality for a relativistic electron moving in a Coulomb potential naturally emerges if relativistic effects are taken into account. The contextuality can be identified through the violation of noncontextuality inequalities. We also discuss quantum contextuality for the free Dirac electron as well as the relativistic Dirac oscillator.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page

    Vertical and longitudinal electron density structures of equatorial E- and F-regions

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    From global soundings of ionospheric electron density made with FORMOSAT 3/COSMIC satellites for September 2006–August 2009, day-night variations in vertical and longitudinal structures of the electron densities in equatorial E- and F-regions for different seasons are investigated for the first time. The results reveal that the wavenumber-3 and wavenumber-4 patterns dominated the nighttime (22:00–04:00 LT) F-region longitudinal structures in solstice and in equinox seasons, respectively. In daytime (08:00–18:00 LT) F-region, the wavenumber-4 patterns governed the longitudinal structures in the September equinox and December solstice, and wavenumber-3 in March equinox and June solstice respectively. A comparison of the daytime and nighttime longitudinal electron density structures indicates that they are approximately 180° out of phase with each other. It is believed that this out of phase relation is very likely the result of the opposite phase relation between daytime and nighttime nonmigrating diurnal tidal winds that modulate background E-region dynamo electric field at different places, leading to the day-night change in the locations of the equatorial plasma fountains that are responsible for the formation of the F-region longitudinal structures. Further, a good consistency between the locations of the density structures in the same seasons of the different years for both daytime and nighttime epochs has been noticed indicating that the source mechanism for these structures could be the same

    Six-Quark Amplitudes from Fermionic MHV Vertices

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    The fermionic extension of the CSW approach to perturbative gauge theory coupled with fermions is used to compute the six-quark QCD amplitudes. We find complete agreement with the results obtained by using the usual Feynman rules.Comment: Latex file, 16 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental and Numerical Studies on Tire Tread Block Friction Characteristics Based on a New Test Device

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    A new device was developed for tire tread block slip friction tests. Then the friction characteristics were investigated under different loads and contact roads. Based on this, a friction model for contact between tire tread block and different road surfaces was developed. A finite element slip friction model of rubber block was developed for studying the tread contact stress, stiffness under different pattern slope angles, and ditch radius. Results indicate that friction coefficient between tread and ice road increases when the temperature decreases; different tread patterns have a certain influence on the friction coefficient; its average difference was less than 10%. Different roads impact the coefficient of friction more significantly; the greater the pattern slope, the greater the radial stiffness