42 research outputs found

    Fluctuating hydrodynamics and turbulence in a rotating fluid: Universal properties

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    We analyze the statistical properties of three-dimensional (3d3d) turbulence in a rotating fluid. To this end we introduce a generating functional to study the statistical properties of the velocity field v\bf v. We obtain the master equation from the Navier-Stokes equation in a rotating frame and thence a set of exact hierarchical equations for the velocity structure functions for arbitrary angular velocity Ω\mathbf \Omega. In particular we obtain the {\em differential forms} for the analogs of the well-known von Karman-Howarth relation for 3d3d fluid turbulence. We examine their behavior in the limit of large rotation. Our results clearly suggest dissimilar statistical behavior and scaling along directions parallel and perpendicular to Ω\mathbf \Omega. The hierarchical relations yield strong evidence that the nature of the flows for large rotation is not identical to pure two-dimensional flows. To complement these results, by using an effective model in the small-Ω\Omega limit, within a one-loop approximation, we show that the equal-time correlation of the velocity components parallel to Ω\mathbf \Omega displays Kolmogorov scaling q5/3q^{-5/3}, where as for all other components, the equal-time correlators scale as q3q^{-3} in the inertial range where q\bf q is a wavevector in 3d3d. Our results are generally testable in experiments and/or direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equation in a rotating frame.Comment: 24 pages in preprint format; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (2011

    On the Hausdorff dimension of regular points of inviscid Burgers equation with stable initial data

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    Consider an inviscid Burgers equation whose initial data is a Levy a-stable process Z with a > 1. We show that when Z has positive jumps, the Hausdorff dimension of the set of Lagrangian regular points associated with the equation is strictly smaller than 1/a, as soon as a is close to 1. This gives a negative answer to a conjecture of Janicki and Woyczynski. Along the way, we contradict a recent conjecture of Z. Shi about the lower tails of integrated stable processes

    Girls\u27 Education Roadmap: 2021 Report Summary

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    While insufficient to meet the vast needs, billions of dollars are being invested in girls’ education advocacy, program, and policy solutions around the world. At the same time, hundreds of millions are invested in research about what works in education. And yet, the policies and approaches that are pursued often don’t line up with what researchers find is effective. The result is that governments, international organizations, and NGOs are too often investing scarce resources in policies or interventions without knowing whether they work. As noted in this report summary, the Girls’ Education Roadmap shares insights derived from data in the Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER). The report reviews thousands of studies and assesses hundreds of organizations to figure out who’s doing what, what’s working where, and what are the biggest needs facing girls. The goals were to make sure governments, NGOs, and donors are investing in what works and to make sure researchers are focusing on answering the most urgent questions for the field

    Girls\u27 Education Roadmap: 2021 Report

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    While insufficient to meet the vast needs, billions of dollars are being invested in girls’ education advocacy, program, and policy solutions around the world. At the same time, hundreds of millions are invested in research about what works in education. And yet, the policies and approaches that are pursued often don’t line up with what researchers find is effective. The result is that governments, international organizations, and NGOs are too often investing scarce resources in policies or interventions without knowing whether they work. In partnership with Echidna Giving, the GIRL Center at the Population Council developed the Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER), an interactive online database that practitioners, researchers, donors, and decisionmakers can use to drive better results for girls, boys, and communities around the world. EGER addresses how to ensure that limited resources are invested in the most effective solutions to achieve gender equality in education. The resulting data provide valuable insights into gaps and opportunities for the global girls’ education field, and this report shares those insights

    Levy stable distributions via associated integral transform

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    We present a method of generation of exact and explicit forms of one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions g_{\alpha}(x), 0 \leq x < \infty, 0 < \alpha < 1. We demonstrate that the knowledge of one such a distribution g_{\alpha}(x) suffices to obtain exactly g_{\alpha^{p}}(x), p=2, 3,... Similarly, from known g_{\alpha}(x) and g_{\beta}(x), 0 < \alpha, \beta < 1, we obtain g_{\alpha \beta}(x). The method is based on the construction of the integral operator, called Levy transform, which implements the above operations. For \alpha rational, \alpha = l/k with l < k, we reproduce in this manner many of the recently obtained exact results for g_{l/k}(x). This approach can be also recast as an application of the Efros theorem for generalized Laplace convolutions. It relies solely on efficient definite integration.Comment: 12 pages, typos removed, references adde

    Statistical properties of driven Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in three dimensions: Novel universality

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    We analyse the universal properties of nonequilibrium steady states of driven Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in three dimensions (3d). We elucidate the dependence of various phenomenologically important dimensionless constants on the symmetries of the two-point correlation functions. We, for the first time, also suggest the intriguing possibility of multiscaling universality class varying continuously with certain dimensionless parameters. The experimental and theoretical implications of our results are discussed.Comment: To appear in Europhys. Lett. (2004

    The global picture of self-similar and not self-similar decay in Burgers Turbulence

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    This paper continue earlier investigations on the decay of Burgers turbulence in one dimension from Gaussian random initial conditions of the power-law spectral type E0(k)knE_0(k)\sim|k|^n. Depending on the power nn, different characteristic regions are distinguished. The main focus of this paper is to delineate the regions in wave-number kk and time tt in which self-similarity can (and cannot) be observed, taking into account small-kk and large-kk cutoffs. The evolution of the spectrum can be inferred using physical arguments describing the competition between the initial spectrum and the new frequencies generated by the dynamics. For large wavenumbers, we always have k2k^{-2} region, associated to the shocks. When nn is less than one, the large-scale part of the spectrum is preserved in time and the global evolution is self-similar, so that scaling arguments perfectly predict the behavior in time of the energy and of the integral scale. If nn is larger than two, the spectrum tends for long times to a universal scaling form independent of the initial conditions, with universal behavior k2k^2 at small wavenumbers. In the interval 2<n2<n the leading behaviour is self-similar, independent of nn and with universal behavior k2k^2 at small wavenumber. When 1<n<21<n<2, the spectrum has three scaling regions : first, a kn|k|^n region at very small kk\ms1 with a time-independent constant, second, a k2k^2 region at intermediate wavenumbers, finally, the usual k2k^{-2} region. In the remaining interval, n<3n<-3 the small-kk cutoff dominates, and nn also plays no role. We find also (numerically) the subleading term k2\sim k^2 in the evolution of the spectrum in the interval 3<n<1-3<n<1. High-resolution numerical simulations have been performed confirming both scaling predictions and analytical asymptotic theory.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Merging and fragmentation in the Burgers dynamics

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    We explore the noiseless Burgers dynamics in the inviscid limit, the so-called ``adhesion model'' in cosmology, in a regime where (almost) all the fluid particles are embedded within point-like massive halos. Following previous works, we focus our investigations on a ``geometrical'' model, where the matter evolution within the shock manifold is defined from a geometrical construction. This hypothesis is at variance with the assumption that the usual continuity equation holds but, in the inviscid limit, both models agree in the regular regions. Taking advantage of the formulation of the dynamics of this ``geometrical model'' in terms of Legendre transforms and convex hulls, we study the evolution with time of the distribution of matter and the associated partitions of the Lagrangian and Eulerian spaces. We describe how the halo mass distribution derives from a triangulation in Lagrangian space, while the dual Voronoi-like tessellation in Eulerian space gives the boundaries of empty regions with shock nodes at their vertices. We then emphasize that this dynamics actually leads to halo fragmentations for space dimensions greater or equal to 2 (for the inviscid limit studied in this article). This is most easily seen from the properties of the Lagrangian-space triangulation and we illustrate this process in the two-dimensional (2D) case. In particular, we explain how point-like halos only merge through three-body collisions while two-body collisions always give rise to two new massive shock nodes (in 2D). This generalizes to higher dimensions and we briefly illustrate the three-dimensional (3D) case. This leads to a specific picture for the continuous formation of massive halos through successive halo fragmentations and mergings.Comment: 21 pages, final version published in Phys.Rev.

    The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in the weak noise limit: Pattern formation and upper critical dimension

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    We extend the previously developed weak noise scheme, applied to the noisy Burgers equation in 1D, to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for a growing interface in arbitrary dimensions. By means of the Cole-Hopf transformation we show that the growth morphology can be interpreted in terms of dynamically evolving textures of localized growth modes with superimposed diffusive modes. In the Cole-Hopf representation the growth modes are static solutions to the diffusion equation and the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, subsequently boosted to finite velocity by a Galilei transformation. We discuss the dynamics of the pattern formation and, briefly, the superimposed linear modes. Implementing the stochastic interpretation we discuss kinetic transitions and in particular the properties in the pair mode or dipole sector. We find the Hurst exponent H=(3-d)/(4-d) for the random walk of growth modes in the dipole sector. Finally, applying Derrick's theorem based on constrained minimization we show that the upper critical dimension is d=4 in the sense that growth modes cease to exist above this dimension.Comment: 27 pages, 19 eps figs, revte

    Weighted ergodic theorems for Banach-Kantorovich lattice Lp(^,μ^)L_{p}(\hat{\nabla},\hat{\mu})

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    In the present paper we prove weighted ergodic theorems and multiparameter weighted ergodic theorems for positive contractions acting on Lp(^,μ^)L_p(\hat{\nabla},\hat{\mu}). Our main tool is the use of methods of measurable bundles of Banach-Kantorovich lattices.Comment: 11 page