2,401 research outputs found

    Unmasking the Active Galactic Nucleus in PKS J2310-437

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    PKS J2310-437 is an AGN with bright X-ray emission relative to its weak radio emission and optical continuum. It is believed that its jet lies far enough from the line of sight that it is not highly relativistically beamed. It thus provides an extreme test of AGN models. We present new observations aimed at refining the measurement of the source's properties. In optical photometry with the NTT we measure a central excess with relatively steep spectrum lying above the bright elliptical galaxy emission, and we associate the excess wholly or in part with the AGN. A new full-track radio observation with the ATCA finds that the core 8.64GHz emission has varied by about 20 per cent over 38 months, and improves the mapping of the weak jet. With Chandra we measure a well-constrained power-law spectral index for the X-ray core, uncontaminated by extended emission from the cluster environment, with a negligible level of intrinsic absorption. Weak X-ray emission from the resolved radio jet is also measured. Our analysis suggests that the optical continuum in this radio galaxy has varied by at least a factor of four over a timescale of about two years, something that should be testable with further observations. We conclude that the most likely explanation for the bright central X-ray emission is synchrotron radiation from high-energy electrons.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Stellar contributions to the hard X-ray galactic ridge

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    The number density of serendipitous sources in galactic plane Einstein Observatory IPC fields are compared with predictions based on the intensity of the HEAO-1 A2 unresolved hrd X-ray galactic ridge emission. It is concluded that theoretically predicted X-ray source populations of luminosity 8 x 10 to the 32nd power to 3 x 10 to the 34th power ergs s have 2 KeV to 10 KeV local surface densities of less than approximately .0008 L(32) pc/2 and are unlikely to be the dominant contributors to the hard X-ray ridge. An estimate for Be/neutron star binary systems, such as X Persei, gives a 2 keV to 10 keV local surface density of approximately 26 x 10 to the -5 power L(32) pc/2. Stellar systems of low luminosity, are more likely contributors. Both RS CVn and cataclysmic variable systems contribute 43% + or - 18% of the ridge. A more sensitive measurement of the ridge's hard X-ray spectrum should reveal Fe-line emission. We speculate that dM stars are further major contributors

    Introduction to IndianaMap Resources and LiDAR

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    IndianaMap: Leveraging Indiana’s Statewide LiDAR Data — IndianaMap provides access to Indiana’s 2011–2013 statewide light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. These data can be extracted and downloaded in a number of formats and resolutions to support specific project needs. This workshop will show how to view, download, and perform geoprocessing of Indiana’s elevation data to support projects and daily work

    Multiple description video coding for stereoscopic 3D

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    In this paper, we propose an MDC schemes for stereoscopic 3D video. In the literature, MDC has previously been applied in 2D video but not so much in 3D video. The proposed algorithm enhances the error resilience of the 3D video using the combination of even and odd frame based MDC while retaining good temporal prediction efficiency for video over error-prone networks. Improvements are made to the original even and odd frame MDC scheme by adding a controllable amount of side information to improve frame interpolation at the decoder. The side information is also sent according to the video sequence motion for further improvement. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated in error free and error prone environments especially for wireless channels. Simulation results show improved performance using the proposed MDC at high error rates compared to the single description coding (SDC) and the original even and odd frame MDC

    The magnetic field and geometry of the oblique shock in the jet of 3C 346

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    We investigate the brightest regions of the kpc-scale jet in the powerful radio galaxy 3C 346, using new optical HST ACS/F606W polarimetry together with Chandra X-ray data and 14.9 GHz and 22.5 GHz VLA radio polarimetry. The jet shows a close correspondence in optical and radio morphology, while the X-ray emission shows an 0.80 +/- 0.17 kpc offset from the optical and radio peak positions. Optical and radio polarimetry show the same apparent magnetic field position angle and fractional polarization at the brightest knot, where the jet undergoes a large kink of almost 70 degrees in the optical and radio images. The apparent field direction here is well-aligned with the new jet direction, as predicted by earlier work that suggested the kink was the result of an oblique shock. We have explored models of the polarization from oblique shocks to understand the geometry of the 3C 346 jet, and find that the upstream flow is likely to be highly relativistic (0.91 +0.05 / -0.07 c), where the plane of the shock front is inclined at an angle of 51 (+/- 11) degrees to the upstream flow which is at an angle 14 (+8 / -7) degrees to our line of sight. The actual deflection angle of the jet in this case is only 22 degrees.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    The X-ray spectrum of 3C 273

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    An X-ray spectral measurement of the quasar 3C 273 with the HEAO-A2 experiment in June/July 1978 is reported. The best power law fit to the photon flux over the range 2-60 keV gives a slope of 1.41 + or - 0.02. However, structure is observed, indicating a slope of 1.52 between 2 keV and 9 keV and a slight flattening between 9 keV and 30 keV. Observations with the same experiment in December 1977 and OSO-8 in June 1976 allows confirmation of 40% intensity variability on the time scale of months, although within limits provided by the poorer statistical quality of the additional data no spectral change is discerned. Absorption from the source is found to be low, with the 1978 data yielding a 90% confidence upper limit to the hydrogen column density of 4.5 x 10 to the 21st power atoms/sq cm

    Predictive Risk Modelling for Integrated Care: a Structured Review

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    If patients at risk of admission or readmission to hospital or other forms of care could be identified and offered suitable early interventions then their lives and long-term health may be improved by reducing the chances of future admission or readmission to care, and hopefully, their cost of care reduced. Considerable work has been carried out in this subject area especially in the USA and the UK. This has led for instance to the development of tools such as PARR, PARR-30, and the Combined Predictive Model for prediction of emergency readmission or admission to acute care. Here we perform a structured review the academic and grey literature on predictive risk tools for social care utilisation, as well as admission and readmission to general hospitals and psychiatric hospitals. This is the first phase of a project in partnership with Docobo Ltd and funded by Innovate UK,in which we seek to develop novel predictive risk tools and dashboards to assist commissioners in Clinical Commissioning Groups with the triangulation of the intelligence available from routinely collected data to optimise integrated care and better understand the complex needs of individuals

    Virtual Adversarial Ladder Networks For Semi-supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning (SSL) partially circumvents the high cost of labeling data by augmenting a small labeled dataset with a large and relatively cheap unlabeled dataset drawn from the same distribution. This paper offers a novel interpretation of two deep learning-based SSL approaches, ladder networks and virtual adversarial training (VAT), as applying distributional smoothing to their respective latent spaces. We propose a class of models that fuse these approaches. We achieve near-supervised accuracy with high consistency on the MNIST dataset using just 5 labels per class: our best model, ladder with layer-wise virtual adversarial noise (LVAN-LW), achieves 1.42%±0.12 average error rate on the MNIST test set, in comparison with 1.62%±0.65 reported for the ladder network. On adversarial examples generated with L2-normalized fast gradient method, LVAN-LW trained with 5 examples per class achieves average error rate 2.4%±0.3 compared to 68.6%±6.5 for the ladder network and 9.9%±7.5 for VAT

    Variable X-ray spectra of BL Lac objects: HEAO-1 observations of PKS 0548-322 and 2A 1219+305

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    X-ray spectra for the BL Lac objects PKS 0548-322 and 2A 1219+305 measured with the HEAO-1 A2 detectors during pointing maneuvers on September 30, 1978 and May 31, 1978 respectively are presented. Both fit single power law components with low energy absorption. For 2A 1219+305, a thermal bremsstrahlung form gives an unacceptable fit. From a comparison with other statistically poorer observations taken at 6 month intervals while the satellite was in its normal scanning mode, it is found that the sources exhibit spectral variability. A summary of measurements of the 5 BL Lac objects detected with the A2 experiment is presented and it is concluded that X-ray spectral changes in this class of source are common. Their general X-ray spectral characteristics distinguish BL Lac objects from other classes of X-ray emitting active galactic nuclei. Analysis of their total spectra indicates that most of the energy is emitted in the 5 to 100 eV band

    The significance of seniority for women managers’ interpretations of organizational restructuring

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    This paper examines the impact of restructuring within the transport and logistics sector on women managers working at senior and less senior (middle/junior management) levels of the organization. The majority of women experienced increased performance pressures and heavier workloads as well as an increase in working hours. At the same time, there were pressures to work at home (i.e. week-ends and evenings) and reduced opportunities to work from home (i.e. during normal office hours). Management level emerged as an important factor in how these changes were interpreted. Senior managers perceived more positive outcomes in terms of increased motivation and loyalty. Despite a longer working week, they were less likely to report low morale as an outcome from long hours. In fact, irrespective of management level, women working shorter hours were more likely to report low morale as an outcome. Results are discussed in relation to literature on restructuring and careers, in terms of perceptual framing and in relation to different levels of investment in the organization
