16 research outputs found

    Quantum convolutional data-syndrome codes

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    We consider performance of a simple quantum convolutional code in a fault-tolerant regime using several syndrome measurement/decoding strategies and three different error models, including the circuit model.Comment: Abstract submitted for The 20th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2019

    Inter-Cellular Exchange of Cellular Components via VE-Cadherin-Dependent Trans-Endocytosis

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    <div><p>Cell-cell communications typically involve receptor-mediated signaling initiated by soluble or cell-bound ligands. Here, we report a unique mode of endocytosis: proteins originating from cell-cell junctions and cytosolic cellular components from the neighboring cell are internalized, leading to direct exchange of cellular components between two adjacent endothelial cells. VE-cadherins form transcellular bridges between two endothelial cells that are the basis of adherence junctions. At such adherens junction sites, we observed the movement of the entire VE-cadherin molecule from one endothelial cell into the other with junctional and cytoplasmic components. This phenomenon, here termed trans-endocytosis, requires the establishment of a VE-cadherin homodimer <i>in trans</i> with internalization proceeding in a Rac1-, and actomyosin-dependent manner. Importantly, the trans-endocytosis is not dependent on any known endocytic pathway including clathrin-dependent endocytosis, macropinocytosis or phagocytosis. This novel form of cell-cell communications, leading to a direct exchange of cellular components, was observed in 2D and 3D-cultured endothelial cells as well as in the developing zebrafish vasculature.</p></div

    VEC trans-endocytosis is Rac1 dependent.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP and HUVECs expressing iRFP with 100 µM of NSC23766. NSC23766, a specific inhibitor for Rac1 activation, inhibited trans-endocytosis of VEC-EGFP, though cell-cell junctions remained intact. Arrow shows intact cell-cell junction. Cells were first pre-treated for an hour with 100 µM of NSC23766 before co-culture, then were mixed and incubated for 4 hours with 100 µM of NSC23766. Scale bar  = 10 µm. (<b>B</b>) Quantitative analysis of the number of trans-endocytosed structures with Rac1 or Cdc42 inhibitors. ML141, a specific inhibitor of Cdc42, and NSC23766 were used at concentrations around their IC<sub>50</sub> values. The IC<sub>50</sub> values of ML141 and NSC23766 are 2.6 µM and 50 µM, respectively. NSC23766 inhibited trans-endocytosis of VEC in a dose-dependent manner. The number of trans-endocytosed structures was counted for over 10-13 different fields of view per time point; n = 24-35 (ML141) and n = 19-38 (NSC23766). *, p<0.01 vs DMSO. Data were expressed as mean ± SD. (<b>C</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing PA-Rac1-CA and HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP. PA-Rac1-CA was accumulated at cell-cell junctions and co-localized with VEC-EGFP after its activation at 0 time point. Arrowheads show co-localization of PA-Rac1-CA with VEC-EGFP at cell-cell junctions. Scale bar  = 10 µm. See also <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090736#pone.0090736.s010" target="_blank">Movie S4</a>. (<b>D</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing PA-Rac1-DN and HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP. PA-Rac1-DN was not accumulated at cell-cell junctions, nor co-localized with VEC-EGFP after its activation at 0 time point. Scale bar  = 10 µm. See also <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0090736#pone.0090736.s010" target="_blank">Movie S4</a>.</p

    VEC trans-endocytosis mediates transport of junctional proteins.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing VEC-Y658E-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-Y658F-TagRFPT. Arrow heads show VEC-Y658F-TagRFPT molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-Y658E-EGFP expressing cells. (<b>B</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing p120-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-TagRFPT. Arrow shows p120-EGFP molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-TagRFPT expressing cells. (<b>C</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing β-catenin-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-TagRFPT. Arrows show β-catenin -EGFP molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-TagRFPT expressing cells. (<b>D</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC/α-catenin-FLAG. Arrowheads show VEC/α-catenin-FLAG molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-EGFP expressing cells. (<b>E</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-TagRFPT. Arrow shows EGFP molecules were trans-endocytosed and co-localized with VEC-TagRFPT in the recipient cell. (<b>F</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs labeled with iRFP and VEC-EGFP expressing HUVECs transfected with Cy3-labeled scramble siRNA. Arrowhead shows siRNA molecules were trans-endocytosed and co-localized with VEC-EGFP in the recipient cell. (<b>A–F</b>) Lower images are higher magnification of the indicated area in upper images. Scale bars  = 20 µm, upper images; 5 µm, lower images.</p

    VEC molecules are internalized by adjacent cells via trans-endocytosis.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Co-culture of primary microvascular endothelial cells from mice lungs. The primary microvascular endothelial cells were isolated separately from VEC-EGFP knock-in mice and Rosa26-mTmG mice expressing mTomato fluorescent protein in all cells and fixed after 24 hours of the co-culture. The trans-endocytosed VEC-EGFP molecules in mTomato fluorescent protein expressing cells were stained by anti-GFP antibody without (upper images) and with permeabilization (lower images). (<b>B</b>) Higher magnification of images of the indicated area in A. Arrows in upper images show VEC-EGFP molecule could not be stained by anti-GFP antibody in non-permeabilized cells. Arrowheads in lower images show VEC-EGFP molecule stained by anti-GFP antibody in permeabilized cells. (<b>C</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-TagRFPT. Trans-endocytosis of VEC occurred in HUVECs (scale bar  = 20 µm). (<b>D</b>) Higher magnification of the indicated area in C. Arrow shows VEC-EGFP molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-TagRFPT expressing cells. Asterisks show the extended filopodia or adherens junctions from the neighboring cell. Arrow heads show VEC-TagRFPT molecules were trans-endocytosed by VEC-EGFP expressing cells. Scale bar  = 5 µm.</p

    VEC trans-endocytosis is not dependent on known endocytic pathway.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Co-culture of HUVECs expressing VEC-EGFP and HUVECs expressing VEC-TagRFPT, then stained with anti-Rab5 antibody. The trans-endocytosed VEC molecules by the adjacent cell co-localized with Rab5 in the recipient cells to a low extent. Lower images are higher magnification of the indicated area in upper images. Scale bars  = 20 µm, upper images; 5 µm, lower images. (<b>B</b>) Quantitative analysis of the number of trans-endocytosed VEC molecules co-localized with Rab5 in the recipient cells. About 15–20% of trans-endocytosed VEC molecules co-localized with Rab5 in the recipient cells. The percentage of Rab5 co-localization with VEC-TagRFPT was counted over 6-9 different fields of view for each time point; n = 6 (3 h), n = 8 (5 h) and n = 10 (7 h). Data were expressed as mean ± SD. (<b>C</b>) Co-culture of COS7 cells expressing VEC-EGFP and COS7 cells expressing VEC-TagRFPT with or without various inhibitors. Arrows show the trans-endocytosed VEC-EGFP molecules by VEC-TagRFPT expressing cells. Arrowheads show trans-endocytosed VEC-TagRFPT molecules by VEC-EGFP expressing cells. The trans-endocytosis occurred even with several inhibitors for clathrin-dependent endocytosis, macropinocytosis or phagocytosis. Dynasore (20 µM), an inhibitor for clathrin/dynamin dependent endocytosis, 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (25 µM), the macropinocytosis inhibitor, Y27632 (10 µM), ROCK inhibitor, and bafilomycin A1 (200 nM), a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar type H(+)-ATPase for phagocytosis were used. Scale bars  = 20 µm. (<b>D</b>) Quantification of the number of trans-endocytosis positive cells with indicated inhibitors. The percentage of trans-endocytosis positive cells was counted over 10 different fields of view for each inhibitor; n = 88 (DMSO), n = 65 (dynasore), n = 57 (amiloride), n = 63 (Y27632) and n = 57 (bafilomycin A1). Data were expressed as mean ± SD.</p